Monday, January 31, 2011

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The Turkish government remains cautious about the events taking place in Egypt.

While the Egyptian uprising continues, with vigor, not disputed, despite the curfew and that coordination of opposition organizations calling for a dramatic mobilization, Tuesday February 1 for the start of Hosni Mubarak, the reactions of experts, media and Turkish officials remain dominated by prudence. Last Friday, just as the Egyptian uprising took an unprecedented scale, the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ahmet Davutoğlu, has finally expressed stating that the Arab governments could not remain indifferent to the demands of their people, and emphasizing the role of new media in the development of a widespread aspiration for democracy. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, usually much more verbose, is, meanwhile, remained remarkably quiet since the start of events. Several commentators in the Turkish press astonished by the oppressive silence, arguing that a country that often boasts of being the only democracy in the Muslim world, in this case could be bolder.

One can not fail to observe, in fact, the strong contrast between the modesty of the official Turkish reaction to the Egyptian situation, and diplomatic ambitions that the new leaders of the AKP have displayed in a regional area where they are often Attached, in recent years to improve their relations with their neighbors and to offer their mediation to facilitate conflict resolution stuck. For, beyond the purely economic and strategic interests that worked to defend this new diplomacy has not hesitated to take a strong political tone, when strongly condemned Israel, to advocate for Palestinians in Gaza, or has negotiated with Brazil and Iran signed an agreement aimed to resolve the Iranian nuclear crisis, to the chagrin of Americans. In fact, what was first analyzed as a neo-Ottoman, marking the return of Turkish power on the regional scene, has increasingly been seen as a new "non-alignment", which can be the vector of values. And, indeed, Turkey, an emerging country economically, has often been described at During the past year as a regional political power, embodying with other countries, like Brazil, the demand for a new global governance.

Therefore it is not surprising that this innovative policy approach either appeared to be in phase with the internal political changes experienced by Turkey in parallel. Activism deployed to the Middle East by the AKP government, and the tone adopted by it in respect of Israel, have often put the balm on the heart of the Arab peoples, but they also grow the interest of these developments for internal policies of a country run by men from the Islamist movement, who managed to keep the army in its barracks, while leading the opening reforms. Some also wonder now if this Turkish example has not contributed to the outbreak of protests that are taking place in the Arab world, providing evidence that a Muslim country can build a democracy without leave the field open to radical Islam.

Yet it should be noted that the leaders of the AKP have never posed in political example for the Muslim world, and they have already been reluctant to stand up for democracy in their immediate environment. In June 2009, they had they criticized their silence over the repression of the "green revolution" in Iran. Today their analysis of the Egyptian crisis focuses primarily economic and strategic consequences of it is therefore only half-surprised. Turkish diplomatic initiatives in the Arab world have been primarily a strong economic (free trade agreements, opening of free zones ...), which could be reached, if in the wake of the revolutions of Tunisia and Egypt, the all the Arab world ablaze. While the forthcoming parliamentary elections to be held next June, this focus on diplomatic business concerns will probably complained to the government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, if the case ever goes wrong for Turkish investors. There is also the concern about the strategic consequences that could have, the Middle East, the collapse of the regime of Hosni Mubarak. Therefore Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in recent times, very tough on Israel and willingly rebellious against its Western allies, seems like they stunned by the fires of Cairo, and especially anxious to override a cold pragmatism in its reading of the Egyptian crisis.

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Polémiques vestimentaires

This article was originally published on Ria Novosti


In the small smart 2006-2007, a section called Moscow 25 words describes the key devouchka (hear the young Russian woman) as "a creature dressed very" and asserts that "the West in simple tourism is often pale, especially in winter when it is struggling to adapt to possible changes in temperature. The paragraph ends as follows: "It will be very difficult in the face to protect the reputation of elegance which France must bear the terrible burden". I said that the platform of smart little was written by a woman, and therefore probably intended for women readers overwhelmingly as the latter have course to heart what about elegance.
elegance of this war between French and Russians is not new. In 1842 when the embassy secretary in Paris Balabin Victor takes his post, it notes the types of competition between Russian women and French women, and describes very interesting in his diary. He notes that "if the French, in their dress walking, both simple and elegant, have a distinct advantage over them (...) However, the evening in a lounge and dance, ours prevail by their Toilet First, always fresh and good taste, then by some beautiful air, some holding a little stiff perhaps, but giving them a je ne sais quoi of distinguished and great lady. "
This assertion about the superiority of the Russian style becomes obvious to anyone, man or woman, travels to Russia in Moscow today. Russia has in terms of elegance for women and certainly no serious competitor not France, or in a long time and for various practical reasons, our citizens have told us that a modern look and neutral (meaning there wide jeans, basketball and sports jacket) was the most suited to urban life, although few really sexy. French men who come to Moscow are usually pleasantly surprised to discover a gent dressed very feminine, as our commentator say the little smart. As for French women, they usually discover with amazement and often a touch of jealousy, know that the Muscovites remain elegant, despite the fact that the distances to walk there are often long or that the urban design is less conducive to walking in the French cities.

This marked elegance throughout the seasons, also often surprised transient foreigners in Russia. In winter, feminine elegance is animal fur and high heels, women in Moscow, with their dignified behavior, looking straight and clear undeniably a class and a real style. The generalization of the fur does not suffer this way in Russia recently, so-called ecological but also very bourgeois bohemian, carried and spread by our muse Brigitte Bardot, who wants us not wearing fur in the name of animal rights . In summer, the excessive undressed Russian probably did not equal any more, the alien beauty of Russian women is so great that miniskirts are small. Foreigners are also often shocked to see how Russian women are free to choose their clothes without fear. It is true that the Russian lightweight dress has no equivalent in Western Europe and especially not in France. The explosion of insecurity and incivility in French cities is indeed probably the main reason for choosing the number of women in the west not to opt for looks sexy or enticing, but rather neutral and very discreet.
In contrast to Russia, the lack of rudeness in the streets against women undress I can say all the excess, usually for the delight of male eyes. This equation Russian women is undoubtedly a major factor in the success of Russian women to men worldwide, but so far this summer fashion dress is not approved by any opinion in Russia.

Recently one of the leading thinkers of the Orthodox Church, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, demanded the establishment of a dress code for women in Russia, saying that "some of them confuse the street with a strip club." This pamphlet against the Russians specialties are modern micro-shorts or mini-skirt would be laughable if the clergyman had added that "miniskirts provoke ethnic conflict and violence and crimes from Caucasians, but also Russians. " This analysis of the consequences of such a dress code is to be linked with the idea of creating a "code of Moscow", announced by the chairman of the committee on inter-ethnic ties last year, which aimed to regulate the behavior of non-Russians, for their successful integration into the capital. The code provided including a ban on walking in the city in traditional dress.
This desire of the church to influence behavior is to be understood in a double sense. First try to save a family structure guarantees a healthy population and is now infested with temptation, abortions and divorces. But above defuse tensions arising from the cohabitation of many people in Moscow habits and manners are very different. The archpriest had announced last December, the Orthodox Church is now interfering in politics and pose as a guarantor of coexistence and harmony between communities. As I wrote in a previous forum, maintaining the fragile Russian multicultural model is threatened by the confrontation of modern and traditional worlds.

course, this sentence of archpriest caused an uproar in the secular media, feminists or liberals, but However she immediately found support from the Muslim clergy of Russia, representatives of the Jewish authorities of the country or the president of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. Whatever one might think so, individually, such an initiative against the excesses of the mini skirt, one must admit that its goals are noble, and welcome to the religious concord when she helped to establish the subject.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Russia 1990 - is a solid brothel

Журнал Flash любезно попросил me as a Frenchman living in Russia, to tell about the causes which impel my countrymen to settle in Russia. Here is the interview verbatim.

