Matthew Chapter 5
The Beatitudes
1 Seeing the multitudes, he ascended the mountain, he sat down, his disciples came to him. 2 Then he opened his mouth and began to teach:
3 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs!
4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted!
5 Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth!
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied!
7 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy!
8 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God!
9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called son of God!
10 Blessed are the persecuted Justice, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs!
11 Blessed are you when you revile you and persecute you and clothe you all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
happy is the word that begins any first teaching of Jesus. "Blessed are you," he said, and after he repeated the word 10 times as the 10 commandments of Moses (1) it lists all the people around him who have no reason to be happy, because they are poor, they cry, they mourn, they have more resources, they are frustrated by the unfairness of human justice, they are naive and sweet in a society of violence, they are abused, because their ideas, they are persecuted because they follow Jesus. All these people marginalized by society or by events, Jesus proclaims the "happy".
How do we receive such a statement? If we were in their case, and we are sometimes, we would seek not to be victims or our poverty, nor our sorrow or our unhappiness. If among us some said it was an honor to be martyred in the name of Jesus Christ, few this claim.
Since that Jesus uttered these words, the churches would have been pleased. They sang, they were recited, and continue to do so. They help us to comfort those who are victims of bad luck and encourage them to believe God will not abandon them. However, whatever one may say, we do not want to find ourselves in the situation of all those who are marginalized by their situation and suffer.
Why did Jesus uttered these words? What was its aim? Some believed that Jesus announced a social revolution and even a cosmic revolution. They believed that Jesus would inaugurate a new era where the Almighty God open the heavens and overthrow the social order by destroying all inequalities. They believed that the Kingdom of God would finally settle on land. Those were disappointed, they left Jesus quietly one after the other. The last one of which is disappointed remained in the entourage of the Lord was probably Judah.
It would have delivered Jesus, according to some interpreters to force Jesus to inaugurate a new order by summoning legions of angels to defend him. In fact, Jesus had not he talked about a kingdom of heaven may be established on earth? It was in vain. Jesus allowed himself to stop, the sky did not open, Michael and his angels do not come. In short it was missed because there was no spectacular manifestation of the Lord, on the contrary, it was a debacle. The conspirators were brightened in nature, leaving the "master" only the power of his enemies who organized a rigged trial to convict him and who obtained his death by bribing the prefect Pontius Pilate. To worse, Judas committed suicide and died Jesus agonized and abandoned by all.
That was the end of illusions. That was the end of the new order.
Friends of Jesus still scared by this weekend horror discovered with amazement that the master was alive. Not that he survived his ordeal because they had seen death but otherwise he was alive. After his death he lived a life that comes from elsewhere, and he still lives in this way - it was the resurrection - From the time some began to think it was to them, the companions of the master organize the Beatitudes, to come to comfort those who wept, to intervene in cases of social injustice, in other words to defend the weak against strongest. They felt empowered to promote a new social order and assist all the miseries. They organized a model society, one of the early Church whose book of Acts we realize. Since that time churches were recognized this vocation to witness a new way of being in society.
To witness the wonders announced by Jesus, he must first decide to live differently. This is the path that we must explore now, one that invites us to live differently and we will be happy. The problem is knowing what life differently, as though convinced of this need we do not want to be differentiated ts of others, instead. Despite our claims about our right to difference, rather we seek compliance.
Our only desire is to satisfy our immediate desires, so our deepest wish is to satisfy our impulses without really asking ourselves questions. Yet one who promises us that we will be happy if we follow does not give us a model particular. We were only offered to live with the thought that if we live according to God's will must give priority to others. It was then that Jesus is present with us. Under these conditions, its presence with us leads us to live differently .
The presence of Jesus among men has never ceased. Well that living 2000 years ago, his resurrection makes us just as present today. He stands beside us, as it was next to those who were with him at the lake. It was through his mind he places in us that helps us take our problems over. It helps us make our situation under control by putting in us the energy we need to go further. It's realizing that we discover the relevance of translation André Chouraqui. He has indeed made the word "happy" with the words "on".
In Indeed, to start, we must strive. If we desire, Jesus takes her hand and does not let go. It pushes us forward in our march is always triumphant. It leads us to follow and in Eternity, where he already is. Over the path of eternity is accurate, his hand is firm, his voice becomes more precise, more like to keep him as a fellow traveler and more we're happy in his presence.
In noting the difference between our Bible translation that makes the Greek makarios pleased by Mr. Chouraqui and which says: "On", it is reasonable to wonder who is wrong? We are obviously attracted by the translation by A. Chouraqui, but how to reconcile with the Greek word makarios which means "happy"? We need to redo the same path as him to discover that the word translated "blessed" in Hebrew is a word derived from the root of the verb walk (Asher) which could mean that the man "happy" is the man who walks.
Although e course at the beginning of the twenty-first century, we did not feel that our churches are really in motion, was the impression that they are lagging behind. And that their only real concern is to survive in a world that does not sound Evangelizing. It should not sad, such a situation, as Jesus did nothing fixed in advance. He promised "happiness" even craving, challenge, rejection or indifference. It did not forbid it or to change the structures of the Church or, to make it evolve, if they seem not to correspond to our time. The true joy that Jesus places in us is one that gives us the faithfulness Jesus in whatever situation we are experiencing. We expect to we start to with him, we invented together and joy of the Church of tomorrow.
"In walking it! You grieve, you poor, you thirst for justice" because, with Jesus, he is already happening something that will us into different beings.
Why do different?
Because saved.
(1) for the tenth purists happy is contained in the verb kariete where we find the same radical than happy
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