Cet article a été publié originellement sur Ria Novosti
Mon avant dernière tribune intitulée : "polémiques vestimentaires" a entraîné une avalanche de mails ainsi que de commentaires sur ma page Facebook. Obviously the issue is taken very seriously by many commentators. Posted January 26 on my wall, the article caused some 98 reviews in less than a week, Russians and French, with a large majority of girls on both sides.
Everything has been addressed: the Russian woman, the French woman, a comparison between the two, the opinions of men, religion, and gender relations in Russia and France! Phew, a sociologist would probably have written the beginning of a thesis with arguments supported by each other. Many comments are a reflection on the subject of feminism.
The article recalled, dealt with the appeal of a bishop for Orthodox young Russian women dress more decently, understand: stop wearing mini skirts too short. The case was handled by the Russian and international press as the bishop has received the support of key religious leaders in Russia. The International Mail (published in France) even told us last January 27 in Chechnya, in the streets of Grozny, is now pulling the paint gun (paintball) on girls who do not dress " decently. " For Irina
example, commenting on my article, the French woman would be "victim feminism, which justifies its unisex clothing, since the quarry has become a priority for her on the family." French women would therefore be the equal of man, above all like him, especially not to make an appearance reminiscent of the look of the man she is a woman. In France, sums up Irina, feminism often means lack of femininity.
This abandonment of an attractive appearance to the eye was certainly motivated by pragmatic reasons, such as insecurity in the streets or comfort, but not only. Irina is probably right: this has been framed by an ideology that ultimately caused great harm to relations between men and women: feminism.
for my part I never understood what the feminists wanted in France, and especially their representatives, for example in the famous association "watchdog". If you can imagine equal representation of women in politics, for example, I remain convinced that the important thing is above all to have good political leaders, regardless of gender. Equality in gender wage France is a good idea, but hunting macho or discrimination based on a quota system are probably bad ideas. Certainly in France, the struggle for equality between men and women encountered many difficulties during the entire 20th century.
I notice it says that the "watchdogs" do not ask for equality without devaluing men in general. Movement through its political influence in some circles and a real representation in media significantly influenced attitudes in France, but usually in the wrong direction. The Additional differences between the sexes are in no way simplistic nor synonymous with cross-gender hierarchy that disadvantage women. Unfortunately for them, the spread of feminism in France was accompanied by a defeminization useless in terms of dress.
Contrast: since I'm in Russia, I do not think I have heard the term feminism once while yet I live surrounded by Russian women. This little miracle is in my opinion much more than retail, but proof that Russian women are probably nothing more to prove and is due mainly to the history of Russia. In the early 20th century, the Bolsheviks in Russia has proclaimed the equality of sexes, equality in fact and law. The women in 1918 earned the right to vote in Russia, while the French have had them wait until 1944.
Russian women then participated actively in the Great Patriotic War, not only by working in factories. There were more than 800,000 Russian women in combat troops, they were doctors, nurses, pilots bombing and snipers at the front. They participated in the most terrible battles and many of them were made heroines of the Soviet Union. In Russia, nobody has forgotten. After the war, lack of men in society has meant that women have coped by themselves and have learned to live without male support.
These difficulties have not yet removed their femininity Russian women, quite the contrary. They have not forgotten some basic equations of inter-gender, namely that a woman likes a man with all the powers on him. For this reason, there is no question of a Russian woman, whether it succeeds or it professionally occupies a job unattractive, can mention to remain attractive, quite the contrary.
I remember the surprise was mine when I arrived in Russia and I watched the men who carried the handbags of women, and women who did not grow to the caddies do not become damaged nails. I watched the man who was there to watch the grain, to protect the holy manicure and buy flowers. We often speak of the "basket" to estimate the levels of living of any country, but if one considers the number of flowers bought for women to establish a basket of flowers offered " it becomes clear that the Russian woman has no rival in Europe.