In his book "Godfather of the Kremlin, dedicated to Russia of the nineties, journalist Paul Klebnikov describes his encounter with one of the first Europeans moved to live in Russia after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Dazed inhabitant of Europe told the author about his first impressions of Moscow and Russia at that time: "Around girls, girls, and incredible salaries. Venue of this episode - a nightclub on the Arbat, a famous street in the heart of Moscow, among the Slavic beauties, wobbly hips on the dance floor, her eyes red from drugs. That's what was represented in the nineties a new "liberal" and "free" Russia: a giant brothel, a country whose energy, financial and genetic resources are being looted, become prey to various mafia structures and the giant multinational corporations. With this history is more or less familiar: many of Russia associated with the "weapon", "mafia", "girls (Prostitutes), "" environmental pollution "and" vodka ".

This is a description of past eras, today's Russia has nothing to do with Russia of the nineties. Although prostitution since then has not disappeared and is still there (as elsewhere), but the young girl is no longer so invitingly smiling just for foreigners: salary Europeans settled in Russia plummeted, and the level of life of Russian citizens has increased considerably, and in the cities he often exceeds quality of life of foreigners. A recent survey showed that the husband-foreigner remains a cherished dream for only a very few Russian women. And what is especially importantly, today the Russian people (both women and men) can be proud of their country, which is developing at light speed. This development is supported by a sharp rising prices for raw materials, but a big role here belongs to a very effective political power, which can take advantage of economic recovery. As a direct consequence of this situation, thousands of French people now live in Russia, mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg but also in the Siberian
cities, too, and not uncommon to see a Franco-Russian couples or purely French families who make a conscious decision to leave the West and settle in Russia. Of course, the basis of this solution is love, work, a real interest in the country, but that's not all. Many Frenchmen living in Russia, consider now to live "with Putin" - well.
Moreover, it is - their conscious choice.

On a good reason. In the 2000's Russia, of course, varies with the incredible speed, but the country can be preserved while its soul. Today Russia has innumerable benefits. Are just a few: In Russia, for example, No problems with security, and even on the most distant suburbs of big cities women can safely ride the subway or walking in mini-skirts at any time - They are not at the same risk. In large Russian cities there are no regular strikes disrupt the normal flow of life. Everywhere shops, bars, restaurants open round the clock, which greatly increases the degree of freedom. A Russian village, unlike cities, managed to keep the traditional, timeless atmosphere. Russia today represents a fine blend of modernity and tradition, you can simultaneously search for signs of the XIX, XX and XXI centuries. It's really multicultural and multi-confessional country, but, unlike in Western society, the voltage on ethnicity and religion are virtually not felt. I should add that the locals are very friendly to foreigners trying to learn Russian. Finally, Russia - a country where you can find a variety of living conditions, the color of East and West, there is a hot Caucasus and icy Arctic region, Europe and Asia. Such diversity reflects, in particular, the size of the country, located in eleven time zones. The feeling that you are in a strong country that knows where he goes, situation in which improved greatly differs, for example, the situation in France and from everywhere there is a sense of decline. Finally, let us say, feel solidarity with a huge number of decisions taken by the political elite of the country - this is a very powerful feeling.

Of course, you can always find foreigners who were in some sense forced, strictly for professional reasons and who are critical of Russia. Their criticism of all known and can be reduced largely to the condemnation of the so-called "dictatorship of Putin." Arrived in this country with the internal yardstick of "Made in France", with the neo-colonial moods and feelings of superiority often retain their critical attitude during the entire stay in Russia (contracts with foreigners typically negotiate for a period of 2 to 4 years). But for someone living in Russia makes to keep pace with the times, encourage recognize another reality, to estimate life under controlled democracy, ensuring stability and freedom.

If fifteen years ago, Russians, especially women, have fled from Russia in search of better life, because if their home country was in a state of total collapse. Today, many Russians, who lived abroad before, have already returned in Russia, there are tens of thousands of citizens in OECD countries (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). And, apparently, in the next decade this number will grow, given the favorable economic outlook for Eurasia (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, member of the new customs union) and a relatively poor prognosis for the Western States (America and Western Europe). Already, Russia is facing France and Germany immediately after the list IMF in terms of GDP, at purchasing power parity. I did their part, as a Frenchman who lives in Eurasia, declare: "Yes, I am very well," Putin " No way on earth I'm not going to return to the West!

Translation: New York Times

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Puppy's Poop Is Black

The setbacks of the regime of Hosni Mubarak could further enhance the position of regional power of Turkey.

Media and Turkish experts are trying, in this Saturday, understand the scope of events that are taking place in Egypt. If any part of the press ("Radikal", "Birgun" or "Hürriyet Daily News) focuses on the demands of protesters and denounced the frustration of the Egyptian people against a political situation frozen for too long, Turkish media as a whole remain fairly cautious, and wonder about the political and economic changes taking place in Egypt. The pro-government daily "Zaman" and "Yeni Safak" worried even looting, and report the destruction of two mummies of the famous museum in Tahrir Square. The revolution was led Tunisian jasmine, Turkey, as elsewhere, a debate on political change in the Arab world. The ongoing insurgency in Egypt raises analyzes currently focusing mainly on the geopolitical transformations that the fall of the regime of Hosni Mubarak may entail.

The liberal daily "Radikal" publishes a long interview with the Palestinian journalist Abdul Bari Atwan, editor of "Al Quds al Arabi" (a major Arab newspaper published in London) and also the famous commentator of Qatari television channel Al Jazeera, which said that Egypt, despite its decline in recent years, remains a pivotal country in the Arab world. He said that "any change that occurs in Egypt has repercussions throughout the region." And he adds: "When Egypt began to promote Arab nationalism or socialism, the Arab world has been affected by these trends, "before comparing the country to an elephant who is" heavy "but that" will very quickly when it starts, "and could" take everything in its path. "

is in fact what may concern the Turkish commentators. Their frequent ignorance of Egypt further increased their anxiety. Indeed, although relations between Turkey and Arab countries have experienced a revival, sometimes dramatically, in recent years, the major initiatives of the Turkish diplomacy in the matter did not concern Egypt, but rather states neighbors such as Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, or, on the economic and other countries of the Arabian Peninsula. It must be said that since 2002, Hosni Mubarak looked with great suspicion the political experience of the AKP, first, because it appeared to him as this model of moderate Islamic regime of the Americans call vows to take over from secular regimes of breath, secondly, because it is an experience that could give ideas to the Egyptian opposition. Moreover, the positions of the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in respect of Israel since "One Minute" in Davos in 2009, has often excited the Egyptian public, placing the Rais in a more uncomfortable position regarding its relationship with Israel. We remember that during the difficult journey of the caravan "Viva Palestine" (see our issue of January 17, 2010), a year ago, Turkish diplomacy was illustrated at the expense of an Egyptian diplomat who had undertaken to to frame drastically this initiative for Gaza to prevent it provokes reactions from Israel. The clashes, which had objected in particular to Humanitarian Turkish police forces in the Egyptian port of El Arish, had even led members of the AKP, who participated in the caravan, to accuse the Egyptian police to be even "worse" than the Israeli police. Since last fall a strategic partnership between Cairo and Ankara is under development, but the diplomatic rapprochement has all the more quickly that the two countries emerge as regional powers, who may find themselves competing on many issues.

