Jesus announces the destruction of the temple
5 Some people spoke of the temple and said he was wonderful with beautiful stones and objects offered to God. But Jesus said
6 "The days will come when there will not be one stone resting on another of what you see here, everything will be reversed. "
misfortunes and persecutions
7 they asked him," Teacher, when this happens will he? What will be the sign that will indicate when these things have to happen? "
8 Jesus replied: "Be careful, do not be fooled. For many men come in using my name and say: "I am the Messiah! "And:" The time has arrived! "But do not follow them. 9 When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be alarmed, it must happen first, but it will not immediately end this world. " 10 Then added: "A people will fight against nation, and kingdom will attack another kingdom 11 there will be terrible earthquakes in different regions, famines and epidemics, and there will also phenomena scary and impressive signs from heaven. 12 But before all this, one can stop you, persecute you, they deliver you up for trial in the synagogues and we will put you in prison, you will appear before kings and governors for my sake. 13 This is your opportunity to give your testimony about me. 14 Be determined to not worry in advance about how you defend. 15 I'll give you my own words and such wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. 16 You will be betrayed even by parents, your brothers, your relatives and friends will be condemned to death many of you. 17 Everyone will hate you because of me. 18 But not a hair of your head will perish. 19 Hold on : This is how you save your lives. "
When everything seems on the verge of disappearing, the Gospel tells us that life must always take the upper hand because beyond life is there still life? This is the hope that we get from Jesus' teaching. This should be the concluding thoughts that lead men to their future. But man does not stick to such simplistic reasoning, because he likes to believe that is a thinking being, so he tries to prove his own superiority in trying meet all kinds of challenges that arise to himself.
Thus it provokes God by questioning its own existence. It does so by opposing achievements of his genius. In our text today is the Temple which is the issue of the challenge. Here you can admire the place where men have succeeded, he believed God to hold captive. God would put himself away from any human interference in the Holy of Holies at the heart of the sanctuary. God would keep them deliberately hidden, they say, unless to be men who try to keep it there better put pressure on him? The question thus raised precise nature of the challenge.
past, on the eve of the capture of Jerusalem by Emperor Nabukodonsor, Ezekiel saw God in escape a vision of the sanctuary before the disaster to join his people in exile. God freely had escaped the clutches human and therefore not allowed any man to take authority over him, but the beliefs are tenacious and men constantly trying to get a grip on any God.
Humanity does not attempt to resist his own vanity. Failing to be invulnerable now it feels invulnerable in the future. It is believed capable of meeting all the challenges it faces, thus to defy earthquakes men have begun construction of towers that neither wind nor storm, nor any ground force could demolished. We remember that took just two aircraft for the two most prestigious of them are reduced to ground level. But we still believe they can do better.
Yet, whatever the human mind, even when death awaits us all at the end of his life. In this case, failing to challenge himself to God it's still the man attacked. If science rejects to the extreme length of life, it did not abolish the term. Yet defying centuries, monuments pyramid amounted to try to prove that the mysteries of death have been vanquished. They are among the monuments the oldest built on our planet. They were built for defy death by pretending to remain forever the name, work and the person that they were supposed to host. But what remains of this challenge, they are more than empty tombs.
We touched on some examples the claims of men always exceed themselves and to supplant God failing to compromise to develop their own vanity. This preamble we lets join Jesus in conflict with the fans of the Temple which is in the process of describing a grim reality. Jesus shows us a universe we can not control, and where, despite his apparent arrogance, audacity and touch his human limitations. One may wonder what will become our monuments in a few centuries? The pyramids have resisted the ravages of time, do more and it traces the challenges for which they were built. They have become bait for tourists and the dead that are buried there to defy time and the gods there are more. If their mummies have survived, it is to satisfy the appetites of scientists and visitors in the galleries of museums.
Jesus begins to enumerate all of us the risks that we incur: Persecution, famine, war. Each generation has experienced periods of disorders and dysfunctions that keep repeating itself since the beginning of time. They take on a prophetic dimension special because at the time of writing this Gospel , war of the Jews had stopped, leaving a vast field of ruins behind her temple destroyed, the Jewish people banned from entering the land of his ancestors. This recent memory that shines through these lines yields a value peculiar to prophecy about Jesus, but does not change the reality it describes.
Anyway Jesus presents humanity as aggressive captive in a world of both the hostility of powerful and also against human frailty a world constantly changing.
What makes this passage particularly disturbing is that it offers no way out. The rights and especially the Christian is seen as powerless in the face of adversity when God is not. For God seems out of all this, he remains on its own. It was even hard to believe that might intervene to come to our aid when we are challenged because of our faith. Although Jesus suggests that we prepare for our defense and put the appropriate words in our mouths, we do not see his words come true in reality. When Stephen was stoned and beheaded Jacques, they may have said something sublime that they were dictated by God, they have nevertheless been the first a long series of martyrs for whom God does seems not to have intervened.
In this atmosphere poisonous, it's hard to find a note of hope, we may even wonder how the world might be saved, and how Jesus played a role in that change.
When we fail to find the right answers for our own reasoning, we know we're on the wrong track. We must seek in the Gospels themselves the answers they give to our own research. Then listen the voice that comes from Jesus himself when he reminds us that he makes all things new.
We remember when there are as an idea which runs the world that the world is not meant to be sucked into a vortex attempting to bring him back in the hurly-burly primitive. Instead, the world is crossed by a strong idea that it is possible man to reverse the destructive course of history. It is this strength which Jesus lived and had highlighted. She has lived all his life. It came from God and directed all his choices.
It was strong enough to enable the midday dark of his adventure to believe that the life instincts were able to prevail over the instincts of the most violent death. Even nailed to the wood and after a long agonizing life has triumphed to open before him a vision of eternity.
In the most dramatic moments in our history, it is not our desire for survival to be the force that drives us, but the vision that the world is led by God in a movement where life inevitably take over, if we know to be persistent. The spirit of God based on our keeps us always in the perspective that the future is inhabited by certainty of God's presence in the changing world.
face of all this there are those who think that things from themselves and believe that their death will be the end of everything that's why they despair. It is not. Each individual is taken from his birth in an upward spiral that leads to an absolute that transcends and absorb all at once. It is God who gives meaning to that movement by the spirit which envelops us. All did not take leave, they prefer to be seduced by other voices and despair of not understanding.
For us, building on the certainty of the resurrection we can look in one direction brings life and hope, even if our life is threatened, because of the then life is there not life?
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