Revolution Tunisia, the Jasmine revolt
As you know, I'm not one to declare victory in the midst of rebellion wind that blows from Tunisia. I find this very strange, too spontaneous and perfectly organized. There is no revolution without a backyard. There is no nation that can oust a dictator with his militia, his mercenaries, its army and police ... unless they are corrupt and funded to give up at the last moment.
fact, this revolt of jasmine is identical in all respects to that of tulips, the cedar, or that Iranian: green revolt. Make no mistake, if I have not responded so far, is that waiting to gather all the information to give you the clues that lead me to assert that the revolt of Tunisians is directed and organized by usion with the aid of some Europeans.
The young man who sacrificed himself, is a simple kickoff Zionist agents frame. They are everywhere, even among the advisers of Ben Ali. Poor him, the rogue dictator listened to his advisers urging him to run away like a dog. This can be done as an advisor Zionist.
He could stay and start a real opening for an election, instead of abandoning his country. This proves, because of this leak, he had much worse than the threats of the people. It could not be touched by the people ... but rather by the officers and the army that could threaten to kill him, as the Tsar was in his time with his family by Bolshevik Jews.
Rejoicing that the people was able to hunt the most protected man from Tunisia, is a utopia, ignorance or a sweet dream innocent person. Do not rely on appearances, but rather to facts, actions and inaction of Western leaders.
Everyone knows, among the Arab leaders, Africa and Europe, it is the hand of foreign agents handling the good little people. However, the Tunisian people and other peoples, even Arabs believe that this revolution is spontaneous.
Finally, many believe that Tunisia has no oil or mineral resources ... Nay. The Austrian group OMV
, detained by the Austrian state, the Emirate Abu Dhabi and Russia, announced July 14, 2008 the discovery of a gas field in the Ghadames Basin south of Tunis. SEREPT society has been created primarily for OMV.
In November 2008, OMV (Austria) and Gazprom (Russia) have announced they will create a gas exchange and distribution platform from 2009.
A pipeline project has been planned for 2013 between Austria and Russia to power the turbines in Europe. The pipeline would compete directly with that of Euro-Atlantic. The South Stream project was discussed Austrian Chancellor Faymann between Werner and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
This proves that Tunisia, and thus the head of Ben Ali's dictatorship, was wrong s'accoquiner with the Russians. It is a punishment for him and his people. Considered if they were under dictatorship, that life was expensive ... they will soon understand with the heads of Zionists who have risen to the declaration of the interim presidency.
They did not mind too Islamic, especially with Masonic symbols and Romans who are behind them:
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