The insurgency situation currently facing Egypt, however, risk undermining sustainable strategic location and status of regional power in this country, reinforcing backlash constantly rising influence of Turkey. This hypothesis will further advantages in Ankara in its relations with Washington. It is indeed likely that Turkey will benefit from this enhanced status of an emerging power and stable country in the region, to admit a little more in the U.S., the flexibility available to it against them now. This development could also bring out the strategic assets of the Turkish candidacy to the EU, especially in the eyes of European countries that opposed to it. France, already taken up by cons- Tunisian jasmine revolution, will have to urgently review its strategic options in the eastern Mediterranean, which so far have spared anachronistic in recent years, Egyptian President spent thirty years in power by giving it a privileged status in addition to co- President of the Union for the Mediterranean (UPM), although they neglected Turkey, denying him a European vocation and by failing to adequately measure its rise on the international stage.

This change should give geostrategic and rejoicing the Turkish experts, but we note it worries them a lot. Country in the heart of a dangerous area, especially between three poles (the Balkans, the Caucasus and the Near East) crossed by conflicts formidable Turkey do feel its neighbors in turmoil. Furthermore, the extension of Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions in other neighboring states (major events demanding the resignation of Prime Minister occurred on Friday, Jordan) could have significant economic consequences for a country that has invested heavily in the Arab world in recent years, including in Egypt ...

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Hunger and fear have changed sides

In the Qur'an, Allah makes it clear that believers are saved from famine and fear. In Surat Al
Phil (The Elephant), he says: " which has preserved the hungry and gave them the guarantee of security " after a terrible fear that these people had been following the attack on the army of the elephant ...

Despite the insults, segregation laws and anti-Muslim attacks continued against Islam, Muslims keep our heads high. Despite dictators funded and armed by Republicans Democrats and their lackeys mounafiguines Arab Muslim peoples are no longer afraid.

While in the West, people are afraid ... afraid of the lack of food. Sometimes they throw themselves on their cart to shop, whereas in countries outside the overconsumption, people do not live only from day to day.

While in the West, people are worried how they will pay their credit (a trap set by Zionism), anxious for their offspring, anxious to know how old they live. Muslim people do not engage in credits according to the precepts of Islam. They are not afraid of death than for its consequences.

Famine won the West who thought he was protected. Some people earn so little they can no longer sustain the natural need: food, housing or pay their debts. These same people are forced to rely on aid as the salvation army, the Catholic relief, restaurants etc. in the heart. ... Who would have thought to reach this stage there are only 10 years.

The West is struck by fear and hunger. Starvation, you see every day. The fear is nourished by this phenomenon propaganda of a widespread terrorism. The Quran speaks to all, believers and unbelievers.

In the West we're afraid of everything: fear of being attacked (which is why they instill in our consciousness insecurity), fear of foreigners, fear of Islam, truth, to fight for his rights ... afraid of having children with disabilities, fear of losing his job, fear of all. Where civilization has many phobias, it wither. It is more combative, and then develops a deep autoimmune disease. Its own antibodies, or its think tanks, ostensibly to protect the identity, implode.

All these fears are built by the Jewish Zionists to give an appearance of stability. But in fact, Western civilization is built only on the superficial.
insecurity, so worn by dictatorial regimes, or those Yankees or Western, is creeping into all areas of life. Everything is an excuse for fear. The evidence, according to a recent survey of this month, the French have very low morale.

The feeling now is not the dominant faith in one God, but fear. This feeling has become, for unbelievers, secularists and polytheistic, nature in all moments of their lives.

This fear relates both to people who have reason to be afraid shallow, but it also accompanies the widespread irrational fear, and drives deeper in the Western sense of insecurity.

fear and hunger have become two incredible constants in the lives of Westerners. They feel so insecure, they swear by psychotropic drugs and treatments. The fact that Western nations do not see their future and have no perspective, reinforces their fear ... knowing that they felt in every election I made the right choice.

Westerners are wrong track ... they see evil as good, and good as evil. Democracy has become the essence of life and a guide for them. When they realize that democracy is corrupt, as in dictatorships, they have no other choice but to take refuge from their corrupt politicians, believing that one can be sincere and honest than the other .

The more they think is in a perfect system, or with small defects, and nothing works. Worse, this democracy that has brought them a son of a rabbi in power they have eaten their lives. Even their scientists, economists and other charlatans, salesmen of smoking theories, lie to them: the number of plants, their parents monkeys, global warming, terrorist attacks.

As the Hungarian Jew Sarkozy said: "the more anxiety, and we will become more necessary." Western peoples are getting hungry, and afraid. Yet they continue to believe in their ideology politician who has brought only hatred, hunger and injustice. People attach to it despite their democratic ideology, then it is a factor for all ills. This proves that the Western peoples have lost all faith and every landmark, and they have no leeway.

This will be much worse in a few months.

Many Imams describe this situation as that announced by the Quran: international unrest, famine, war, mass murder without knowing why and the Jewish-evangelical alliance ...

(Note : While bin Laden has more votes? He does not comment on the anti-Taghoot Egyptian, Jordanian, Yemeni, Algerian, Tunisian?? what a lie that their bin Laden. )

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Les préjugés sur la Russie are irritating

Qui à écrit:

" Au petit matin j'accède à internet (..) et lis les opinions sur la Russie, sur son gouvernement (..) Et je vous avoue que cela me réveille immédiatement (...) J'ai immediately want to respond, to act (...) in order to dispel any misunderstanding.
Then I calm down, because you should never rush (...) and the truth will always triumph . "

Answer here

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Sdelano v Rossii

I add this site very interesting and complementary to my previous articles on the "Made in Russia".

Look it regularly ...

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This article was originally published on Ria Novosti
* The image of "Made in Russia" change quickly, decade after decade. Until the end of the Soviet era, the international press saw Moscow as a city built around the Kremlin and Lubyanka, the Soviet Union and as the birthplace of the Marxist ideology of the Cold War, industry heavy and conquest of space.
During the ten years since the disintegration of the Soviet Union with the collapse of industry and impoverishment of the population, made in Russia has always been to think of negative stereotypes and dangerous: international mafias, the wealthy oligarchs, easy money, trafficking of all kinds, the export of vodka or weapons of war.
While Japan was selling Toyota and Sony, America Coca-Cola, Microsoft and General-Motors, Mercedes or Bosch of Germany, France still had its luxury goods, Chanel, Vuitton or Hermes, Russia did not offer her designs to whet consumers on the planet.
Worse perhaps, youth and the new Russian bourgeoisie dreamed that products imported from abroad. The 1990s nevertheless brought the West a big surprise, about Made in Russia. Marxists have long said that the Soviet model secretly preparing a prototype "new man", but these are the Russian women who suddenly have become export products the most prestigious of Russia. On tennis courts around the world or in all parades Fashion on the planet, they have imposed the model of Russian beauty and gave a vivid picture of the country.
The following decade, from 2000, was again profoundly changed the image of Russia abroad, as well as the image of Made in Russia. Lubianka and tennis Women were almost forgotten and the Western press, Russia became the birthplace of the brand Gazprom. Many critical reviews have focused on exports of Russian gas and oil to two conclusions: the dramatic explosion in oil prices is the main reason for the good country's economic health, and Russia would be threatened by the "Dutch disease . These tests do not take into account the progress made by other sectors of the economy. Russia became the third largest exporter of grain, and many industrial projects are underway, as the Russian system GLONASS System (GPS satellites).

