This article was originally published on Ria Novosti
In the small smart 2006-2007, a section called Moscow 25 words describes the key devouchka (hear the young Russian woman) as "a creature dressed very" and asserts that "the West in simple tourism is often pale, especially in winter when it is struggling to adapt to possible changes in temperature. The paragraph ends as follows: "It will be very difficult in the face to protect the reputation of elegance which France must bear the terrible burden". I said that the platform of smart little was written by a woman, and therefore probably intended for women readers overwhelmingly as the latter have course to heart what about elegance.
elegance of this war between French and Russians is not new. In 1842 when the embassy secretary in Paris Balabin Victor takes his post, it notes the types of competition between Russian women and French women, and describes very interesting in his diary. He notes that "if the French, in their dress walking, both simple and elegant, have a distinct advantage over them (...) However, the evening in a lounge and dance, ours prevail by their Toilet First, always fresh and good taste, then by some beautiful air, some holding a little stiff perhaps, but giving them a je ne sais quoi of distinguished and great lady. "
This assertion about the superiority of the Russian style becomes obvious to anyone, man or woman, travels to Russia in Moscow today. Russia has in terms of elegance for women and certainly no serious competitor not France, or in a long time and for various practical reasons, our citizens have told us that a modern look and neutral (meaning there wide jeans, basketball and sports jacket) was the most suited to urban life, although few really sexy. French men who come to Moscow are usually pleasantly surprised to discover a gent dressed very feminine, as our commentator say the little smart. As for French women, they usually discover with amazement and often a touch of jealousy, know that the Muscovites remain elegant, despite the fact that the distances to walk there are often long or that the urban design is less conducive to walking in the French cities.
This marked elegance throughout the seasons, also often surprised transient foreigners in Russia. In winter, feminine elegance is animal fur and high heels, women in Moscow, with their dignified behavior, looking straight and clear undeniably a class and a real style. The generalization of the fur does not suffer this way in Russia recently, so-called ecological but also very bourgeois bohemian, carried and spread by our muse Brigitte Bardot, who wants us not wearing fur in the name of animal rights . In summer, the excessive undressed Russian probably did not equal any more, the alien beauty of Russian women is so great that miniskirts are small. Foreigners are also often shocked to see how Russian women are free to choose their clothes without fear. It is true that the Russian lightweight dress has no equivalent in Western Europe and especially not in France. The explosion of insecurity and incivility in French cities is indeed probably the main reason for choosing the number of women in the west not to opt for looks sexy or enticing, but rather neutral and very discreet.
In contrast to Russia, the lack of rudeness in the streets against women undress I can say all the excess, usually for the delight of male eyes. This equation Russian women is undoubtedly a major factor in the success of Russian women to men worldwide, but so far this summer fashion dress is not approved by any opinion in Russia.
Recently one of the leading thinkers of the Orthodox Church, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, demanded the establishment of a dress code for women in Russia, saying that "some of them confuse the street with a strip club." This pamphlet against the Russians specialties are modern micro-shorts or mini-skirt would be laughable if the clergyman had added that "miniskirts provoke ethnic conflict and violence and crimes from Caucasians, but also Russians. " This analysis of the consequences of such a dress code is to be linked with the idea of creating a "code of Moscow", announced by the chairman of the committee on inter-ethnic ties last year, which aimed to regulate the behavior of non-Russians, for their successful integration into the capital. The code provided including a ban on walking in the city in traditional dress.
This desire of the church to influence behavior is to be understood in a double sense. First try to save a family structure guarantees a healthy population and is now infested with temptation, abortions and divorces. But above defuse tensions arising from the cohabitation of many people in Moscow habits and manners are very different. The archpriest had announced last December, the Orthodox Church is now interfering in politics and pose as a guarantor of coexistence and harmony between communities. As I wrote in a previous forum, maintaining the fragile Russian multicultural model is threatened by the confrontation of modern and traditional worlds.
course, this sentence of archpriest caused an uproar in the secular media, feminists or liberals, but However she immediately found support from the Muslim clergy of Russia, representatives of the Jewish authorities of the country or the president of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. Whatever one might think so, individually, such an initiative against the excesses of the mini skirt, one must admit that its goals are noble, and welcome to the religious concord when she helped to establish the subject.
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