Isaiah 49/1-6:
The servant of the Lord
light to the nations
1 Islands, listen to me!
distant peoples, be careful!
The Lord called me from the breast (breast),
He mentioned my name once (my output) from the bowels of my mother.
2 He made my mouth like a sharp sword,
he hid me under the shadow of his hand;
He made me a sharp arrow
He hid in his quiver.
3 And he said, Thou art my servant,
Israel who have my dress.
4 But I said:
In vain I 'm tired
That emptiness, vanity I have spent my strength
Certainly my right is with the Lord
And my reward with my God.
5 Now the Lord speaks,
He who formed me from the womb (maternal)
to be his servant,
To bring him to Jacob,
For Israel to be assembled with him;
I am glorified in the eyes of the LORD
For my God was my strength.
6 He says: It's just that you are my servant
To restore the tribes of Jacob
And bring back those of Israel
I appoint you to be a light of nations,
To my hello is (manifested)
to the ends of the earth.
The roll of the prophet Isaiah.
The Lord's ways are very strange! It happens sometimes in the believer's life are moments when he finds more consistency between his faith in God and the events he is going through. Questions arise and remain unanswered. Worse, he finds the answers in God are so provocative that it is his relationship with God that it is rushed.
Although some of us have they encountered such situations so that they may find some interest in following this.
Here it is the prophet himself who can not find consistency between the message he is supposed to deliver and faith in God who has mandated. He feels challenged by the message he is responsible
"that's nothing that I'm tired, it for chaos, futility that j 've exhausted my strength. "That's the conclusion of his thinking.
The man who speaks well is a prophet a success. He is a man who knows himself chosen by God from the womb. They are not numerous in Scripture those who can claim such a privilege. His mouth was formed to pronounce the word of God like a sharp sword. It is known to have been visited by quickening spirit of the Lord. He brought to the front of his people words which have generated a wave of unprecedented hope and now the message entrusted to him became incoherent in his own ears. He no longer distinguish where the spirit of the Lord grows.
man is not jaded by a long ministry unsuccessful, and his gloom is not an expression of his failure inside. While his confusion from the text we just read. The good news is that supposed to be seems to have changed in nature. It must not only preach the end of exile and return to prosperity. It must also speak of justice and fairness. The God of which he must carry the message is different from the God in whom his contemporaries hoped. If God frees his people, he also takes care of the poor and lost. The prophet understands that must not only be a successful preacher but he must also give a different tone to his message. Such a development in his thinking put his life in question, it can be crowded he die? No can not say because Scripture keeps its secrets.
The prophet Isaiah which question here is the other Isaiah. These are the people educated regarding the Scriptures call Deutero-Isaiah, who lived 150 years after the Book of the Prophet whose door name. We call "Second Isaiah" because the chapters that follow are devoted to those of other prophets, they were transmitted on the same roll, and because we do not know his name that we gave him one of the preceding as it is true that we only lend to the rich. You can find his stories from Chapter 40 to Chapter 55. The content of his message is the same vein as the first Isaiah is why they are sometimes confused. The first lived in the royal era and the second was living in exile.
We read his words disillusioned about himself. He is aware of his vocation as a prophet. He was chosen from the womb to bring good news to the people. He expressed the good news by announcing the return of exiles in their homeland. It is the first to notice a change in the behavior of the powerful. He approached the first, that God would use a conquering chief to restore the ancient kingdom of Israel. He saw one whose star rose in the Persian arm of God to help the return of exiles: Cyrus. Steals from victory to victory, it is already at the gates of Babylon. Is acclaimed as the savior, he is hailed as the son of Marduk, the great God. His generosity feeds proverbial reviews. It keeps alive the princes defeated he compelled to reside in a palace where they live a quiet life. He respects the religion of the defeated countries, it restores the worship abolished. Isaiah foretold the return of his contemporaries at home thanks to Cyrus that he welcomes the title "messiah" hitherto reserved for the kings of Israel.
Such was the mission he had received from God this is his mission accomplished. Why fuss? Why now this disillusioned? Because, like all thinkers, it must put its house in order thoughts. He needs to unify the message that God inspires with current events because God does not speak in the abstract .. The euphoria of the return is not enough. He must talk about justice, rights of the weakest.
Since the fall of Jerusalem his contemporaries have arisen many questions about the meaning of events. They wondered about the meaning of suffering. Is there a cause-effect relationship between the sins and sufferings. These Are the effects of God's punishment on the sins committed long ago in the era of prosperity? God does he suffer in exile to pay for their mistakes leaders. God can inflict punishment on the innocent? Are they all guilty? Is it conceivable that the God of Justice has a role to play in the suffering?
Now that the return promise is emerging, the prophet can not evade the real issues that everyone is asking so long. Does God play a role in human suffering and in particular the suffering of innocents? The responses of the prophet will be poorly received and is accused of making remarks unacceptable. Was accused change the message of God.
Knowing what words mean, knowing what God gave him to understand the Prophet knows what will his message home! He knows that his colleague Ezekiel was was mad when he tried to address such issues. He knows all about involving the nature of God is sufficient to trigger hostility against him. Prophet of happiness, it will become a prophet provocative and violence will turn against him.
He reaches back, he resists those that make her beard, he allows himself bullied by those who listen. He was dragged like a sheep that is mows like a lamb that is slaughtered. It is in his own martyred he realizes the truth, and the truth is not good to hear. While he is a victim of the wrath of men to have spoken ill of God in them, then he suffers their abuse he discovers that his companion in misfortune is God himself. God left His glory to come and suffer the blows that he is and when he pulls the beard is a beard for God that is hard.
He therefore asserts that suffering is not willed by God but it is felt by him as many blows that he carries. God comes to lend a hand to those who fight against the injustices suffer men who will share their struggles. The long-awaited Messiah of Israel will not Cyrus. Cyrus will the political sovereign, the true Messiah of Israel is the one who has to suffer with them and share the distress of the poor. But what is this God who reveals himself? What sense can take our faith in such a God?
The persecuted prophet will then write four poems in which he develops the portrait of Messiah he described as sympathetic to human suffering (1). Five centuries before Jesus, a prophet anonymous had therefore already paved the way to the land of Babylon. Now he'll have to get used to this new conception of God.
God chooses to manifest itself now, not by spectacular miracles into humanity but he works from the inside with each individual to overcome the hardships he goes through. Thus comforted by the presence of God to man beside him will no longer be helpless when the fate overwhelm. He will find the look of ensuring good God, he will feel his hand on his shoulder, he can tap into the power of his mind with the energy it needs and will find eternity after his path.
(1) the songs of the Suffering Servant Isaiah are 42/1-9; Isaiah 49/1-7; Isaiah 50 / 4-11 and Isaiah 52/13-53/12
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