Russia was heavily indebted to the early 2000s, ended 2010 with nearly $ 500 billion of foreign reserves, despite the financial crisis, and after experiencing a high rate of growth of GDP during the decade, from an annual average of 6%. Unlike many Western countries, Russia is no longer obliged to borrow money abroad to pay its civil servants. To say that these successes are due solely to oil is inaccurate. The method of management of the economy, pragmatic and responsive, there is certainly also important. It's a model made in Russia that has been proven, but curiously, it is not an export product.
In Russia, at the same time that relief Economically, the decade saw a reborn enthusiasm for certain products made in Russia. A small revolution is underway in the minds of Russian consumers, and the Cheburashka held an important place in this evolution. This looks like a teddy bear, designed in Soviet times, became a national icon in Russia. It paved the way for what is known in Western Europe ethnic products. The Russian company Bosco, who dresses in particular sports teams in the country, and a relatively upscale clientele, has not deceived and made a real symbol of cheburaska identity. Other examples exist, for example the success of apparel products from young designers Russians playing skillfully on symbols, patterns and designs national, we think, for example Antonina Shapovalov, or alternatively Denis Simachev .
After a decade of regaining control, re-industrialization, modernization and innovation have again become national priorities. In industry, many projects are launched, we think, for example, proposed development of nanotechnology . We also much talk of the draft hybrid electric car at a Russian unbeatable prices. Computer scientists are preparing a operating system and a new Russian iPhone 4g eventually made entirely in Russia, will be on the market within months. This is also the first phone with a GPS function that will use the Glonass satellite system. As the year Franco-Russian cross just ended, one could also cite the purchase by the French Jacques Von Polier , society watch Raketa , whose factory is the oldest the country but also the last manufacturer of watches produced in Russia.
It is very important now that the Russians no longer saw the made in Russia as something outdated or has-beens but rather as something that modern people can be proud to wear. Also, the development of brands and products made in Russia will contribute to the affirmation of Russia to the place that is his own: in the developed economies of the world. There is creativity in the air and we can reasonably think that Russia has made in the future.

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Made in Russia Made in Russia Russia

Оригинальная article was published in RIA Novosti

idea of «made in Russia» is rapidly changing from decade to decade. Until the end of Soviet-era international press is perceived as the city of Moscow, built around the Kremlin and Lubyanka, and the Soviet Union - as the birthplace of the Marxist ideology, the cold war, the heavy industry and space exploration.

for ten years that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union, the destruction of industry and impoverishment population, "made in Russia" is always forced to think about the negative and dangerous stereotypes: an international mafia, the richest oligarchs, easy money, illegal Trading of all kinds, exports of vodka or weapons.

While Japan has sold Toyota and Sony, America - Coca-Cola, Microsoft and General-Motors, Germany traded Mercedes or Bosch, France - subjects luxury, Chanel, Vuitton and Hermès, Russia does not offer any goods, which could have dreamed of consumers in the world.

Even worse, of course, was that the Russian youth and the new bourgeoisie wanted only goods imported from abroad. 1990 still presented a big surprise with respect to the West «made in Russia». Marxists have long said that the Soviet model of secretly preparing a prototype of the "new man", but it was the Russian women, suddenly become the best export product Russia. On the tennis courts or fashion shows around the world, they have introduced a sample Russian beauty and has shown a dazzling image of the country.

next decade, since 2000, once again profoundly changed the image of Russia abroad, as well as the idea of «made in Russia». Lubyanka and tennis players were almost forgotten, but for the western press Russia became the birthplace of Gazprom. Many critiques have focused on Russian oil and gas exports, and were reduced to two conclusions: explosive increase in the price per barrel is the main cause of the economic health of the country, as Russia threatened by "Dutch disease". These tests do not take into account progress in other sectors of the economy. Russia has become the third largest grain exporter, sold many industrial projects, such as The Russian GLONASS system (satellite system GPS).

Russia, which had in the early 2000's Heavily Indebted graduated in 2010 with nearly $ 500 billion of currency reserves, despite the financial crisis, and GDP growth over the decade has averaged 6%. Unlike many Western countries, Russia should no longer to borrow money abroad to pay its civil servants. To say that these successes are due solely to oil, is not true. Method economic management, pragmatic and active, is also very important. This model, made in Russia ", has proved itself, but, curiously, is not yet export product.

In Russia, along with economic recovery in the last decade has revived some enthusiasm in relation to goods «made in Russia ». In the minds of Russian consumers is a small revolution, the important place which is Cheburashka. This soft toy like a teddy bear, developed in Soviet times, became a national symbol in Russia. It paved the way for what is in Western Europe called ethnic goods. The Russian company Bosco, which puts the country's sports teams, as well as relatively rich clientele, not mistaken, is made of Cheburashka this national symbol. There are other examples, such as the success of apparel for young Russian designers who knew how to play characters, motifs and national forms, such as Antonina Shapovalova or Denis Simachev.

After a decade of regaining control, reindustrialization, modernization and innovation once again become national priorities. In industry, many projects were launched, such as the development of nanotechnology. In addition, there was much talk about Russian hybrid electric cars at prices that defy any competition. Russian computer scientists create an operating system, and the new iPhone 4G (both in the text - approx. Perevi.) completely made in Russia, will be available through a few months. This is the first phone with GPS, GLONASS uses. While over cross-Franco-Russian year, you can also remember buying a Frenchman Jacques von Polje watch factory "Raketa", which not only the oldest in the country, but also the last factory in Russia, producing watches.

is very important that now the Russians perceive produced in Russia is not as something outdated or backward, but as a contemporary that can be worn with pride. Furthermore, the development of brands and products «made in Russia» will help to affirm Russia on the spot, which is her own: in the developed economies of the world. In the air, hovering spirit of creativity, and it is reasonable to assume that the «made in Russia "впереди большое будущее.
Перевод: Уголин ( Ursa -Tm)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

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of year 90? A giant mess ..

Magazine Flash to kindly ask me as a French citizen of Russia, on the reasons for our citizens to settle in Russia. So I set my interview below.

In his book 'The Godfather of the Kremlin', devoted to Russia of the 90s, the journalist Paul Klebnikov described his encounter with one of the first European expatriates in Russia after the fall of the wall. The latter, astonished, he says his first impressions on Moscow and Russia in these terms: "Girls, girls, and a whopping salary. The scene takes place in a nightclub in the Arbat, a famous street in central Moscow, while Slavic beauties sway their hips on the dance floor, his eyes reddened by the drug. That is what was in the 90s image of the new Russian "liberal" and "liberated" Communism: a giant mess, a country whose resources, energy, financial and DNA were looted, delivered to various mafias and large foreign corporations. This story you know more or less, Russia many rhyming with "weapons", "mafia", "girls Hookers," "pollution" and "vodka".
is the description of an era gone, and Russia today has nothing to do with Russia 90s. Of course prostitution still exists (as everywhere) but the girls do not smile more in principle to foreigners, expatriate salary packages have dropped significantly and the living standards of Russian men increased significantly, often exceeding those in the cities of aliens. A recent survey showed that the foreign husband was no longer a dream now only a small minority of women. And most importantly, now the Russians (women and men) can look with pride their country, which is growing at a rate Meteor. Development supported by the explosion of commodity prices but also and especially by a political power that has effective use fully the benefits of growth. Direct result? Today thousands of french resident in Moscow or St. Petersburg but also mainly in cities in Siberia and it is not uncommon to meet couples Franco-Russian and Franco-French, after living WEST, deliberately chosen to settle in Russia. Of course there is love, work, or a real interest in the country but not all. For many French, Russian now living "that Putin" is good.
And it is even a voluntary choice!

