Sunday, February 13, 2011

Is Going Poop A Lot A Sign Of Pregnancy

deteriorating business climate in Russia?

The original article was published in blog Dissonance and New York Times its translation.

February 3 edition of the Figaro published an article written by Avril, Pierre (Pierre Avril), under the headline: «In Russia, the deteriorating business climate» . In this revelatory Russia article argues that although the foreign official investors are waiting with open arms, in fact, the authorities fix the rules that complicate doing business in Russia. As an illustration Pierre Avril took the example from the oil sector (the claim of the Russian shareholders of TNK-BP with the requirement to freeze the assets swap deal the British BP and the Russian Rosneft - approx. ed.) based on the information made public resource WikiLeaks. Another example - the purchase of Bank of Moscow, which must be purchased VTB, and not Italian Unicredit.

do not know why the French press always writes about Russia in a negative way, and do not want to apply to this account, but let's be serious: how can we judge the business climate in the energy sector, though well aware that this is an extremely sensitive area, as much politicized, as they are nationalized? On the other hand, the energy sector and the Russian-British relations, I think, are now the most successful counter-example, the most complete and giving the least understanding of the present atmosphere of the business community in Russia.

But seriously, the same day we learned that at an international investment forum organized by the bank Troika Dialog, gathered 2400 people (compared with 1600 last in 2009), most of whom were foreigners. In 2010, GDP growth was 5% in 2011 are projected to - 5-6%, and unemployment has fallen to pre-crisis, while in 2011 the budget deficit not exceed 3%. Considering all these factors, in Russia, I think, by contrast, has everything to attract foreign investors. (...)


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