18 Here's how came the birth of Jesus Christ. His mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before their marriage, she became pregnant by the fact of the Holy Spirit. 19 Joseph her husband, who was right and who would not denounce it publicly, decided to divorce her secretly. 20 while he thought the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream saying, Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife, because the child it conceived of the Holy Spirit comes; 21 she will give birth to a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. 22 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet:
23 The virgin shall conceive, she will give birth a son
and we call his name Emmanuel,
which translates: God with us . 24 Upon waking, Joseph did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took his wife home. 25 But he had no relations with her until she had given birth to a son, whom he called his name Jesus.
There are timeless time. It is a story out of history. It is an adventure inaccessible. This is the story of the straw that first begins to vibrate in life that will manifest in the universe. Put yourself in God's place and try to think about the state of mind which happened to be his. The emergence of life in the universe was probably for him a moment of great emotion, similar to the one he felt when Jesus came into the world bearing in his genes the whole mystery of the incarnation. Billions of years before the birth of Jesus something had occurred somewhere in the waters, in the heart the planet was not yet the earth and life arose.
was an appearance, something indefinable, a protozoan, perhaps, who first began to divide the interior and became living matter. The event has never been told and there were no witnesses. We only know it took place. We know that after the crash that produced the stunning shock wave that caused the birth of the world, the Creator held his breath for the vibration which spread did not destroy it had in mind to see.
Thus, we are told that there was evening and there was morning, it was the third day, and nobody was there to contemplate this wonder, if not God himself. The Creator who opened the history of the universe by the roar of the big bang, which one can not imagine the power, suspending her breath to contemplate a drop of water trembling of life was being put to exist.
The same miracle of life which arises where it seems impossible actualized every year at this same time when the world suspends the course of its activities to evoke the mystery of Christmas. Once again we reiterate to each other than the fragile reality that is life is inhabited by God. We relive the same still wonder this unique moment when God mixes his divinity to humanity, as once he had mixed his creative inspiration to the onset of DNA that had step by step completed Earth all forms that life can take.
dint of science and of patience, bent over their instruments and on their computers, people have found traces of the history of life flowing in a drop of water. With their findings, instead of thanking the Creator, they took the big head. They believed that having discovered the secrets of the origin of life, they became masters of life. Not only have they continued to dispose as they please, they have continued to delete where it bothered them. They sought to submit to their will, they attacked its transmission and reproduction . They believe they can still evolve life as they please without worrying about God. Yet they have doubts.
contemplating God is not all that surprised. He knows that the drop who first brought the seeds of life were this claim of the living creature to supplant its creator. The human genius that was going to boil the evening of the sixth day of creation was already designed by God to rebel against his God to find in the performance of his rebellion towards his destiny. Indeed, in the spirit of God all made sense and coherence.
He 's now seemed necessary to return so far in the past because he had to remember that no in the history of world events more important that the history of this first drop and the story of the birth of Jesus. One follows the other for billions of years apart. The world was implementing what God had decided. At first it was cause gushing life in the universe and in a second time it was for God to come and settle in the heart of mankind. All these complicated things, the Bible we repeated with a naive simplicity in the narratives of the nativity.
- All we are told about the plan of God who comes live humanity. It the story of the virgin mother who we become aware.
- Everything we said about the fragility of existence and the death threats hanging over the fledgling life. is what we discover in the behavior King Herod's soldiers weapon to kill a child. He confirms by his gesture the arrogance of those who arrived at the pinnacle of power the confiscate for their benefit.
- All we are told battles waged by men to God to deprive him of his secrets. We repérons contemplating Jerusalem scholars who consult the writings compulsent the Torah, the Writings check to identify that God chose the little town of Bethlehem to incarnate
- All we are told of the quiet assurance with which God controls the hostile powers and defeats the evil behavior. This is why angels come into action, that Joseph listens and obeys and everything goes according to what had been said.
- Everything we said about the hope offered to all men. Magi and shepherds, all are there to hear and report everything that mankind is entitled to expect.
Despite this, the world continues to operate as if this story was a fiction , and as if the Christmas story was a fairy tale. We find it hard to understand that God is the most intimate of human reality to transform it into a divine reality. We can not believe that God intervening in human transformed our destiny forever and we find it hard to believe that eternity is now part of our future. We find it hard to accept that our destiny is not tied to promises of a unlimited human progress but the certainty that God dwells in our lives today. If we do not know not what this mystery we must realize that however is the culmination of creation and that God intended us to be concerned. Everything takes place in both events in which God creates life and then when he himself comes to live life.
A child born at Christmas is the child of a day. It causes our emotions and makes us aware of our vulnerability. We understand the contact history so that the sheep around him in the fold are harmless, however, there are wolves out there who look like Herod to feed on the lives of others. The world is a world of competing powers, the losers and winners disappear become stronger, but disappear in turn defeated by stronger than them. It is the law of its kind. But God does not resign it.
While we seek the truth must be sought elsewhere than in the highlights of the history of mankind. Revealing himself in a child that God teaches us the truth remains invisible to the powerful and that even scientists do not see it. The child grew and the truth about God has become more relevant as he grew and he taught.
We discover in what he said God laid in all men, a ferment of eternity. It can only develop if the Safety of Life takes precedence over all human activities. It is valuing the lives of those with whom we interact that eternity can arise in us, a subtle osmosis between God and us. Eternity is not an abstract value to which we can hold forth baseless. She is one of hope and we can not access if we receive of God when it connects us with our fellows. To enter in eternity, so we have two partners, God and our brothers in humanity.
As in the aftermath of the Big Bang, God observes humanity and watch evolve. Everything now depends for each of us the approach he has for his neighbor. If it operates and seeks to dominate, despite appearances of its existence is meaningless. It will risk missing out on for eternity without realizing it. For it is against the interest in his own life by showcasing the lives of others, it will jump feet first into eternity without even knowing it .. Appearances are so deceptive, illusory success, what matters to God is that contact with the child born at Christmas our lives identify with his point that eternity that s is acquired becomes our eternity.
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