And there are reasons for this, Russia of the 2000s has certainly changed at an incredible rate, but the country has kept a soul. Russia today has countless strengths. One can cite a few: for example in Russia, no problem of insecurity, even in the distant suburbs of major cities, women take the subway or walking in mini skirt at any time, with very little risk. In Russia not repeated strikes in major cities from living normally. In cities always, stores, bars, restaurants are open 24/24, which gives an important freedom. In contrast to cities, villages have preserved a traditional atmosphere and timeless. Russia today is a subtle blend of modernity and tradition, there are both on 19 th century, 20 th and 21 th century. The country is truly multicultural and multifaith but unlike Western societies, ethno-religious tensions there exist hardly. I would add that the foreigners who make the effort to learn the language are very well accepted. Finally, Russia is a country that offers a varied life, there are oriental perfumes as West, the Caucasus and the Arctic icy hot, and a mixture of Europe and Asia. This variety reflects the size of the country that spans 11 time zones. The feeling of being in a strong, who knows where it goes and where the situation is improving, the situation changes dramatically French example and the pervasive feeling of decline that can be felt. Finally let us say, to feel in agreement with the vast majority of decisions taken by the country's political elite is a very pleasant feeling.
course, you always find foreigners, expatriates often transferred for professional reasons and who are critical of Russia. These reviews are known, and focused on a hypothetical "Putin's dictatorship." They usually arrive the in the country with a vision very formatted "Made in France", neo-colonial ('me there to show you ") and are often critical for their entire stay (in expats contracts of 2 to 4 years). For some, however, life in Russia puts the record straight and makes them aware of another reality that we can enjoy living in a managed democracy, which provides stability and freedom.

If 15 years ago, the Russians, women in head, fled Russia in search of better conditions life, while their country was in total decay. Today, many Russians abroad have already returned to Russia and hundreds of thousands of OECD citizens resident there. It is believed that this number should increase substantially in the next decade, given the strong economic forecasts in Eurasia (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, the 3 countries of the new customs union) and relatively low in the West (America and Western Europe ). Already Russia is ranked ahead of France and just behind Germany as the IMF, the ranking of countries by GDP at purchasing power parity. For my part, as a French Eurasian is decided, I'm fine "with Putin" and nothing in the world want to go west!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Is A Faint Line On A Drug Test Still Ok

Want to know why a terrorist attack took place in Russia.

There were dead following a terrorist attack to punish Russia. The Russian president urged NATO to clarify the role of Moscow in the missile defense system in Europe. If agreement is not reached, according to the president of Russia, it will be forced to deploy its own nuclear missile offensive.

"This is not a joking matter. We expect our NATO partners a straight answer and unambiguous, "said Dmitry Medvedev during a meeting Jan. 24, 2011. "In both cases, we are either in cooperation with NATO, or we find an answer adequate to the current problem, "he continued.

Since the declaration of the killer Bush on a missile shield in Europe, the United States has proposed a plan to deploy a missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic. Russia is fiercely opposed to this plan.

Puppet Obama has reformulated the plan involving the Russian missile program in Europe. I think it's a trap to wait actively and submit Russia to the wishes of NATO.

NATO has proposed terms of cooperation in exchange for passage through Russia to route trains live and weapons in Afghanistan. NATO tries to buy time, so it puts more pressure on Russia.

The attack comes the day after Medvedev's statements: a way to throw an open threat, making it clear that NATO is able to reach where he wants, as he did in Spain, London, Bombay etc ... The worst is

issuing Yves Calvi, the Zionist Jew, which automatically launches a diatribe against the Caucasus, Muslims etc ... Before any investigation, the Zionist Jews have identified the culprit. We all know that Yves Calvi works for the Yankees, and then NATO.

analysts, as Adler, quickly accused the Caucasus, and even suggested that the bomber was a woman ... or maybe a man ... and they add that the anti-terrorism agencies have not concluded their investigation.

Apparently, Jewish Zionists and the Zionists have done the investigation from their comfortable seat paid for by Western taxpayers.

These scoundrels are not afraid of ridicule.

You doubt this analysis. Who would have thought that eleven French would be killed in a bombing in Pakistan for a few million euro (karachi)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What Does A Low Hemoglobin Mean

the true law - Sunday, February 13, 2011

Matthew 5 :17-37

17 Do not think I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I am not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 Verily I say unto you, until heaven and earth pass, not one iota, not one tittle of the law does pass, until 'that all is accomplished. 19 Whoever therefore breaks one of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever put into practice and teach, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I say unto you, unless your righteousness does not exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

21 You have heard that it was said to the elders You shall not commit murder, one who commits murder shall be liable to trial. 22 But I say unto you, Whosoever is angry against his brother shall be liable to trial. And whoever says to his brother, Raca! will be amenable to the Sanhedrin. Whoever says' Fool! will be liable to the hell fire. 23 Therefore if thou bring thy gift the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave there thy gift before the altar and go first be reconciled to your brother, then come and offer thy gift. 25 Arrange up quickly with your adversary while you are still on the road with him, lest the adversary deliver thee to the judge, in custody, and that thou be cast into prison. 26 Verily I tell you, you do not come out thence till thou hast paid the last penny.

27 You have heard that it hath been said You shall not commit adultery.

28 But I tell you: Whoever looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away. For it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body be cast into hell. 3 0 If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from thee, for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members perish and thy whole body should be cast into hell.

31 It was said Whoever divorces his wife gives him a letter of divorce.

32 But I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to commit adultery in, and whoever marries a woman divorced commits adultery.

33 You have heard that it was even said to the elders You do not forswear but you acquit us to the Lord your oaths. April 3 But I tell you, do not swear, either by heaven, because it is the throne of God, 35 or by the earth because it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, because it is the city of the great king. June 3 do not swear by your head, because thou canst not make one white or black hair. 37 Let your speech be yes, yes, no, no, what these cometh of evil.

When the son of Cain built a city to escape the gaze of God, their father, guilty the murder of his brother Abel, they inscribed on the door "to enter God forbids." Thus Victor Hugo tried to describe this terrible feeling that some humans yearning to live, if only a few moments in a place where God's presence would not be sensible.

You may have arrived a day or another to feel the desire to finally be alone and to consider your life with your only conscientious witness. We would thus be freed of some force of habit or of morality easy and the gaze of others and therefore the sight of God.

Do not be shocked if this desire sometimes touched us! Have the courage to confess the truth to yourself that such contingency has occurred. It could happen that, driven by suspicion of accusing others, we put an end to the discussion we have with them stating that "we have our conscience for us." This means that the arguments or opinion of others does not reach us, even if it is away from us the look that God could focus on our actions.

