Friday, February 4, 2011

Stress Causes Black Poop Puppy

plunder of revolutions (video)

All those who hope for the liberation of Tunisia, Egypt and other Muslim countries are beginning to disillusion, or simply always assume a revolution in countries dominated by dictators.

Firstly, Tunisia continues to demonstrate, but oxidize, damaged by Zionism, maintained a silence on the perverse will of the people who want to continue this revolution stolen by the regime and usion. Are solely responsible oxidentaux: otherwise, the Arab dictators are already Zionists fallen.

If the revolution in Tunisia has been removed, unless they are blind, or because it is thanks to the army under the tutelage of the Zionists and the Yankees. Egypt is not the image of Tunisia with real Muslims (organized and educated in the sense of freedom to believe and think). The Egyptian army is under the tutelage of usion, but will not engage in a battle against the people. This calm valuable for Zionist Jews, is useful for their expansion, their mass murder. But it is also an assurance of vassalage of the Muslim and Arab even European. Try to raise you here in France.

Netanyahoud If this dog has expressed for maintaining the status quo, calling the youngster as a support to oxidize Mubarak against the will of the people is due to the cooperation of all departments of Mubarak. He has given pledges during the coup backed by the Jews and us against Sadat.

The Tunisian people, the majority just wanted to change the face of the regime. Today there are the same robbers at the head of state. They were robbed of their revolution.
While in Egypt, the people have been strongly humiliated, knowing he was in one time leader of the Arab world and humiliated for Palestine Gaza, humiliated in their dignity, then it's a very cultured people. The octogenarian dictator

established by usion there are more than 30 years, has brought chaos to announce today that he was reluctant to leave for not leaving a country in chaos. We all know that criminals Mubarak militiamen staged a revolution against. We also know, according to letters sent to various political groups, provided that Fillon 3 shipments of arms to Tunisia, while not asking the people that freedom.

In Egypt, plainclothes police were armed by the Israelites and oxidentaux.

Democrats are devious and evil regimes that do not fool the fools.
Democrats Arab dictators and their lackeys, are desperate. Their strategies at all chaos no longer work ... they are very visible. In this headlong rush, the two sides of same coin cause chaos, hoping that people will be intimidated. This is the technique of the Zionists.

Chaos was meant well prepared: take away all the police in the capital, the protesters wanted the perverse are engaging in looting, violence and deadly fighting. Remember that there is no police anymore in the city for one week. Internet had been cut to prevent the protesters to organize and communicate. It was the perfect crime ... prepared in the strategy of chaos. That is why today we see this scum of Mubarak, perverse, talk about chaos after him.

( Let him die this dog )

Today, the regime gives up internet just when militiamen attacked Mubarak to journalists, the people and assets people. Unfortunately for the Zionists and their lackeys villains Mubarak, the Egyptian people, intelligent, perfectly able to manage the plans of Mubarak.

When the police withdrew voluntarily to create chaos, people were organized to secure neighborhoods, cities and villages. Although robbers, thieves and murderers have been released into the wild. These

defense committees have been protecting families and property, better than the police. Moreover, some evidence of Egyptian, although there was less crime or theft during this period of management Security people.

Millions of Egyptians demonstrated for a week without a single injury, a fight or just a broken window. You see now where do these devastation and violence. The "thugs" is a French method of crisis management to discredit a legitimate manifestation: as had been done during the demonstration in 2009 against the barbarity of the Jewish-Zionists against the people of Gaza. Zionist militiamen ransacked before the events in Palestine in order to incriminate them. We know the methods of perverts. They are past masters in this field.

That said, if the militia were able to deal with Mubarak peaceful demonstrators is due to orders given by the Egyptian army usion. The latter has missed the militia when they were armed. Protection of the Egyptian people has been violated ... the Egyptian army was deliberately arranged the passage of the militia to provoke clashes, deaths and chaos. The deaths are the result of these decisions. Barak Obama and all other Zionist leaders oxidentaux, are guilty of the dead Egyptians. Obama can always pray as he says. His decision will not delay. Because time is accelerating for scoundrels. The crimes themselves will pay sooner or later. Muslim peoples, Arab and Western, are not blind.

we see today who are the terrorists, mercenaries and plunderers: all these Democrats, these Republicans (equality and brotherhood company), these liberal thinkers such property and rights lhomisme behind the oppression of peoples Arab, Muslim and Latin. All these dictators must be sent to their preferred aircraft to the Saudis who are no better than prostitutes.

Video Collective view Sheikh Yassin


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