Matthew 5 :17-37
17 Do not think I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I am not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 Verily I say unto you, until heaven and earth pass, not one iota, not one tittle of the law does pass, until 'that all is accomplished. 19 Whoever therefore breaks one of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever put into practice and teach, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I say unto you, unless your righteousness does not exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
21 You have heard that it was said to the elders You shall not commit murder, one who commits murder shall be liable to trial. 22 But I say unto you, Whosoever is angry against his brother shall be liable to trial. And whoever says to his brother, Raca! will be amenable to the Sanhedrin. Whoever says' Fool! will be liable to the hell fire. 23 Therefore if thou bring thy gift the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave there thy gift before the altar and go first be reconciled to your brother, then come and offer thy gift. 25 Arrange up quickly with your adversary while you are still on the road with him, lest the adversary deliver thee to the judge, in custody, and that thou be cast into prison. 26 Verily I tell you, you do not come out thence till thou hast paid the last penny.
27 You have heard that it hath been said You shall not commit adultery.
28 But I tell you: Whoever looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away. For it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body be cast into hell. 3 0 If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from thee, for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members perish and thy whole body should be cast into hell.
31 It was said Whoever divorces his wife gives him a letter of divorce.
32 But I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to commit adultery in, and whoever marries a woman divorced commits adultery.
33 You have heard that it was even said to the elders You do not forswear but you acquit us to the Lord your oaths. April 3 But I tell you, do not swear, either by heaven, because it is the throne of God, 35 or by the earth because it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, because it is the city of the great king. June 3 do not swear by your head, because thou canst not make one white or black hair. 37 Let your speech be yes, yes, no, no, what these cometh of evil.
When the son of Cain built a city to escape the gaze of God, their father, guilty the murder of his brother Abel, they inscribed on the door "to enter God forbids." Thus Victor Hugo tried to describe this terrible feeling that some humans yearning to live, if only a few moments in a place where God's presence would not be sensible.
You may have arrived a day or another to feel the desire to finally be alone and to consider your life with your only conscientious witness. We would thus be freed of some force of habit or of morality easy and the gaze of others and therefore the sight of God.
Do not be shocked if this desire sometimes touched us! Have the courage to confess the truth to yourself that such contingency has occurred. It could happen that, driven by suspicion of accusing others, we put an end to the discussion we have with them stating that "we have our conscience for us." This means that the arguments or opinion of others does not reach us, even if it is away from us the look that God could focus on our actions.
When such situations occur, we feel even more alone that weighs upon us the condemnation of others and that we do not believe that God can do something for us. In closed in our problem, we believe that only loneliness can help us. If we deprive ourselves of the presence of others is that we do not support because they may have against us. If we deprive ourselves of the presence of God, we fear that his trial and in advance that we do very little value that could grant us forgiveness.
Not that things are really serious, it can happen to us to engage in blind alleys where we no longer support the presence of others and where God's absence seems better than his presence. Closed in on ourselves, we entrust time or forgetting the task of managing this problem we want to keep encysted in ourselves and hope he slowly becomes ossified.
course we know that our response to this situation by locking us into oblivion is bad, but how to get out otherwise? The passage before us today does shoved a nail in painful soul note because it reminds us that there is no place where the sight of God enters, and that if a cure is still possible must pay the price. What then? That's what we'll see.
Jesus hangs up against this attitude of isolationism that we feel sometimes be the right solution. It reminds us that God has a voice in all spheres of life and it would be inappropriate for us to build on his Law to give limits to his gaze on us, as if the law raised clear limits and defined and that the intention was worth the action. That's why he said that the aggressive look the other cons is already him in the murder might be committed. That is why Jesus adds. He explained that the slightest leer is seen by God and is likely to be sanctioned by him, as it is true that God sees everything.
No doubt the reader of Scripture does not recognize it by the usual attitude of Jesus when he speaks of sanctions that could be the consequence of actions that have been committed in thought. Here there is no question neither love nor mercy nor forgiveness. Noting that Jesus talks tough in this way, it is possible that we prefer to get away from God and we try to go it alone on many mixers where life takes us. We create and gray areas in which we function as zones of lawlessness to God.
We can then hope for any relief or no healing from him. Or anything or anyone could help us more in the solitude where we refuge. The only solution is was to turn our problems to oblivion. We know, however, that such practice is not necessarily effective because the time does nothing, at best it makes things bearable we entrust him, at worst it gives the remorse, the care to disturb us much longer.
For this reason it is preferable to turn to God anyway, hoping behind the severity of the tone of Jesus we find is hidden mercy. It's the right attitude, because mercy of God can be found only in the truth and to speak truth that Jesus used a tone of severity. This is indeed in truth towards God and ourselves that God will accompany us in our difficulties. For this, we must accept that it can take a look at every moment of our lives. It also requires us to agree to make him account.
Such an attitude is not easy to accept is why some believers advocate then to affirm their faith in the universality of salvation. "Since God is infinitely good, they say, it grant forgiveness to all people regardless of fault." Those who believe that things go well, rallied a little faster at the thought of Voltaire who said that God must forgive because it's his job. Such a conception of God tantamount to a denial of God, so his absence and we revert to the previous box.
In fact, it can really be forgiveness where there has been healing and there can be no healing if there has been dialogue with the healing, because God demands our personal participation in the forgiveness that follows.
is that this healing is effective and what real forgiveness that Jesus offers us a different relationship with his Father. This relationship is to accept his constant presence with us, and not fear that his eye is on all our actions. Nothing, not even God's law can not put distance between him and us. He became the partner of our life, it motivates our actions by means of the love he pours on us.
Our life will flourish so as we will deepen the characterizes the mystery of our existence as a believer. This mystery, that with God, we are no longer two partners, but three. The third is our neighbor who always takes place between God and us. So thanks to the way we behave with others that we can see how God works in us, for the acts of love that we come from him.
When we look back on our lives and we find that we have not had the appropriate gestures of love or that we have had hurtful words, gestures or violent we have committed some act that has caused harm to others, we do not is difficult to infer that we have strayed from God. At this point, our voluntary return to more intimate with him, is the only school that allows us to return to him, to repair the damage we have done and reconcile us with ourselves. It is through love that our actions will be marked again we see the effectiveness of God's forgiveness in us.
Our relationship with God will be motivated by the love that we will be able to others. Law rigid settled our behavior towards others is totally outdated because a new law took place in us is that of love of neighbor. It is to adjust our behavior towards others so that we do not damage anyone, but all that does is rouvent grow by what we do.
This behavior has no chance to bear fruit if we do not God as a partner everyday and if we do not pray without ceasing. Our life can be true only if we work a fusion of love with God.
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