When such situations occur, we feel even more alone that weighs upon us the condemnation of others and that we do not believe that God can do something for us. In closed in our problem, we believe that only loneliness can help us. If we deprive ourselves of the presence of others is that we do not support because they may have against us. If we deprive ourselves of the presence of God, we fear that his trial and in advance that we do very little value that could grant us forgiveness.

Not that things are really serious, it can happen to us to engage in blind alleys where we no longer support the presence of others and where God's absence seems better than his presence. Closed in on ourselves, we entrust time or forgetting the task of managing this problem we want to keep encysted in ourselves and hope he slowly becomes ossified.

course we know that our response to this situation by locking us into oblivion is bad, but how to get out otherwise? The passage before us today does shoved a nail in painful soul note because it reminds us that there is no place where the sight of God enters, and that if a cure is still possible must pay the price. What then? That's what we'll see.

Jesus hangs up against this attitude of isolationism that we feel sometimes be the right solution. It reminds us that God has a voice in all spheres of life and it would be inappropriate for us to build on his Law to give limits to his gaze on us, as if the law raised clear limits and defined and that the intention was worth the action. That's why he said that the aggressive look the other cons is already him in the murder might be committed. That is why Jesus adds. He explained that the slightest leer is seen by God and is likely to be sanctioned by him, as it is true that God sees everything.

No doubt the reader of Scripture does not recognize it by the usual attitude of Jesus when he speaks of sanctions that could be the consequence of actions that have been committed in thought. Here there is no question neither love nor mercy nor forgiveness. Noting that Jesus talks tough in this way, it is possible that we prefer to get away from God and we try to go it alone on many mixers where life takes us. We create and gray areas in which we function as zones of lawlessness to God.

We can then hope for any relief or no healing from him. Or anything or anyone could help us more in the solitude where we refuge. The only solution is was to turn our problems to oblivion. We know, however, that such practice is not necessarily effective because the time does nothing, at best it makes things bearable we entrust him, at worst it gives the remorse, the care to disturb us much longer.

For this reason it is preferable to turn to God anyway, hoping behind the severity of the tone of Jesus we find is hidden mercy. It's the right attitude, because mercy of God can be found only in the truth and to speak truth that Jesus used a tone of severity. This is indeed in truth towards God and ourselves that God will accompany us in our difficulties. For this, we must accept that it can take a look at every moment of our lives. It also requires us to agree to make him account.

Such an attitude is not easy to accept is why some believers advocate then to affirm their faith in the universality of salvation. "Since God is infinitely good, they say, it grant forgiveness to all people regardless of fault." Those who believe that things go well, rallied a little faster at the thought of Voltaire who said that God must forgive because it's his job. Such a conception of God tantamount to a denial of God, so his absence and we revert to the previous box.

In fact, it can really be forgiveness where there has been healing and there can be no healing if there has been dialogue with the healing, because God demands our personal participation in the forgiveness that follows.

is that this healing is effective and what real forgiveness that Jesus offers us a different relationship with his Father. This relationship is to accept his constant presence with us, and not fear that his eye is on all our actions. Nothing, not even God's law can not put distance between him and us. He became the partner of our life, it motivates our actions by means of the love he pours on us.

Our life will flourish so as we will deepen the characterizes the mystery of our existence as a believer. This mystery, that with God, we are no longer two partners, but three. The third is our neighbor who always takes place between God and us. So thanks to the way we behave with others that we can see how God works in us, for the acts of love that we come from him.

When we look back on our lives and we find that we have not had the appropriate gestures of love or that we have had hurtful words, gestures or violent we have committed some act that has caused harm to others, we do not is difficult to infer that we have strayed from God. At this point, our voluntary return to more intimate with him, is the only school that allows us to return to him, to repair the damage we have done and reconcile us with ourselves. It is through love that our actions will be marked again we see the effectiveness of God's forgiveness in us.

Our relationship with God will be motivated by the love that we will be able to others. Law rigid settled our behavior towards others is totally outdated because a new law took place in us is that of love of neighbor. It is to adjust our behavior towards others so that we do not damage anyone, but all that does is rouvent grow by what we do.

This behavior has no chance to bear fruit if we do not God as a partner everyday and if we do not pray without ceasing. Our life can be true only if we work a fusion of love with God.

Unlike might think that those whose lives not enlightened by God, such behavior is neither painful not binding because the presence of God in us that freedom is liberating and fills us with joy .

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dragon Ball Doujinshi Read

Argentine President, Cristina Kirchner, has resided in Turkey.

After a tour of several days in Kuwait and Qatar, the Argentine president, Cristina Kirchner, has made an official visit to Turkey, from 19 to 21 January last.

This trip, the first Turkish head of state of Argentina past 19 years, was mainly an opportunity to work towards strengthening economic ties between the two countries. A business forum between Turkey and Argentina was also held on this occasion, January 21 at the Conrad Hotel in Istanbul. The two emerging states, G20, link GDP rankings établi par le FMI et la Banque mondiale, respectivement à la 17ème place (en ce qui concerne la Turquie), et à la 30ème place (en ce qui concerne l’Argentine). L’un et l’autre ont vécu des crises économiques et financières similaires, dans le passé, et connaissent une forte croissance, aujourd’hui. La présidente argentine a insisté sur la nécessité de profiter des opportunités actuelles, tout en veillant à se prémunir contre les effets dévastateurs de la crise globale en cours. De surcroît, résumant ses intentions par la phrase suivante : «Nous ne voulons pas que l’on nous considère seulement comme une vache», elle also wanted to convey to his Turkish interlocutors that his country had become very active in areas with high added value, such as nuclear power, biofuels or producing pharmaceuticals.

For its part, Turkey, high consumption of meat is very interested in the agri-food Argentine, but the visit of Cristina Kirchner was also an opportunity for her to reaffirm its international bottom-up and confirm its intention to enter the South American continent. "We want to develop our respective investments ... Turkish companies are already present Argentina, we hope that Argentine companies will invest in Turkey, "said President Abdullah Gul, who received his Argentine counterpart and signed several agreements with it, including a protocol on civil aviation. This should help bring the two countries specifically, since "Turkish Airlines" will soon be able to open a direct flight between Istanbul and Buenos Aires.

Politically, the contributions from the visit of Cristina Kirchner remained more limited. The two countries have indeed been a complex relationship that Argentina recognized the Armenian Genocide in 2004. These difficulties have been revived last year on the tour of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in South America. After his participation in the Third Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations in Brazil, May 28, Turkish Prime Minister had decided to cancel his stay in Argentina, having been informed that a demonstration organized by the Armenian diaspora, might disturb the unveiling of a statue of Ataturk on which he was invited.

Beyond this incident, we can observe that the political relations that Turkey has with Argentina are far from reaching those it has developed with neighboring Brazil, in recent months. On May 17, 2010, regarding the Iranian nuclear issue, Ankara and Brasilia had defied the United States, signing with Tehran, an agreement for an exchange of enriched uranium, which claimed to offer an alternative to sanctions that the major powers' s were preparing to vote against the Islamic Republic. Subsequently, June 9, 2010, Turkey and Brazil had refused to support sanctions at their adoption by the Security Council of the UN. The two countries had wanted to ask as well on the international stage, emerging political powers, challenging governance of the world provided by the only permanent members of the UN body. If Argentina is far from the positions in Brazil, especially as regards the Iranian nuclear issue, no doubt it also intends in the coming years, giving a political tone to its economic success. To do this, visit the Turkish president will probably not be useless.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Do The Numbers Mean On A Motorcycle Tire

Judeo-Zionism: a project of domination of other religions

I have no sympathy for intolerance, whether from Muslims or Christians. My goal is to work in a spirit of acceptance of others. In the early days of Islam, the Prophet and some companions had taken refuge among the Christians when they were threatened by the polytheists, the secularists and the idol worshipers. This has never been forgotten by the Muslims, even those by the more legalistic.

