The chairman of Diyanet (Diyanet Isleri Baskanligi, Directorate of Religious Affairs), Ali Bardakoğlu (right in photo), resigned November 10 last, two months before the expiry of his mandate. He held the post since 2003, and was finishing his second term. Officially, this departure was made at the request of the interested party before a restructuring of the institution is Görmez Mehmet (left in photo), who served as vice president so far, succeeded Bardakoğlu, while the minister in charge of worship, Faruk Celik said that the replacement was taken in the context of reforms which the institution must be the subject soon, and assured that the person of the incumbent president and his actions were not question.
Yet many observers believe that this sudden departure was the result of political pressure more than the imperatives of personal convenience. I must say it comes at a time when the Islamic headscarf dispute continues to bounce in Turkey. Earlier this academic year, the YOK (Higher Education Council) asked the teacher not to exclude from his classes, students wearing the headscarf, an initiative that has reopened a controversy latent secular circles, noting that the veil is still officially banned on campus because of a jurisprudence the Constitutional Court confirmed in 2008. Moreover, even though the debate on the headscarf in universities has also raged during the campaign for the referendum of 12 September the Prime Minister has recently proposed that the matter be decided by the Diyanet. Ali Bardakoğlu but refused to take that responsibility by calling on politicians to solve this problem through dialogue. Although Diyanet depends on the prime minister, his ex-president said also that his institution should not act upon the request of political power, and explained that wearing the headscarf should be regarded as a personal choice, not allowing not to assume the convictions of those who wore or did not wear it.
Ali Bardakoğlu is also known to have approved the removal of the mention of religion, which appeared earlier on Turkish identity cards, and was hostile to say two reforms that the government has placed under review: the diffusion of the Friday sermon in Kurdish and the representation of Alevis in the Diyanet. More recently, the departing president has noted, saying the Kemalist daily "Cumhuriyet" Atatürk was the head of state who had brought the most attention in Diyanet and not participating in the single reception Organized this year by the President on the occasion of National Day.
Thus the departure of Bardakoğlu explained by the shift more and more important, between designing administrative and therefore not enough spiritual personality is the Diyanet, thus perpetuating the Kemalist tradition, on the one hand, and a desire to see government instead commit the institution more clearly on issues related to lifestyle and social issues, on the other .
Actor fundamental Turkish secularism, the Diyanet is responsible for managing a real Islamic state. It controls such as training, appointment of imams, and sermons, fixed religious holidays and manages the mosques. Directly attached to the Prime Minister, this institution is allocated the 7th state budget and organizes Turkish Islam abroad. Yet, the President of Diyanet has always refused to play a spiritual role involving notably that constantly launches fatwas tone moral, social and even political, just as can the Sheikh of Al Azhar, Egypt . It has thus increasingly seen as a senior manager of the majority religion than a religious leader to speak of.
At a time when Turkey is undergoing a profound transformation of power relations within its political system (down the army, the judicial hierarchy, hierarchy secular university ...), the departure of Ali Bardakoğlu he anticipates a mutation of the place and role of Diyanet?
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