If courage and sacrifice of the Afghan resistance is exemplary, the scope of Palestine by Hamas and Lebanon led by Hezbollah is another. These resistors are evidence dune perfect Islamic ethics. Fight with their legendary restraint prescribed by Islamic teachings and following the messenger of God.
change current policy in the Islamic region are the worst nightmares of the Zionist entity infectious. Muslim people do not forget, despite the false Arab nationalism propagated by the Zionists and oxidentaux; nor communism and dictatorships imposed bloody armed, supported, financed and covered by the West. Islamic peoples have a short memory as Westerners.
Muslim peoples know that dictators who oppressed them for decades were the guardian of the Zionist entity, their interests and their weapons of deterrence funded by the French and English. Islamic peoples have strengthened their attachment to the Holy Land and support of all the resistors americanosionistes cons and their cronies.
changes in the hearts of Muslims are of several factors: the lies of the West continued perpetual led by Zionist Jews. The military defeat of the powerful American in Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan and even in Lebanon and Palestine. Muslim peoples have the heart filled with these examples of resistance ... We will walk
sur jerusalem par millions…
C’est le slogan que l’on entend depuis des mois. C’est pour cela que les judeosioniste en occident on décidé de financer des conventions antimusulman ou de subventionner des propagandes par millions contre « l’extrémisme musulman ». Une manière hypocrite de s’attaquer aux musulmans.
En Australie, UN million de dollars AUS a été donné a la fondation multiculturelle australienne pour contrer les musulmans véridiques appelé par ces idolâtres les musulmans radicaux.
Ceci dit, tous ces crapules menteurs qui nous parlaient de GIA en Algérie ne peuvent plus le pérorer… il suffit d’observer Gaddafi has used mercenaries to defend his palace torturer or Zionist regime of Bahrain who used mercenaries commanded by usion and English by blood to suppress the Muslims of Bahrain. Not to mention that of Mubarak, Tunisia ... he is the GIA or this time .... They have been so taken court they could not organize a massacre in beards and djelaba ...
We march on Jerusalem
million ... This is not a speech mode or a slogan vain ... Muslims have decided to confront them alone and corrupt regime and financed by the judeosionistes who looted and destroyed Palestine. This land is ours and we will return. We make sure to educate our children and our environment from this perspective.
If we can not do today, then tomorrow or the next generation. Palestine, Al Quds, is and will remain in our hearts and our minds. They had everything planned in Egypt after Mubarak and with the funding of his son under the leadership of Sulayman ... today, there remains that old Souleymane.
that the Muslim Brotherhood rose up to destroy the last vestiges of the Zionist Mubarak dictatorship. It must be destroyed regardless Wailing Zionist West. Usion imperialists and their accomplices have now great fears as to the Islamic fervor of the country in revolt. At the point where the western leaders are Zionists who have forgotten the daily struggles of their people. More concerned about the fate of the state and its ephemeral existence judeoraciste by the existence of their own sovereignty.
Examples of conduits in Islam and anyone who says otherwise his liars:
J e said that the battered woman and that is the subject of the main engine of propaganda of the Zionists is a video organized and mounted by NGOs Yankees. An investigation has been conducted and the statements I made this topic ... is therefore a propaganda to tarnish the great qualities of men .... Resistant invaders Nazif.
Note: about Libya, Castro (Cuba) has warned that NATO is prepared to violate Libya, and behold, a miracle Zionist, al Qaeda appears in the country ... an excuse an invasion?? Waiting ... but I'm afraid that oxidentaux will.
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