Matthew 5/38-48
38 You have heard that it hath been said Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.
39 But I tell you not to resist evil. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40 If someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your coat. 41 If someone forces you to do a mile, go with him twain. 42 Give to him who asks you, and do not turn away from him that would borrow from you.
43 You have heard that it hath been said Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate your enemy. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, [bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you] and pray for those [who mistreat you and] who persecute you. 45 So you son of your Father in heaven, because he makes his sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward will you? The tax collectors also do not they do the same? 47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do you more? The pagans also, themselves, do not they do the same? 48 Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.
The Gospel it also contains a series of precepts stiffer than the stiffest of human laws? The verses we read we confuse especially since they come from the mouth of Jesus, who at other times advocating love as central to its teaching. But all these precepts within the corporation have no doubt if we did not make sense not integrated the profound insight of Jesus that it falls within the faith.
It is faith that allows us to understand what Jesus wants to serve here. And it is by faith alone that we can live in harmony with God. The God in whom Jesus asks us to join, is not a God feared that we should fear. It is not the author of the ills that beset us. We believe it is discreet and faithful companion of our daily lives and we believe he is capable of giving back to the last day of a force extraordinary life in our body too tired to live again.
If we believe it is that God has revealed himself as such in the person of Jesus Christ. We find in him a love so great, so disinterested, so unthinkable that nothing could alter his plans. Jesus taught us to see God that way, so we should feel great happiness to be in relationship with him. That is why we should love for God do things happily disinterested or even unthinkable for the people among which we find ourselves. Love is in God should naturally invade our person and manifest all around us as well, so that everything we do should be a reflection. So instead we offend p receipt of this gospel passage we should all look natural.
However, it is unlikely in the present times, to successfully put this into practice, because the world takes us to do other things, that's why we worry . We are concerned because we are inhabited by doubts and worries of this world. We are concerned because we want our behaviors are consistent with those of society in which we operate. We live in a world where the gaze of others is seen as a continual questioning.
We do not like being different from others, we do not like our attitudes are construed as provocative gestures. We remain deeply committed to the behavior of this world that drive us to give priority to personal interests rather than giving priority to the interests of those less fortunate than ourselves. Yet Jesus invites us to live with him, as if God was really alive and that, at every moment something to say. It is important now to give priority to the impulses of our heart and then to silence our right because God speaks to our heart and not our reason .
behavior dictated by love is not the effect of a law my IS they are the result of a feeling which is more sensitive than c is through him that God works in us. By integrating the love of God in our everyday behavior, we act in accordance to the will of God. When this movement of love that comes from God and leads us to the other works full time we become normal humans!
is when this does not happen or goes wrong that we are abnormal. There is nothing surprising in that Jesus says. When we act according to its precepts, we do nothing remarkable we behave just like men and women ordinary. It is indeed like that, we are told in Scripture at the beginning, God wanted us to behave, because he wanted us to be conformed to his image. Letting ourselves be guided only by love, we become the opposite of God, as it was expected the first day.
We therefore can not be truly human unless God makes us human, and we do not really become the day when we realize that it is he who provokes in us the feeling altruistic we feel and transforms them into acts of love.
We do not have to be fatalistic in our world view, saying that the future will be when God wills, and that will happen as he wants. The happy future of mankind will not when God wills it but when the men of their will. Then we will agree to make a difference through love we put in our behavior. It will be the case for all matters concerning the orderly development of our societies and the world
Nous deviendrons alors la lumière du monde, non pas une lumière aveuglante et étincelante dont nos rues sont remplies à la nuit tombées, non pas cette lumière crue, accompagnée de musique trop forte que l’on trouve dans les supermarchés, mais une lumière diffuse qui atténue les contours et donne un joli teint aux visages. Chacun de nous est appelé à être individuellement une lumière de telle sorte que ce sera l’ensemble de nos luminosités personnelles qui mises à côté les unes des autres donneront du sens au monde. Ce n’est donc pas par des actes spectaculaires, bouleversants, visible to all, we respond to our vocation, but it's being worked ourselves from within by our God and inspired by him.
If we find that our actions guided by the love of others are irrational and that we are unable to operate a single bullet that reveal the power of God, do we not alarmed because c is, however, and God expects us to behave. He uses our emotions to inspire our conduct. And when that happens we begin to become perfect, as our God is itself perfect. This is because we offer that we become like him perfect.
Throughout biblical revelation, we met a God who is seeking men and adapt to them. Despite its imperfections, it tries to bring humanity in its projects. He does not hesitate to put himself in question to achieve our heart of men. Thus we are told, he repented of having sought to destroy the earth at the time of the flood and we are told how he undertook to save Noah. He did not hesitate to confidence in a series of unreliable men such as Jacob and David for accomplished the mystery of her revelation. And when he came to live among men in Jesus Christ, he crossed along with 12 companions, who all failed him. Yet he never will complain, he never will reject it with them that holding its Church because they could be unique become plural. She's the charge to act so that the world believes, and through them discover the dimensions of salvation that God has planned for the world because the world just waiting for some change that it liked to be known. And it will be like if we let them know of our own. Everything will evolve in the right direction if imitating God, we respond to her confidence by fidelity.
way we enter the stream of love which is the force of life that God has put in place to manage the world. In doing so we join God in His perfection
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