Saturday, February 19, 2011

Transfer Rogers Voicemail To Computer

Chronique d'Oncle Vania: Vol au dessus dun nid de coucous

my most assiduous readers probably already know Uncle Vanya, which in 2009 and 2010 published an excellent analysis on the French media and Russia, in the Courier Russian . To keep his outspokenness and can continue to give his analysis of French, Russian Uncle Vanya will now collaborate on Dissonance and hold a regular column. There is no doubt that his analysis will totally dissonant place on this blog!
Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest dun

An extended stay in Paris to measure the wall dincompréhention between our two nations. France adrift in recent decades into a soft Atlanticism, reinforced by the last president to date, Sarko laméricain as some of his relatives like the call, as ridiculous as it might sound. This drift has adverse effects in depth on French society, disempowerment an individual ', a pervasive conformism and a dictatorship of political correctness relayed by the media and what is still called quon lintelligentsia. And I'm not talking about the sinking of the television reality show where each new chains also adapted Atlantic marks a new threshold in this company décervellisation masses. Almost every advertisement is accompanied Davert such, make lexcercice, eat fruits and vegetables, play causes of addiction .... soon, we will remind consumers quil is essential to think about breathing.

In Meanwhile, the vision of the outside world is shaped by a press more conformist, schizophrenic and giving lessons. The great journalists have become an endangered species. Theres virtually no differences in the treatment of linformation between CNN and the French press, broadcast and print media. Journalists in Cairo or Tunis relay the same comments on the fall of the tyrants who have flouted democracy and oppressed their people for over thirty years, rising modestly on the active support of all Western regimes in these states and the PROSPECTS these changes. Better yet, they peddle the same analysis on the role of social networks, facebook or tweeter, and amalgam on domino effects, putting it in the same bag as Morocco, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen and the Iraqi Kurdistan. Good lesson in geopolitics.

same time, Russia is still entitled to preferential treatment. It defends Khodorkhovski without knowing the file, and when a suicide bomber blows himself up at Domodiedovo, cest necessarily the fault of Vladimir Putin. On this subject, special mention to the new observer, this magazine bobo left in distress, and lack of funds had to send a student in Moscow as a correspondent. The latter already pinned by chronic doncle Vanya for his ignorance of the Caucasus, recurrence in large widths . Conscientious, he learned a new word, "verticality of power", quil cites repeatedly to explain lincurie and bankruptcy of the Russian government. In the series, which benefits from the crime, it makes the Russian Prime Minister responsible for forest fires, fights fans of Spartak and those poor suicide bombers who else nont choice but to blow themselves up to escape the vertical power structure so hard to bear ... ended its analysis by the fact that more and more Russian sen realize.
This probably explains the great mass demonstration of day of wrath which brought together 250 people on Red Square.

This lack of "background culture" is the common feature of many from this new generation of journalists. It takes less likely to regurgitate commonplaces qua think and analyze facts. It is surprising that the French press had to wait an information outlet on the Guardian website to "discover" that Hashim Thaci, their favorite was the guerillero center of a traffic Dorgan taken from Serb prisoners. Dici a few years they may discover its role in trafficking from dhéroine dAfghanistan with his American friends. Information that informed circles knew for several years, which already appeared in some newspapers.

To finish this column, a word about Lexcellence analysis on Laffaire Florence Break in Mexico and the role of the French press and politics in this sinking political media.


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