Matthew 5 :13-16
Salt of the earth and light of the world
13 You are the salt of the earth. But if salt becomes insipid with what its saltiness be restored there? He is good to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. 14 You are the light of the world. A city on a hill can not be hidden. 15 No one lights a lamp put it under a bushel, but put it on its stand, and it shines for all who are in the house. 16 Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
It is difficult to escape the fascination in us the spectacle of a starry night. The thousands of stars twinkling on the vault of heaven we speak of the greatness of God and we suggest that the modest observer we are is very little given the immensity. But the man is full evil in the role of the earthworm worshiping the stars. These few moments of modesty caused by the wonder of short duration, we know! Very quickly, since they tried to understand the movement of the stars, men have taken up the challenge and began to imagine that their prodigious intelligence would make them masters of the earth to heaven as God's equal. The genius of the men was quickly put in rivalry with God. They therefore managed to go up to the stars and their dream has lost wonderful and enchanting appearance.
Yet it has been said recently that once scientists had an opposite experience. Instead of competing with God by looking at the stars, they found God on earth fighting for life among men.
It was on this bizarre story that opens the Gospel of Matthew. He tells us that scientists come from who knows where, somewhere east of nowhere had sought the truth in the starlight. A light from above had directed their steps. What they sought, they discovered hidden in God in the land of men in a discreet corner and almost unknown to the civilized world. The moral of the story is that God puts the light on the path of those who seek to help them discover the truths down here that concern. And in that last sentence, we find summary of all the mystery of revelation.
But the lesson of modesty does not please everyone. It has not rained in particular greatest of our kings who had applied to prove the contrary. He was pleased to reverse the direction of things. He called himself the Sun King, and he has granted the privilege to enlighten the nation. In reversing roles, he became God in the place of God and servants of God no longer had to be silenced or into submission. Yet he died without glory and light went out. There was more sun, there was no light, it was nothing. And emptied his dead star into oblivion.
But the lesson given by him had borne fruit. Rose after him and despite himself, quantity, philosophers whose brilliance of thought as it was called the period they lived "the Enlightenment". Now human thought, philosophy is seen by again proposing to enlighten the world. The pale light that had illuminated the Magi to the discovery of God was now overshadowed by the wisdom of philosophers whose brightness rejected God in the shade. God himself only became available with the permission of the philosophers.
We're still here today. These are the dominant ideologies which now concede to God's right to exist and has the opportunity to enlighten the minds of those who claim him as in the discretion and respect the thoughts of others. Whatever one may say things are going good!
Without pain you some dissatisfaction with this situation, they decided to periodically restore radiance God and shine the light of His law to inform the nations that deviate from it. That is the goal to give those inhabited by fundamentalist thoughts. This then gives a strange feeling because they are men who are trying to give God a piece that it no longer and he does not seem to claim. Thus some men think that after having borrowed its light to God, after having it confiscated, he must strive to make it so that by his brilliance once again become the undisputed power of God.
They said the light was taken God himself must be made. But if God did not intervene when philosophers have stripped of his power, if not always intervene when men seek to pay him is that God does not share their concern. When we act in the name of God and does not manifest approval is that it does not work in the right direction. It is used God's name to splash out his glory on the men who handle it. The light of God becomes an instrument that men take ownership but that does not concern him. As for God and their respect in this case, is a different story to which we must address now.
face of all those who tried to capture the brilliance of the light of God and all those who hope to restore it, we hear now the voice of Jesus coming to add one layer by saying: "You are the light of the world."
philosophers of Enlightenment reason, therefore, would they? Human thought would she intended to lighten the Gentiles and God does not play any role there? Not much obviously. The words of Jesus were not a universal value. They are not directed at anyone. Jesus addressed specifically to you.
Behind this "you" must see all those gathered around him to listen to the sermon on the mountain that this speech is a part. And through them he speaks those readers who identify with the Gospel turn to witness the first hour. They join those who hear Jesus sitting on the side of the hill overlooking the lake
Jesus is therefore directed at you, listen,
- you who acknowledge Jesus who speaks to them in the name of God and they heard his words,
- you know that God takes the side of the weak against the strong side of the oppressed against the oppressors,
- you who already know that God does not lead the world toward greater justice and more peace if you do not put the hands on.
When you invest in the service other and that you consider the others (all others) as your brothers, you shine around you a burst of divine light. When you pick on the mouth of Jesus guidelines that will guide your actions, it is as if you were suitable a bit of divine light within him and that it will reflect in your actions.
course is a very feeble light we radiate a pale reflection of God's light, only a glimmer! It has no real impact if it is relayed by the light of others who, like all of us believe that God guides their actions, it is by our actions that the world perceives it.
So this dim light that flows from God to others through our actions she returns to God when God was identified through them. God becomes bright, lit by its own light that does not return to him void. If these actions are enough, they may even make it dazzling, as it should be.
Those who would make light of God's presence by other means are wrong. It is those which we have already talked and who would compel others to believe even by persuasion or by force. No binding or provocative action could not reveal the glory of God, for God's glory can be seen that if the actions that manifest are supported by actions inspired by love of God. Love is the only virtue which God gives priority because God is love, says the Gospel of John. It is therefore by love and shared common that we discover God's presence.
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