Everything has been addressed: the Russian woman, the French woman, a comparison between the two, the opinions of men, religion, and gender relations in Russia and France! Phew, a sociologist would probably have written the beginning of a thesis with arguments supported by each other. Many comments are a reflection on the subject of feminism.
The article recalled, dealt with the appeal of a bishop for Orthodox young Russian women dress more decently, understand: stop wearing mini skirts too short. The case was handled by the Russian and international press as the bishop has received the support of key religious leaders in Russia. The International Mail (published in France) even told us last January 27 in Chechnya, in the streets of Grozny, is now pulling the paint gun (paintball) on girls who do not dress " decently. " For Irina
example, commenting on my article, the French woman would be "victim feminism, which justifies its unisex clothing, since the quarry has become a priority for her on the family." French women would therefore be the equal of man, above all like him, especially not to make an appearance reminiscent of the look of the man she is a woman. In France, sums up Irina, feminism often means lack of femininity.
This abandonment of an attractive appearance to the eye was certainly motivated by pragmatic reasons, such as insecurity in the streets or comfort, but not only. Irina is probably right: this has been framed by an ideology that ultimately caused great harm to relations between men and women: feminism.
for my part I never understood what the feminists wanted in France, and especially their representatives, for example in the famous association "watchdog". If you can imagine equal representation of women in politics, for example, I remain convinced that the important thing is above all to have good political leaders, regardless of gender. Equality in gender wage France is a good idea, but hunting macho or discrimination based on a quota system are probably bad ideas. Certainly in France, the struggle for equality between men and women encountered many difficulties during the entire 20th century.
I notice it says that the "watchdogs" do not ask for equality without devaluing men in general. Movement through its political influence in some circles and a real representation in media significantly influenced attitudes in France, but usually in the wrong direction. The Additional differences between the sexes are in no way simplistic nor synonymous with cross-gender hierarchy that disadvantage women. Unfortunately for them, the spread of feminism in France was accompanied by a defeminization useless in terms of dress.
Contrast: since I'm in Russia, I do not think I have heard the term feminism once while yet I live surrounded by Russian women. This little miracle is in my opinion much more than retail, but proof that Russian women are probably nothing more to prove and is due mainly to the history of Russia. In the early 20th century, the Bolsheviks in Russia has proclaimed the equality of sexes, equality in fact and law. The women in 1918 earned the right to vote in Russia, while the French have had them wait until 1944.
Russian women then participated actively in the Great Patriotic War, not only by working in factories. There were more than 800,000 Russian women in combat troops, they were doctors, nurses, pilots bombing and snipers at the front. They participated in the most terrible battles and many of them were made heroines of the Soviet Union. In Russia, nobody has forgotten. After the war, lack of men in society has meant that women have coped by themselves and have learned to live without male support.
These difficulties have not yet removed their femininity Russian women, quite the contrary. They have not forgotten some basic equations of inter-gender, namely that a woman likes a man with all the powers on him. For this reason, there is no question of a Russian woman, whether it succeeds or it professionally occupies a job unattractive, can mention to remain attractive, quite the contrary.
I remember the surprise was mine when I arrived in Russia and I watched the men who carried the handbags of women, and women who did not grow to the caddies do not become damaged nails. I watched the man who was there to watch the grain, to protect the holy manicure and buy flowers. We often speak of the "basket" to estimate the levels of living of any country, but if one considers the number of flowers bought for women to establish a basket of flowers offered " it becomes clear that the Russian woman has no rival in Europe.
Perhaps for these reasons that the Western-style feminists never had great success in Russia. Rather than trying to satisfy claims that are not feminists, Russian women continue to care for their look, and the Russian state is focusing on claims involving the family. The Russian woman has one of the longest maternity leave in the world (up to 3 years with sheltered employment) but also in recent years of very solid benefits (thousands euros) from the second adopted child or offspring. This key role of women as mothers is considered quite normal in Russia because it is the keystone of society. For my part, as a man I find it perfectly normal.
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