Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cost Of Good Indian Hair

Who is responsible for the inevitable decline of the West

The current propaganda against Muslims is identical in all respects to those propagated in the 19th century while oxidentaux launched into the Maghreb and Africa to steal their wealth. Today, it is directed against Muslims. Even during the Crusades, Muslims suffered this vile propaganda.

Islam has this strong-that he has suffered all kinds of attack for over 1400 years, and yet it is always present, even more widely implemented and rigorously followed. They can use any kind of subterfuge, even that of the mole as Boubaker Muslim Zionist, Zionists or mosques, God watches and protects the believers.

Make no mistake: the West, run by Zionist Jews and Freemasons Republican, is waging a war against the last bastion of honesty, respect for human and respect for nature. Islam is their first enemy, because it resists all capitalist totalitarian fascism. It suffices to note the increase in identitarism, with a touch of internationalism and limitless financial and growth of monstrous prices of essential goods.
Islam rejects spoliation, overbidding, wear, selfish capitalism creating misery and poverty. All these pseudo intellectuals and politicians who spew their hatred of Islam, are part of this treacherous and corrupt system. The widespread propaganda on a scapegoat and the flight manifest, are the same dish of these Zionist Jews.

As proof, last night, MPs have deleted the sentence of imprisonment for false statements or theft of taxpayer's property. Stealing a bike is 3 years in prison; steal millions, it's the Legion of Honor. And bringing to grips with that restriction criminal? Minister Christian Jacob ....

It is obvious for them to continue to insult Islam and Muslims. The Republicans, Zionist Jews and evangelicals, as well as Hindus, killing thousands of Muslims and insult to terrorists. This shows that their whole life, ideology, religion and democratic concept, are based on lies, hate and war confiscatory total.

As for what American country! This is the worst of all. It was built on the worst barbarities ... the disappearance of an entire nation, ethnic group. He thrived on wild black slavery and the destruction of Europe. Today, he wants to sit imperialism, with its Eurocentric minions, at the expense of Muslims.

It will not succeed. One little people, a few thousand fighters, has maintained the progress of this nation hypocritical, vile and murderous. They may be anti-Muslim propaganda films, establish commissions Stazi anti-Muslim, making special laws against Muslims: they can not stop Islam. Because it exceeds them. They are in infamy; Islam preaches righteousness. Cruelty and falsehood can not overcome the truth and justice.

Westerners have no idea how they are manipulated by the Zionist propaganda, like the Communists manipulated through pravda. Today in the West, the population is manipulated, either they are part of the creeping fascism.

The West is sick: not only its social and politicking, but he is sick as its economy which is based solely on debt. The West is sick by its agriculture, its land and its high productivity. The West is sick from lack of real identity. It only remains that the ideology of lies and infamy. Europe will fall into a deep crisis and structural. If you consider that the south is poor, you'll see a systemic poverty in Europe: the poor will get poorer and the rich even richer. And

proposed by FN? That provides the identity? Zionist Jews? Republicans and other Americanists? Nothing, except the ideology of hatred and war. As Hitler did in Europe, they were able to regain their original Nazify.

Yet, Islam has advised them not to use wear.

Countries healthy people do not have debt, but rather invested. Those who are sick, and states are European Americans. There is a strong smell on the side of Portugal. The smell of indebtedness, and of course the sacrifice of other states to help him.

Only one country is doing well. You guessed it ... it is Germany with its industrial value it has protected. Besides, what Hitler failed to do indebtedness of Europe has managed to do: impose Germany. Rest assured, even the German imposed on us ... in pubs. Click on a Volkswagen ad and you'll understand.

Soon you'll find we'll share the misery of all Europe, induced by the state's most foul right now that is called the United States. They will devalue the euro, artificially increasing the products necessary, as they are doing it for sugar, oil, wheat ... The villains are

flying, and nobody will stop them ... unless it becomes Tunisians.

Remind Fillon and his master Zionist Jew on the other hand, the resisters are fighting to retain their value, their dignity and freedom. The Roman villainy was destroyed after a great military superiority. This will be the same before the Somalis, Afghans, Lebanese and other peoples that you have decided to colonize the wilderness, and immorally cruel your values.


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