After traveling for weeks on the Gospel of Luke, it seemed important to complete this series sermons on the event of the resurrection. I propose that this sermon is a very personal reflection and completes the series of sermons
Luke 24 36-49 Resurrection
36 While they thus spake, himself stood among them and said: Peace be with you. 37 Seized with fright and fear, they thought they saw a spirit. 38 But he said to them: Why are you troubled and why these arguments do they stand in your hearts? 39 Behold my hands and my feet, it's me, touch me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see that I have . 40 And in saying this, he showed them his hands and feet. 41 Since, in their joy, they did not yet, and they were astonished, he said: Have you anything here to eat? 42 They gave him a piece of grilled fish. 43 He took it and ate before them.
44 Then he said to them: This is what I told you while I was yet with you, it had to be fulfilled everything that is written me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms. 45 Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. 46 And he said unto them, Thus it is written that Christ would suffer, that he would rise from the dead the third day 47 and repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem. 48 You are witnesses. 49 And [here]: I will send you what my Father has promised, but stay in the city until you are clothed with power from above.
Resurrection burst into our lives as a reality that takes over our whole being and that radically changes our relationship to everything around us. It stems from a spiritual experience that changes our relationship to everything that exists around us. This belief compels our minds by the action of the Holy Spirit who makes it to slow the pace of our reality in our thoughts and meditations. Thus faith in the resurrection manages to take place in us.
It is sometimes the result of more intense provocation of the holy Spirit who hustles and is binding on us as if the doors of our soul had been forced by God to instil in us a life force new and unknown. It is not surprising if those who do this type of experiment can not tell the difference between what they live in the depths of themselves and what is happening outside of their consciousness. We find three times in the book of Acts, the story of such an experience as Paul did when he had a riding accident on his way to Damascus. Others such as John Wesley founder of Methodism have reported similar experiences.
These comments will help us understand how, two days after the death of Jesus, his apostles, his friends and of course women faithfully attached to him have all been through similar experiences. They began experiencing intense emotion that seized all their senses and that trained them deep within themselves to an unknown reality that they will afterwards very difficult to realize. Paul's second epistle to the Corinthians (1) tells the story like a man who was raised to God. "Is it in his body he says or does outside the body, I do not know? Yet the reality that Jesus is truly alive is necessary to their reluctance. Then the certainty of resurrection dominating their whole adventure. They now know that Jesus through the wall of death, it is now mysteriously alive, and he offered to their friendship.
soon as they resumed walking in reality, it is with anguish that they have reported their experience. They have a double sense of fear. His first appearance occurs in them as the feeling of having ventured, in spite of themselves, in an area that was not theirs but belonged to God. Then they rejoiced fear of not being believed by telling their experiences. is what the Gospels say. It will take several do this experiment, starting with women, so that belief in the resurrection begins to settle in the group of intimates of Jesus.
It would be presumptuous to try to deepen the event and to seek explanations for why the same phenomenon occurred with such intensity at this point in most intimate of Jesus. We just know that the small group of witnesses who were not illuminated, nor unbalanced acquired the certainty that God guaranteed that from thence to the death, there was a promise of life. The acquisition of that certainty was possible for anyone was caused in his inner life by the Spirit of God who is always at work in the world of those who believe. Five hundred brothers made the same experience tells us the Book of Acts, and the list is not closed, of course, since we continue to do so.
Carefully, the apostles did they decide to put an end to these experiments to avoid being added to and we tell anyone what the risk of exaggeration, it why they insisted on the event of the Ascension, which put an end to the apparitions. But this kind of experience did not stop either. We just changed the name. Now we talk "conversion", ie of inner experiences during which each other discovered the truth of Scripture concerning the resurrection.
course these experiments are usually less severe than those described in the Gospels, but they still produce the same effect. It is always a certainty that is installed inside of ourselves. We do not just check it by no experience but our brain now assumes that resurrection is a gift from God which can not be accessed through the faith.
The Gospels tell all sorts of stories about apparitions of the Risen. They have the particularity of the cause of unbelief those to whom these events are related. They cause doubt among many contemporary readers, so I was careful to say that the demonstrations of the Holy Spirit were still in force and they are still the instruments by which the faith spreads. before making a critical exegesis of these texts, we must begin by addressing carefully and respect for those who we have passed have done to stimulate our faith and help us move forward on the path of knowledge of God.
The stories of the first witnesses of the resurrection have been set in writing at least 30 years after the events they recount. They are the product of a long tradition that the first church has matured until they are written down by the authors of the Gospels. They reported what has been experienced by others than themselves and they did not witness of what they report. They have not sought to make the difference between the inner experiences of witnesses and what they actually experienced. They just wanted to tell from these stories how The Living Christ had taken possession of their souls. It was therefore their impossible to separate things and they have not sought to do.
The narrators may have added some details to give more truth to their story. In doing so, they may be served truth. This is probably the case of the text before us today. We are told that Jesus had started eating grilled fish. But the story is going to Jerusalem is far from the lake. Fish if there were would be dried. To be fried, it had to be fresh operation probably physically impossible. If we consider that it is Luke who is the narrator and that Luke has never been to Palestine, we will easily understand that he has failed to locate the scene and believed to Jerusalem as at Capernaum, there were fresh fish available.
Luke, thus clarifying the situation sought to answer the question that Jesus was not a ghost. But in trying to do too much, it has complicated everything (2)
suggesting that Jesus ate food that should not be in Jerusalem.
Faith in the resurrection of the early believers we have not been reported by the Gospels to provoke our wonder, but to accompany our reflection on the meaning of life. They found by experiments on the resurrection they had done, that God's plan was to lead us to consider life as a reality that God gave a high priority. He invited us to give the same priority in all our behavior.
God mobilizes us for that we become its servants in the service of life. By sharing this experience, he encourages us that we should give priority in our lives all that gives value to human existence. That is why Jesus such a long teaching on love of neighbor, for love is the only means by which life takes priority in our actions. It is by loving one's neighbor that it charges its life expectancy. Love is limitless Scripture tells us, so it must extend to the borders of the impossible. The impossible was to take Jesus to face the enemy: "Love your enemies IS, bless those who persecute you"
But how can we be enemies when we are entirely inhabited by the love of Jesus ? Now it's more that we act but Christ brings life in us!
1: (2 Corinthians 12 :2-3)
2: I have developed this theme of the resurrected Jesus eating fish on this blog for April 26, 2009 Who is responsible for the disorder in the world?
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