It is very common to read that while the Russian population is in crisis, the demography of Muslim areas of Russia it would be in excellent health, particularly in the turbulent Caucasus. Russia would be threatened by this danger a Muslim, which could make her a Muslim country in 2050 we say some.
Still, the high birth rate in these areas is often offset by high mortality and the increase of population is only relative, especially compared to the overall population of the country. Consider the population of Caucasian Muslim areas that are Adygea, Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia and Kabardino-Balkaria.
51,806 births in 2010 against 50,416 in 2009 or 1390 births.
17,008 deaths in 2010 against 16,737 in 2009 is 271 deaths.
Growing population: 34,798 inhabitants in 2010, against 33,769 in 2009.
36,508 births in 2010 against 36,523 in 2009 -15 or births.
6734 deaths in 2010 against 6620 in 2009 or + 114 deaths.
Population growth: 29,774 inhabitants in 2010 against 29,903 in 2009.
11,178 births in 2010 against 9,572 births in 2009 or 1606 births.
1857 deaths in 2010 against 1,877 deaths in 2010 or -20 deaths.
Population Growth: 9321 inhabitants in 2010 cons + 7,695 in 2009.
Population: 893,919 inhabitants which 66% of Kabardino Balkaria and and 25% of Russians.
12,577 births in 2010 against 12,143 in 2009 was 434 births.
8068 deaths in 2010 against 8406 in 2009 is -338 deaths.
Population Growth: 4509 inhabitants in 2010 against 3737 in 2009.
The population of these four republics (5,495,967 inhabitants or 4%
population of the Russian Federation) has increased from 75,104 inhabitants
in 2009 and of 78,402 inhabitants in 2010.
population of the Russian Federation) has increased from 75,104 inhabitants
in 2009 and of 78,402 inhabitants in 2010.
Sources: GKS Institute
Enough parlant, l'évolution du taux de fertilité du plus gros de ces pays, le Daguestan:
Également, l'évolution du taux de natalité dans ces 4 républiques:
Source: l'excellent blog de Boris Denisov
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