Matthew 3 :1-12.
Preaching of John the Baptist
1 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the Judean desert. 2 He said: Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near. 3 He whom the prophet Isaiah said: is the voice of one crying in the wilderness Prepare the way the Lord make his paths straight.
4 John was clothed with camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist. He ate locusts and wild honey. 5 The inhabitants of Jerusalem, throughout Judea and the whole region of Jordan, came to him, 6 and they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.
7 As he saw coming for baptism many Pharisees and Sadducees, he said: O generation of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? 8 therefore fruits worthy of repentance; 9 and can not imagine being able to say 'We have Abraham as our father! For I declare to you that these stones God can raise up children to Abraham. 10 The ax is already at the root of the trees: therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. January 1 me, I baptize you with water for repentance, but He that cometh after me is mightier than I, and I do not deserve to bear sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. February 1 His winnowing by hand to clear his area, he will gather his wheat into the barn, but he will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire not.
See also Isaiah 11/1-10,
"Prepare the way the Lord, make his paths straight "
Taking over from the voice of Isaiah, John the Baptist crying in turn. That sounds like a long lament that echo echo through the Scriptures to proclaim the wrath of God upon his rebellious people. This is a people stiff neck, it is slow to understand and to believe, he is unable to repent. How many preachers before me did not they wanted to turn over this cry for the rehabilitation of walking, slumbering churches, parishes comfortably installed in their habits and cause a surge in her wake?
As John the Baptist, how many preachers feel they not mandated by God to lecturing his people and bring his sheep to the fold? Great preachers of all time do not hesitate to fulminate against the apathy of believers who use religion instead of living the precarious faith!
Os ERAI I now follow suit and imitate them by using the powers that many others before me have been appropriate? This would first be discourteous for me and the other would not, I think will happen to the gospel itself, and that's what I'll try to explain. Yet these sermons that are described as muscular does not ineffective. The Gospel shows us the day crowds rushing into the desert to be scolded by John the Baptist, and even today it is a style used by some preachers who promise to disaster infidels and doing a full house. Such a process undoubtedly provides some profitability to their community. But if such sermons are successful sects they can not make the success of the gospel because churches do not find his account. It is made of sweetness and love and not of invective and admonition.
For one good reason is that, from John the Baptist, God's revelation was part of another discourse. Under the leadership of Jesus, the type of relationship with God was presented in another way. We went from Law to Grace. Jean Baptiste ends with the ultimate attempt to bring a preacher men to faith announcing the wrath of God Almighty offended by human sin: "stop being disobedient to God tell them it without What God can not continue to be your God, and you surely die. "
After John the Baptist, Jesus propose another challenge. change is no longer looking at the man who refuses, but the way of relating to God that will change. God agrees to join the men in their concerns, he even agreed to go through the death to join them. Not that God has changed, it remains unchanged. The prophets had tried once to put it another way, but they were not listened to. It took all the persuasion of Jesus so that things do change.
So one last time, Jean Baptiste sounded the voice of God's wrath. he thunders against everything that obstructs its majesty, he castigated the clergy, he admonishes sinners, all are condemned. But it is a form of symbolic gesture.
Jesus we will propose look God in another way. From now on things will start to change very quickly. It only takes just 3 short years that everything was foreseen and foretold by the prophets before him took shape. For the prophets, as Isaiah himself had understood perfectly. He sensed that God prepared would slow revolution in the human heart, and a change of attitude on the part of God, should occur. It is from the change of God that men would change.
A conversion was necessary. It was a double Conversion: Conversion of God and conversion of men. Conversion of God was to no longer appear in his majesty as the master of everything and the creator of everything. God gave up his absolute power and would wait outside, the man recognized in another aspect. God then appears in the guise of one who is compassionate and that can not be recognized by the manifestation of his love. As for man, his conversion was now no longer fear the wrath of God and not to seek the visible acts of his omnipotence, but to recognize acts of love that change the behavior of men between them.
Love will become the common point of encounter between God and man. It is by sharing it they will recognize one or the other. By love, God introduced man in his sovereignty and his eternity and love, man gives up everything that attaches to the vanity and agrees to share God's eternity.
This has been happening since 2000. Years. God has consistently expressed its legitimate anger and began to abandon the trappings of his divinity. The fire promised by the prophets to destroy Humanity, like fire falling from the sky to destroy the infidels became the fire of the Spirit, which falls man, penetrates to the innermost parts and lights in his desire to s unite to his God in an act of eternal love. The man then completes its journey to earth in an osmosis of love with God.
Thus prepares Christmas. The divine is human. God renounces himself and his divinity and became man. In Jesus there in between fully self-surrender by demonstrating the limitless love he feels for every human. Then parading before him, prostitutes, children, old people, scribes, Pharisees, soldiers, publicans, Jews, Samaritans, Gentiles, rich, poor, disabled and even dead. All found in the same loving relationship, a sense of equality. The sin ceases to be an element of rupture between God and man.
To accomplish when his term of humanity. God accepts the death, cessation Supreme himself. He then meets his ultimate humanity destiny. She finds herself transformed by the divine visit. Nothingness can not resist, and nothing is forever. Then the man can say saved. He is saved when he begins to believe that this is true.
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