By early this week, the main Turkish political leaders welcomed the outcomes of the summit NATO, which was held on November 19 and 20 2010, in Lisbon. The main object of their appreciation for the missile shield and the fact that the summit has decided, according to what they wanted, not specifically mentioned Iran as a threat justifying that this defense system is extended to the Europe (see our issue of November 19, 2010). The summit was eventually simply stated: "NATO does not consider any country as an enemy. However, nobody should doubt his determination, if the security of any of its member states were to be threatened. "On 20 November, the President of the Republic, Abdullah Gul, who warned yesterday that Turkey could not "be in a project that targets a specific country," said that "Strategic Concept" was "within expectations" of Turkey. As expected Ankara has been successful, because given the good relations it will maintain with its neighbors, including Iran and Syria, for whom, number of member countries Alliance, nourish the utmost suspicion, she did not want the threats for the shield is expressly designated.
If we look deeper into the issue BMD, and the atmosphere that preceded the Lisbon summit, one can not fail to note that the issues, raised by this new concept, reflect the special position is currently that of Turkey on the international stage. Indeed, Western countries have made no secret of the reasons that motivate them to extend this defense system to Europe. Primus inter pares, the United States has often openly designated Iran as the subject of concern particularly focusing on the risks posed by a threat of small but they feel real, consisting the proliferation of missiles at medium and short ranges, the gates of Europe. At their summit in Lisbon, November 20, 2010, Nicolas Sarkozy, France, was very explicit about this, saying: "The threat is Iran! "It is true that to secure their position, Turkish diplomats had already warned that they would meet in the absence of countries cited as threat in" strategic concept "defining the shield, and once granted anonymity potential threats in the text, the statements of each other would have no value for their country. It remains that despite this victory words, if the shield is designed to protect property from countries like Iran, if Russia is required to participate in this defense system, Turkey will find themselves only Muslim country in defense project includes mainly the two former Cold War blocs and conforming in many respects, border clash of civilizations.
only downside to this scenario, we know that the Russian participation in the shield, announced to great fanfare of trumpets by NATO after the summit, is far from certain. Lisbon has shown that despite a approximation, differences of view persist significant between NATO and Russia. In accepting the dialogue and does not formally oppose the shield, the Russians have avoided the latter appears as mostly turned against them, and have been directed mainly towards the Muslim world, which can In addition to Turkey in an uncomfortable situation with respect to its neighbors, some of which, even if they are not mentioned, may feel targeted. If, however, caution against Russian shield is confirmed, the situation in Turkey is not as comfortable as The shield would then remain a Western project leaving more uncertain threats which he intends to protect. Ankara would be reached, such as Moscow, in a sense, to preserve its relationship with the West without engaging with them too.
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