Matthew 6 :24-34
24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You can not serve God and mammon.
25 Therefore I tell you: Do not worry about your life, what you eat or about your body, what you will wear. Life Is not more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the sky: They do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are ye not much better than they? 27Qui of you by worrying can add one cubit to SAVIE? 28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Observe how the lilies grow: they do not work, neither do they spin, 29 yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of them. 30 If God so clothe the grass of the field that exists today and tomorrow is cast into the oven, do you (does he clothe) not fortiori, ye of little faith? 31 Do not worry, saying, What shall we eat? Or: What shall we drink? Or: What shall we wear? 3 2Car this, it is the Gentiles who are looking for. And your heavenly Father knows that you need. 33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given over. 34Ne not worry the next day because the day will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its

Who will dare we say, when nature is disturbed by unpredictable jolts that we should worry about anything, not even small birds of the sky since God is supposed to care? Who will dare tell the people in revolt over the entire planet they must remain quiet and do not have to worry about tomorrow? Who has the audacity to advise us not to have concern for our lives and our children when food runs out, the clothes are missing and the roof that shelters us we may be confiscated by bailiffs the arrival of spring?
Contrary to what we have read, this is not Jesus who give such advice! He who dares do so on behalf of the Gospel would be guilty and inappropriate, because the "Heavenly Father Jesus still knows that you need! "But we understood that Jesus said not to worry. Now if he says not to worry, it does not, however, recommends passivity, it invites us not to suffer or to do nothing. In his anxiety is not the weapon of combat face the difficulties of life as it does not address the problems. It works much like a brake that limits our options. It keeps people in fatalism and inaction.

Look at the birds, they are not waiting for their food drops in the nose. They spend all their time at work looking for seeds or worms from sunrise until dusk. They do the work necessary on a daily basis and have no thought for the morrow. They do the right thing when needed. The concern is not their concern because they lack the mental capacity to worry, yet they still persist.
Jesus seems to say that the concern is not the proper companion of the believer in times of crisis, because it is dam to Action and vibrancy, dynamism gold has no better ally than the Holy Spirit, because he provokes in us the will and to act and opposed the resignation.
In fact, we must begin by asking what causes us concern. We are concerned when our situation does not satisfy us and it deteriorates. At first glance, we do not know how to improve it. This causes a reaction in us inward, it even makes us react selfish. Therefore, faced with a lack of threat we feel the need to capture what we may be lacking. We've all seen that if a crisis is coming, almost immediately people automatically reflex to store staples of irrationally. The reason would dictate that we only provide products that will be needed in a limited time. Beyond that time, the accumulation of reserves no longer serves much the reserves do not keep well and do good for nothing if not exacerbate shortages and put others in difficulty. These reflections
plunge us right into the problems raised by Jesus: "Do not worry, saying, What shall we live, or what shall we wear, it is the pagans who seek him, seek the kingdom and his righteousness, "he said. Here we are at the heart of the problem. The Kingdom that we must seek not only an enjoyment pleased that we will be given at the end of time, and we will not need to look as it comes alone. The Kingdom is also the anticipation in the present tense of this happy reality promised for later. It is built by the effort and sweat, with Jesus as our guide and the Holy Spirit as inspiring. It is built with the help of God in confidence and hope. That is faith.
Anxiety is characterized by a lack of confidence and lack of hope in the future. Concern is opposed to faith. The Holy Spirit is hard to shake those who lack faith. Faith is not a pillow of sloth that would consolidate the believer in a passive inactivity while waiting for God to do what we do not have the courage to do. But God is waiting for its part that it is the men who make every effort to complete projects that inspire them. Jesus by his words reverses the values we are accustomed. Thus the Holy Spirit makes us face the dynamic circumstances of the moment.

one who waits for God to do everything, and when the need arises may well be disappointed, because God did not intend to feed her passive waiting. Instead, it seeks to revive the dynamism of believers to put them into action, because it is by observing what they do than others discover that God is acting. Anyone who refuses to leave himself and begin to act can not understand the meaning of the Sermon on the Mount.
Indeed, how one who is passively waiting for God to intervene, would he understand that God is insensitive to the plight of the people, and that is not moved by seeing children without food or clothing. There should be a pagan to design such a God. And if Christians contemplate the world passively waiting for the intervention of God, we must then store them in the camp of the heathen!
If we reach such a conclusion is that we fell in the area where the absurd we can not linger.
When nature is in revolt against itself and causes of death in men, when repression leaves audiences on the floor without hope, when the power-hungry tyrants build their power over the body of the innocent, it is our duty to seek to hear God's voice and find the direction he suggests that we follow. That the reader is so attentive! He believes that Jesus has led behind him to understand that n'yad'espérance possible that by joining those who have already realized it was for men to build the Kingdom which we hope the coming . Success is not guaranteed in advance but this can be done in spite of Justice. "Seek first the kingdom and his righteousness! . Jesus also said
We know well that God's justice does not necessarily aspiration of the peoples, for justice, as Jesus teaches us carries within it the notion of life that takes priority over any other value. Anything that promotes life and harmonious development is the righteousness of God because "life saving" and "righteousness of God" look in the same direction and we can not build the Kingdom which is at the end of our hope without them .
arrived here in our development, we must now hear all those concerned, who have no hope, and which are not inhabited by faith as we have described.

The pictures are Rembrandt
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