Islam: while the Jewish Zionists steal France (video)
I am happy for two days and I'll explain why. I hope to share my enthusiasm with you. February 9, held the annual dinner of the Jewish-Zionist for a single communitarianism. All our policies have received their roadmap to launch their new campaign. And what is this new campaign? You already know. This is the place of Islam in France. Merkel did, David Cameron has done, and now Sarkozy. They are all related: they are Jewish Zionists.
So, February 16, the Jewish-Zionist Sarkozy launches its Road Map of the CRIF advisers rabbis ... and of course our Jewish Zionist Jean-François Copelovici Romanian-born ... Both are champions of propaganda of the goat envoy to sleep well the good little French people in useless palaver. Meanwhile, the Jewish-Zionist empty accounts and implement their program of total control of financialization.
If I say that unemployment is increasing and that the Jewish Zionists in power refuse to even set a single national debate to relieve the population that over-indebtedness is increasingly growing for over 20 years that workers are poor, and women can not longer provide for their need ... Is that the Jewish-Zionist would be more likely to make a campaign against unemployment? No, never. Because they could not care less of the people and especially goyms. So
to forget it, you come out the old scapegoat of Islam. I am proud and every Muslim must be that we're talking about HIM. Because inevitably, some people more intelligent more open and have a listen ... They seek to understand why they attack a religion ... and the Almighty will open the chest to drop this light that we all received ... these tears that we all paid to read the holy Quran.
But that is not the point ... the real question that we must have for 2011: I, who route all cities in France, how could I continue to work with a fuel that exceeds € 1.30? The stick to 6.57 for the poorest Fr ... electricity, gas, oil? Flour, rice ... that will explode this year. And meanwhile, the Jewish Zionists who have monopolized power in Europe, we hammer Islam. Thank you for the many accomplishments of faith that Muslims did not even have to do. That is true freedom of thinking for non-believers: to be able to overcome or circumvent any propaganda.
In Western countries, unemployment is soaring, yet nothing is reflected events that are beginning to build here or there. We hear that the famous Arab world. But the Western world is being swallowed by the Judeo-Zionism:
Here you have an example of a workers' demonstration Yankees in Wisconsin.
Contrary to appearances, they are not Muslims or even the Chinese are waging a war finance and industry for a decade. These are the United States who attack any part of Europe and France: with the Jewish Zionist boss Ben Bernanke, head of the Fed, and its superb printing money. It devalues the dollar, while maintaining pressure on the euro area. That our policies are Jewish Zionists? Nothing they care about Islam in France.
Money creation worthless, is a declaration of financial war and economically. They created a bubble, then the currency, causing inflation today ... a real inflation without wage increases ... which impoverishes the French nation. We also suffer
radicalization of liberalism Talmudic IMF led by Jewish Zionist DSK, and privatization of all our assets such as highways that were to be profitable even in time of privatization. He participates in inflation in the cost of life without value (wages). Privatization is unqualified overvaluation of the cost of raw materials and basic necessities. On the other
hand, we find the World Bank in the hands of Robert Zoellick , a Jewish Zionist fascist liberal friend of Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Elliott Abrams, John Bolton: friends who have masterminded the September 11 attacks to destroy the Muslim world and coach the Eastern and Western peoples in a clash of civilizations for their own interests. All these people are part of the Project for The New American Century ... if these people have killed Americans, murdered over a million and a half of Iraqis and hundreds of thousands of Afghans, they are capable of starving Europeans only to dominate.
To cover the theft of Throughout the West to feed the Satanic Zionist place, they divert attention with Islam ... I'm glad they talk about Islam. Even in their mouths perverse, Islam is a light for less ignorant.
However, I fear that the Jewish Zionists are capable of pumping Europe, as they did for Argentina ... If prices have soared and will continue to heights unimaginable, c ' is due to the economic war that the Yankees have decided to wage against us ... The time will be difficult for Muslims, but even more cruel for non-Muslims. The only difference is that Muslims have been warned of these times of war, fear, famine and chaos organized by the Jewish Zionists.
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