Sunday, January 9, 2011

Yamaha Golf Cart Vs Club Car

decomposition Zionist War of 1939 to the coming war

For the vulgar Zionist Elysium, there would be a "religious cleansing" in Egypt: 20 dead following an attack organized by the Zionists to create this chaos planned, premeditated and organized for years. He would not denounce the genocide committed by his fellow Jews Zionists against the Palestinian Christians for over half a century. The many victims, tortured and injured by the Zionists and evangelicals do not count.

These insults against Muslims and Christians are harbingers of war even more savage than the second war financed by the Zionist Anglo-Saxon family.

Some speak of Islamophobia strategic. We must challenge this definition. In reality, fascism is anti Muslim. That said, they have the right to be afraid of Islam. The ignorant are always afraid of the new sincerity. Someone in the dark is afraid of a strange light coming off. What will it? This will hide even deeper into the darkness to escape the strange and intense light of truth. That is ignorance.

The ignorant insult without understanding, without analyzing, let alone without awareness. The lack of conscience ... it is quite obvious that they have more awareness. They live by the Talmud imposed goy: fornication like animals, destruction of the family as the animals, psychological suffering, perversion, pornography ...

Zionist Jews have decided to use that ignorance and fear of light to widen the divisions and increase the fear of others. The main patronage of this policy of hatred towards Muslims and Islam, Jews are Zionists: Zemmour, BHL Ffinkielkraut, Redecker, Irshi food etc ... The rest as Fourest, Val etc., have links or behavior Bid by hatred of Muslims.

In the West, the secret services are very strong. They are able to detect suspected terrorists allegedly preparing to attack, but they are unable to find drug dealers, bank robbers, murderers like the one that killed a Democrat ... or just find a mom who abducted her daughter and was able to cross all borders to Romania.

Since the coup d'etat against the American people by the Zionist Jews and evangelicals, Muslims are the pretext for their total domination of all peoples. Everywhere, even in Russia, Jewish Zionist terrorist organizations are rife to guide policy, economics and empty states of all their wealth.

Zionist Jews have organized these operations anti-Muslim hatred in many networks. This is not a nebulous, nameless, faceless number and, as the famous al-Qaeda. These networks are visible (response secular identity, ueijf, UJPF ...). All these networks are controlled by Zionist Jews, and funded as part of anti-Muslim propaganda.

The example of Tunisia who has filed a bottle in front of a French embassy, is revealing ... Remember, at first, was a member of al Qaeda, a radical Islamic etc ... then we see that c ' was a mental patient.

To win their war savage Zionist Jews have decided to ally with the worst of the barbarians, as the fascists. The Judeo-fascism was not born since the attacks of September 11, fomented by extremist Jews and evangelicals. The Judeo-Zionism had accoquiné with the fascists and the Nazis to establish their state purulent. The FN

expresses openly Zionist who was on the side of the Nazis, for ethnic cleansing and physical separation of people, their culture, their skin color, origin or religion ... They are racialist perverts.

members of the FN, they continue to support their ruling subject to Zionism, they will lose their pants up. The Zionists will shred France, as they did in Greece, or Germany in its time.

Zionist Jews have decided to fight the Muslims and their opponents, using extremist and fascist right. It is within this context that neo-Nazism has flared up in our time. Especially since all the films Zionist Jews, or produced by them, Muslims have always this bad role ... accused, or even killed with a savagery suspicious ... as if to implicitly drive the odor of hate. These crusades
perfectly organized, are outrageously taxpayer-funded private agencies and Western ... even women rabbis, and these rabbis themselves are driving the hatred against Muslims.

Institutions Jewish people to fund the anti-Muslim propaganda Koch brothers ... as an important member of AIPAC. The FN has become an entity pro-Zionist, Jewish and juifiste.

no mistake ... the Zionist Jews are building networks and anti-Muslim Islam. It is not by chance or freedom of expression ... This is a perverse and criminal octopus rampant in radio, television, newspapers or books ... Even the Goncourt prize is distributed to hate.

The Hungarian Jew is therefore a pawn of hate and this future war looming. DSK will come around who will lead the same project ... And France will be under tons of debris debt Zionists. They will extract the France of all it contains. It will remain only beggars, destitute and hate ... The blue brown

rabbinical have allies.


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