And when the fighting was significant between Christians and Muslims at a time when Islam was more rigorous currently, Muslims have always respected the fundamental principles of Islam and humanity : hadith is telling. Contrary to relate the Zionists, Muslims do not bomb without distinction between civilian and combatant.

How then do we believe that terrorist attacks are committed by Muslim fanatics. When one is fanatical, it rigorously follows the teachings of the prophet of humanity. It is strictly forbidden to touch civilians, simply to fight in revenge or hatred. Those who have studied Islam to understand ... the others, I urge you to read, and not from sites Zionists who misrepresent reality.

Do they not disguise the human woman. They do not promote the sodomites! How immoral people as they can also be present in the media, culture, newspapers and other professions from!

Muslims may have differences with the Catholic Christians, but when they pronounce the name of Jesus Christ, he greets him ... as he greets the name of the prophet Muhammad. However, Muslims make a big difference between evangelicals and Catholics, other Christians. This is to tell each other, make no mistake of fighting.

In Islam as in Christianity, the self-immolation is strictly prohibited. The Arabs who set themselves on fire, or, here in France, Christians who are in despair, are doomed.

In Tunisia, Algeria or Egypt, the Arabs who have set themselves on fire for purposes other than fire. Despair ... yes, we concede. However, if they had followed the percepts of Islam, they would not condemned by the immolation. It is the lack of conviction, combative and morality that leads some to sacrifice not only their lives for material goods, but also definitely hurt everyone around them.

In the case of Tunisia, the sacrifices are futile. One who sacrificed himself, has in desperation, as I said earlier. However, the scenarios of the Tunisia Monitoring by usion were already written. In fact for all countries, these scenarios are already prepared revolutionist ... These people do not expect criminals that people take flight. It would be naive to believe that.

God created the honor, dishonor, guidance, misguidance, but also the fighting spirit. The belief in the oneness of God, absolute authority, requires a lot of faith to just avoid getting hurt or sacrifice his body. Our body does not belong to us. God created the mind free and trial, but he also created the willingness and capacity to excel.

How else, Muslims abducted by usion at Guantanamo, would they have resisted many torture ... except by endurance and strength. I hear some Arab promote the sacrifice by the sacrifice. This is surely not for us to judge, but it is strongly recommended to do so. Is Jesus sacrificed himself for the sacrifice, even when he was pursued by the guards on the payroll of the rabbinical courts.

All secularists current laws are made to oppress the Muslims and Christians. The evangelicals, Protestants, as usual, decided to ally with the murderers of their so called guide. If respected, he would have no alliance-Zionist evangelists. The Communists had the same project to destroy the Orthodox Christians. Talk of the Orthodox who lived under communist barbarism, and you understand. Their enemies are the Zionist Jews, not Muslims.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wording For A Lia Shophia Party

How Zionism advanced fascism

The challenging economic environment in the lives of all Western Europe, is a nest for fascism and Nazism. Some still think that there is no racial, others will say that we ended up with fascism ... deception. The media are themselves promoting fascism, and this in greater freedom of expression.

When it comes to denouncing the Zionist state purulent, all actions are undertaken to prevent a single conference with a Zionist left. This prohibition comes from groups fascist Zionists as the CRIF, organizations supported by the fascist Zionist president as head of state.

Today, there is no genuine French defending the honor of the fatherland, its respectability, dignity and aura. It remains only to deceive the fascists in their fight against the Muslims, and uneducated who forget that the Zionist oligarchy has completely forfeited the power and the French economy.

These people, who come here confabulations, that are just idiots who do not see the misery that is looming: precisely because of this infamous war declared against Islam and Muslims. Even fools like Plantu promote sneaky fascism.
recall that in 1936 the fascist groups such as Betar and other extremist factions and bloody, had been banned. That's why we had not been affected as Spain, Italy or Germany by fascism and Nazism.

Today, people like Plantu or UPJF, ensure that extremism is spreading Zionist fascist ideologically freely in peoples' minds. Thus they define the right to freedom of expression. It is simply the right to the exaltation of fascism. If

fools do not really see the danger of Zionism and its barbarity, it is then either he must fight collaborators or ignorant fools to be educated. The period is difficult for Muslims, but also for ordinary people ... The media does not talk about them. Because they concentrate all their energy to divert the minds of real problems.

I am neither side of the secular left or the right-wing fascism. Plantu confused when voluntarily left and fascism is a way familiarize the extreme right. Few people know that fascism Plantu support of the UMP.

The extreme form of fascist dictatorship, is to pretend that they are dressed in a coat saint. Like all media have done for Marine Lepen. It is obvious that all the media, lobbies juifistes boots, work for the growth of fascism in France, in Europe, but throughout the West. This gender confusion (Mélenchon / Lepen) from the designer rightist Plantu, allows firstly to validate the stench UMP, but also to minimize the project's fascist Lepen.

Apparently, this did not seem to shock people the crown is passed down from father to daughter in the nick of democratic theories. Pakistan has the same design as Lepen of democracy, or Syria, or Arabia the king, which transmit power from father to son ...

These great democrats sending militia to support the dictator Ben Ali ... This shows that the Algerian revolution had been confiscated by the decay harki power. It also shows that Muslims are afraid because they are truthful and follow the right path. Is not it written that people will rush into the water, thinking that it is water while this vision lies a large fire Burning.

Some have understood the meaning of this allegory. And others rely solely on appearances, like the kid who wants to hide her acne pimples, or that old botox to hide his age.
Are we not in this stinking media demonizing honoring virtue and human degradation? Are we not in an anti-Islamic propaganda supposedly violent, while evangelicals, Jews and Zionists are killing millions of Muslims without any pseudo Muslim leaders do not move?

We know that the west arose the confusion, corruption and mass murder without ... that we know why obvious. We are in a time when the innocent is killed for no reason, or the victim is accused, or the murderers are no longer worried.

Fascism has no morals. It just bathes in its hideous hatred, and built from enemies, especially among the lowest for failing to confront the true evil of Zionism. Here
further evidence of a member of the National Front who openly states that the FN is funded by the Zionist entity, if the FN has dropped its service gook, it is a directive of the CRIF, as he had not ordered not present Arab for the PS ...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Selling Blood Plasma In Florida

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the guest of honor TÜSİAD.

Who knew! Recep Tayyip Erdogan agreed to participate, January 20, 2011, at the general meeting of TÜSİAD (Türk Sanayicileri ve Işadamları Dernegi, the Association of Industrialists and businessmen from Turkey). This offshoot of the Westernized Turkish employers, which is currently celebrating the 40th anniversary of its foundation, and is one of the largest lobbies in support of Turkey's European bid, had the Prime Minister's guest of honor of his appointment annual event.

