Several developments of recent political events have illustrated the complex positioning of Turkey between maintaining its alliances with Western countries and its strategy of opening towards the Arab-Muslim world.
The difficulties that the Turkish-European relations were first confirmed during the recent visit of Angela Merkel in Cyprus. During this movement (the first of a German head of government in Nicosia), the Chancellor praised the efforts of the Republic of Cyprus to reach a settlement on the island, while noting that "the Turkish side did not react not adequate. "This statement has gathered the main cold Turkish politicians, when they were doing, for their part, a series of movements in the Arab world (Yemen, for Abdullah Gul, Kuwait and Qatar, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan). While Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ahmet Davutoğlu regretted the lack of objectivity about Angela Merkel, Prime Minister of Turkey has harshly tackled the German chancellor, criticizing him for having forgotten his earlier positions that had been such that estimate the entry of Cyprus into the EU without the conflict that divides the island was first settled, was a mistake. This clash between Turkey and Germany on the Cyprus crisis, is even more important that we remember that it has thwarted the agreements, which were be agreed between NATO and the EU at the end of last year.
Meanwhile, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Abdullah Gül, in turn, confirmed the vitality of regional developments of the new Turkish foreign policy. 10 and 11 January 2011, the President has in fact made in Yemen, a two-day official visit (the first by a Turkish head of state in this country) in which it has signed a series of major contracts, including an agreement providing for the abolition of visa requirements between the two countries. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Turkish, accompanied by an impressive gathering of all businessmen, continued his charm offensive in the Gulf. In Kuwait, where he first visited January 11 (photo), he urged Arab countries to forget past conflicts and to cooperate with them as with Turkey, going so far as to declare: "The Arabs are our brothers ... By joining forces, we can overcome all problems. We can solve the problem of Palestine, that of Iran or that of Afghanistan ... We do not need a third party to reform and improve our relations. "The next day, the airplane taking him from Kuwait, Qatar, the leader of the Turkish government builds on what he had said the day before: "The 57 Muslim countries may in fact be sufficient in themselves with what they produce and eat ... We have much to share. "Recep Tayyip Erdogan nevertheless recalled that this position on the Arab-Muslim world is definitely not an alternative to the candidacy of his country to the European Union.
must say that at the same time the Minister of State, Chief Negotiator of Turkey with the EU, Egemen Bağış, stated that Summit of EU candidate countries which opens today in Budapest, he would advocate that they be invited back to the European Council meetings held each semester, and are invited to the traditional family photo that end, adding: "It is very important to us! Doubtless he will also argue the new international prestige of his country and the desire to Ankara to mediate, even though to take place on 20 and 21 January this year in Istanbul, the second round of negotiations between the Group of Six (USA, Russia, China, United Kingdom, France and Germany) and Iran on the nuclear issue, and Ashton arrives in Turkey today to prepare for this deadline. However ambiguous statements recent Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ali Akbar Salehi, the content of discussions to be held in Istanbul, show that both parties do not agree on the agenda of the meeting . Iran deny that we evoke its "nuclear rights," which he believes can be discussed only to the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). The fact that this meeting be held in Istanbul is significant diplomatic influence is now one of Ankara, but actual results will perhaps not only to nourish ambitions in Turkey is offering to host this event.
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