Luke 23 :35-43
The people stood and stared. As for heads, they jeered (Jesus) in saying, He saved others, he saves himself, if he is Christ the elect of God! 36 The soldiers also came to mock him and make vinegar 37 saying: If thou be the king Jews, save thyself! 38 There was above him this inscription: This is the king of the Jews.
39 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults against him, Art thou the Christ? Save yourself and save us! 40 But the other rebuked him and said: Do not you fear God, you are under the same condemnation? 41 We are punished justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds, but it did nothing wrong. 42 And he said: Jesus, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. 43 Jesus answered, Verily I say unto thee, Today thou shalt be with me in paradise.
"Remember me when you come into your kingdom! - Today thou shalt be with me in paradise! "
whole mystery of salvation is at stake in these final words that unite two men in death making it less terrible. They affect creator and lead the two convicts in eternity. There's no fault of Adam to atone, no theory of redemption, a simple word address to a tortured agony. The answer overflowing with love instead of the second one that does not expect it in the hands of God. Then everything is said.
A little light on the mystery of salvation has been raised. This impression we get from stealth last verse of this text allows us to join the crowd is silent and we we want quiet, in our turn at the foot of the cross.
It happens to everyone periodically to or redo the pilgrimage places us before the cross. Our company has been so marked by time when Jesus died on Calvary that is among the elements that have inevitably shaped our lives. One can easily get rid of and everyone is more or less sensitive. Even those who are more detached from religion feel an emotion inside because nobody is indifferent.
In those moments that are sometimes very rare, however, we seek to evoke everything that gives meaning to our lives and feeds our hope. We are thus led to take stock of what we believe. We hope our life was not in vain and that our time on earth has been helpful to some. We even dare to expect more and we wonder, perhaps unconsciously, will there be after our life and Also, if appropriate, we will part in this afternoon. Is this what people call religion hello?
In the story of the crucifixion as reported in the Gospel of Luke. The witnesses have only the word hello mouth. The heads of the people shouting the insult he saved others, why did he save not himself? Soldiers who are shouting the same cry, and even one of his companions punishment is the same thing. Even those who stand in silence and who believed in salvation he announced an emotion felt in finding that they have hello hope seems to be denied. The death of the condemned is in the process of destroying for them, any inclination to believe in salvation.
For leaders of the people that death is a good thing because it will be a return to order? Indeed, for them, it can not be a hello in the disorder. Only authority is the guarantor. They are the ones who assume the right to think right and those who think otherwise are regarded as subversive. Causing disorder, Jesus could be they believe that subversive, he could not bring salvation. Of course, soldiers, partisans of the order held on the same reasoning. As for the condemned man who insulted him, he exorcised his failure, his suffering and hatred by insulting, but he did not believe him either a hello whatsoever.
The crowd, who once believed to be the salvation announced that excludes it stands aside and waits. She said nothing, she does not like the vociferous crowd usually does when she attended an execution. In fact, she witnessed something that transcends it because nothing is normal here. Usually, the heads of the people who ordered the sentence in similar circumstances are silent. And the people, eager for these shows, which manifests. But here is the opposite. Everything happens as if this event actually quite commonplace for this time, something would change the face of the world. The crowd waits as we have said, but she expects what?
On the ridiculous sign hanging on the cross, it is written: "it is the king of the Jews" The Roman authorities used this implementation to submit further oppressed the Jewish people. That means we do not tolerate other authority than that of the occupying power. Since course, we tried benefit from the inclusion. History and tradition have sought to overthrow the values. We saw in Jesus a king discredited by men but by God accredited. It is presented as a passive victim resistant human violence and on his victory in his weakness. We probably were right. The resurrection will endorse this interpretation by showing that God is based on the weaknesses of the world to condone the hostile forces that oppose him.
can then develop the idea that to be approved by God, the representatives of power should look Jesus and to exercise their authority according to his Gospel. They should fall into the camp of the weak, the poor and needy and them justice. They should look like this king which we portrays Mary in the Magnificat: "He sent down the mighty from their thrones but has lifted up the humble and full of very hungry, he returned to empty the rich ..."
We understand that the followers of Jesus after his death must ensure that they recognize the sovereign will act as one and just said that Jesus' death opens another way to govern. Experience has shown that such an undertaking proved impossible and that those who govern today continue to resemble those that existed before Jesus. So if nothing has really changed, how will any is this bearer of salvation for us?
We do not really know. We understand that the less we know the result, for centuries and that this result is disturbing. It bothers because despite all that was said, nothing has changed. Certainly we believe, as is usual and that the official theology says that in the event of Jesus is our salvation. But as the crowd, we do not necessarily understand what that means.
Indeed, we are accessible to major humanitarian ideas, we readily understand that God calls us to change the rules that govern the world and do everything we can to make the concepts of sharing and equality are the new rule of business management. Some of us are willing to take to the streets and make the revolution to change things, but it still does not answer the question that runs through this passage : What's salvation?
We understand that it is in relationship with Jesus that it is customary to call the "good thief" that we can approach an answer.
"Remember me when you come into your kingdom," he said to Jesus dying. Since the beginning of this case Jesus did not flinch when insulted, he carried with him the impression of love that was the basis of his teaching. He had been elevated to a divine precept respect for the other whatever. He tried to finish as he had lived in showing all the love that was in him. And because of that, he said nothing.
No hate, resentment total abandonment! Could he loved humanity more hostile coalition against him? The only possible attitude was silent. At the point where it was, selflessness and self-sacrifice was to be silent, do not complain and do not whine.
At this moment his companion in misfortune was able to reach deep within himself. He then produced a miracle sublime that emerges from this atmosphere of horror and that brings out the hope of nothingness. The strength of love that Jesus lives occurs com am able to lead
in life, one who is dying with him. While death is doing its work, the presence of Jesus was able to lead his fellow-sufferer in a dimension of life that eludes us. Jesus was able to create another satisfied that the love they share in this moment will not be swallowed up in death.
It's not easy to understand, but it seems to me that salvation is to know that the love of God, as was manifested in Jesus is stronger than death. Death can not destroy in us the marks of love of God that Jesus is filed.
Is this what the hello? Is this true? Is this the resurrection? It is now for everyone to put here the word that his faith inspires.
The images are of Gustave Moreau
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