The arrival of the leader of the AKP was not yet acquired. Indeed, during the campaign preceding the referendum of 12 September, which helped to restructure the judicial hierarchy, a controversy erupted between government and TÜSİAD (see our issue of August 18, 2010). Recep Tayyip Erdogan had criticized the refusal of the employers' organization to give instructions to vote for the referendum. It was felt that this particular position was in fact a timid confession of hostility TÜSIAD Government Reform Project. In addition, the head of the Turkish government had denounced an attitude at odds with the positions expressed by rather favorable European Union in respect of the constitutional amendment proposed in the referendum. This skirmish with TÜSİAD was added to a previous clash, which occurred in July 2011, which saw it, bluntly criticizing the Kurdish Democratic initiative of the AKP (see our edition of July 20, 2010). The dispute began thus to be particularly heavy among the men now in power and an organization which, incidentally, had actively participated in toppling the Islamist Prime Minister Erbakan Necemettin in 1997 and worked to discourage Recep Tayyip Erdogan of being candidate in the presidential election in 2007 (see our edition of April 18, 2007).

It seems that the Prime Minister has agreed to spend sponge, for a time, so as not to deprive themselves of that forum is the meeting of Turkish and big business can send some strong messages about his political intentions for 2011. The first highlight of his speech development was focusing on tobacco and alcohol. The recent government directive restricting the sale of tobacco and alcohol (have a place-specific sales in stores, banning the sale of bottles of 20 cl, prohibition of alcohol during concerts ...) caused multiple political turmoil over the last ten days in Turkey. The chairman of the authority Turkish regulating the sale of tobacco and alcohol, Mehmet Küçük, denied any intention ideological sub-jascente the subject, and said that through new proposals for restrictions, the panel he chairs simply wanted to protect youth . But the secular establishment have seen in these measures, further evidence of the progress of an "oppressive mentality" which means the frame lifestyles.

front of Turkish businessmen also used for business meals washed down with their Western counterparts, there was a strong opportunity to explain that Recep Tayyip Erdoğan did not fail to grasp, saying: "I can have a hostile attitude to alcohol in my personal life and within my family. But if we are conservative, we are also Democrats, so we're careful not to impose our views on society. "Referring to recent provisions restricting the sale of alcohol in comparison to those adopted to the States U.S. or other Western countries, the Prime Minister then reminded that the Constitution obliged the public authority to protect youth from harmful effects of alcohol and other drugs, and felt that the government had done its work here.

Another highlight of the speech of the leader of the AKP has concerned the revival of the draft civil constitution. Initiated in the aftermath of the 2007 parliamentary elections, we know that this project has stalled, and has finally led to only a limited constitutional revision, which specifically made the subject of the referendum of 12 September 2010. Following the positive outcome of this election, Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that the draft constitution would be civil completed, if the AKP government was renewed at the end the next elections in June 2011. For his part, since last September, the TÜSİAD has established a group of 25 experts, charged to consider a proposed new constitution. This group does not prepare a text itself, but should more accurately make proposals on 5 points: the mode of development of the next constitution, basic principles and institutions of the latter in the 21st century, questions of identity , freedom of religion and separation of powers. At the Annual General TÜSIAD Thursday, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has mostly repeated its commitment to reviving the draft Constitution calendar, ensuring that its development would not mobilize only experts but also the whole civil society.

The last important passage of the Prime Minister's speech concerned the judiciary and the reforms which he believes are still necessary, even after the revision of 12 September. Responding to the President of TÜSİAD, Mrs. Ümit Boyner, who regretted that the investigations into the assassinations of secular journalist, Uğur Mumcu in 1993 and the Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink in 2007, are still in impasse, Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he was not in power lorsqu'Uğur Mumcu was murdered, but that the killers of Hrant Dink had been arrested 36 hours after the crime. More generally, referring to the recent reform to limit pretrial detention and the overcrowding of dockets, which led to the release of prisoners deemed dangerous, he said that a comprehensive reform of the Turkish judiciary was necessary. Also in the judicial field, he did not fail at last to regret the recent decision of the Council of State, which quashed the decision of YOK, authorizing the wearing of headscarves by female students applying for postgraduate examinations. One way to remember that the wearing of headscarves in universities should once again be a big campaign issue of the AKP in the upcoming elections ...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What Is The Difference Between Mono And A Cold

Fascism, democracy and alliance of dictatorships

Many people tell me privately that I'm a little too suspicious about the case of Tunisia. I told you that the people rose up, but there is a big part of handling. Several clues lead us to think that.

Above all, there is the fact that Ben Ali ran away like a beaten dog. It would not save if it were only the people who was behind the mutiny. It is increasingly evident that the army, at least part of the army, will be raised against Ben Ali, its militia and police.
You really believe that Ben Ali would saved because of the people? We're not as naive.

Another proof is: when the United States, Westerners or Jews want to attack a country, then they are silent or supporting the worst, as in the case of Côte d'Ivoire. The general silence of world leaders is suspect.

If people can not see the oncoming wind, the international intelligence knew. Or, we are ignorant of barbouzards pranks. I would like, just like you, believe in a seizure of power by the people. But when we see how this revolution has been captured, one can have doubts. When

you see the new interim head, you just have to ask you a question. Especially since all those who took the power now, are alumni of Ben Ali. It reminds me of taking power in Algeria Boumediene instead of Ben Bella.

Arab dictators do not come like bees smoked easily. They support each other and are also fully supported by the Western fascists and Zionists. All peaceful resistance or opposition to the dictators are removed, imprisoned for terrorism, or killed with the complicity of Western leaders.

Moreover, If fascism rose in the West, not only because of the fascists, but also thanks to Arab dictators who do nothing to defend their people in the white racist world. Arab dictators have an incentive to grow fascism, hatred of Muslims, to give them no opportunity to succeed in building a more just political.

Some are still asking questions about the silence of the Arabs?

It's very simple ... more fascist dictators support as Eric Raoult, Sarkozy and other Lucas, they are more confident of keeping intact the dictatorship. It's the same principle for America South. The faxistes, Zionists and the Arab dictators stick together. The proof was evident during the terrorist attacks of mass referred to as "hard lead", which were committed against the Palestinians of Gaza.

You hear them chattering that dictators are a bulwark against "Islamism" ... in reality they are a bulwark against the freedom of the Arab peoples, Muslims and blacks. Because Jews and Zionists ionistes do the same in Africa.

The Tunisian people had reason to protest. He was right to call his despair. All Arabic, Chinese, South Americans, know that terrorist attacks are the result of the service plans in places. People know because they live in reality and not in the intensive propaganda of the Zionists.

We, we know that NATO needed Terrorist tell people to accept the colonial wars and confiscatory.

Dictatorships have always had links with liberalism: Pinochet, Hitler, the Shah, Cheney ... all these people have used false flag to retain power. Arab dictators, fully supported by the West, continue through the Democratic Republicans, the Zionist ideological perversion.

In reality, it is not only the dictators who have their own plan. It's quite a dictatorial system designed to close the entire society. When people can not even criticize the regime in his family, in court or before the coffee is good because the police system is well done to crisscross the country and beyond.

Just see who are the ones who took the power behind Ben Ali, to understand that the system is here to stay, and is also supported by democratic regimes and secularists rotten Republicans. If dictatorships and repressive systems persist, it is thanks corrupt democracies of famous Republicans: Listen

is what this lady said Tunisian declaring that foreign hand is behind the leak of Ben Ali declared openly that it is a coup ... a listen to line 6 / 12 for more information ...