The NCCD is funded by Zionism?
Some in Algeria to Boutefligha, Democrats have embarked on a major event February 12, 2011. This movement was suppressed with the methods of the French police.
The Yankees have called this Sunday, February 13 Algerian forces of repression to "hold" means that which has not been done against the Egyptian protesters, until Mubarak assured the coup by Souleymane. At that time, the Jewish Zionists and the Yankees have openly called for the army to "ensure the safety of protesters."
The thinly veiled threat follows the pseudo-event organized by the RCD on Saturday, called by many Shabbat RCD. Because the head of the organization occult RCD is a loyal friend of the Jewish Zionists and Yankees. It may even be an aid program by USAID to "DEMONcratiser" Algeria.
In April 2007, while the head of state has rejected the tempting offers for U.S. military bases and NATO on its territory, the ambassador states Americans in Algiers warned the threat of terrorist attacks in the capital.
The statement Crowly spokesman said: "We take note of current events in Algeria and called for restraint by the security forces." It is these kinds of perverts, murderers and rapists that call for restraint? It's high immorality, debauchery intellectual ... or perhaps the simple perversion. Just look at what they do in Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq or Palestine ... to see these people.
The NCCD (Coordination National Change and Democracy), called in the event of Shabbat 12 February (like the 12 rabbis). You know what I think of their democracy funded by the Jewish Zionists.
As for those who cry foremost democracy or a republic, are idolaters. They combine the Almighty, a political power. It is in this case that the Jewish-Zionist secular response would convert us all to their idolatry. The NCCD
wants to revive a demonstration this Saturday. It's amazing that this is done on a Saturday, while in Tunisia, and Egypt, and Yemen, full of demonstrators is important on Friday, while the NCCD is full on Saturday ... on the Sabbath.
Zionization Other evidence of the NCCD, it is Sarkozy's calls to leave NCCD manifest. It is therefore an occult organization funded by the Zionists to take power in Algeria, as they did in Tunisia, Morocco and other countries, as elsewhere in India.
For over 11 years, terrorism is essentially the potentially rich country like Algeria, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia ... etc. It is a game of the Western, with their lead the Yankees and the Zionists.
We are entitled to fight these terrorists, armed, financed and organized by NATO and the Western ... complement
A revolution yes, but as soon as it is to transfer control of the Jewish population -Zionist, I am against it. In Algeria, for example, all democracies controlled by the Jewish Zionists have expressed their support for the NCCD, while in Tunisia, they were against the people, and Egypt, they did much worse against the brothers.
Today, the only resistance are neither Christians nor Jews, neither atheists nor Democrats, or others ... They are Muslims, and they are dying by the thousands to freedom of peoples and the complete cessation of that rampant globalization. Liberal totalitarianism ruled by the Talmud is a program of killing people free.
Just look at what we suffer here in France and Europe. We are drowning in taxes, taxes and deficits, debts and other inflations.
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