Question Kurdish is again in front of the Turkish political scene, since the holding of a round table, the last weekend in Diyarbakır, on the initiative of DTK (Democratik Toplum Kongresi, Congress for a Democratic Society), this portal 'organizations Kurdish civil society. This roundtable was indeed discussed possible ways to establish a system granting autonomy to the Kurds, without destabilizing the Turkish state. In particular, participants mentioned a federal structure and the creation of a regional parliament.
This initiative has caused, December 20, a strong reaction from the President of the Grand National Assembly, Mehmet Ali Şahin. Recalling that there was only one parliament in Turkey, that he chairs, he asked the BOP, a political Kurdish, who sits in his chamber, to distinguish itself from Such positions at risk if she did not "have to suffer the consequences." This threat has not been appreciated by the leader of the BDP, Selahattin Demirtaş (center in photo), who estimated that she was full of the spirit that motivated the coup of September 12, 1980. The controversy was followed finally, December 21, 2010, by a meeting between the two men intended to reduce tension that has nourished these days, not only of proposals from the roundtable DTK in Diyarbakır, but also several incidents that have hit the headlines.
On several occasions, Selahattin Demirtaş, discussed the idea of an accelerated settlement of the Kurdish question in Turkey without waiting for government action, through initiatives by civil society organizations and the Kurds themselves . Thus have we seen recently in Kurdish MPs speak in the chamber of parliament Selahattin Demirtaş and propose that we generalize, in the Kurdish provinces of Turkey, a bilingual name (Turkish-Kurdish) streets and sites, as is done in Catalonia, since it regained its independence in 1977. These developments have occurred, even though it recently, the PKK leader, Abdullah Ocalan, while announcing the extension of the truce he had decided before the referendum of 12 September, has developed the idea of a federal system, encouraging Kurdish organizations to take initiatives in this direction. Before discussing the creation of a parliament, the DTK has therefore proposed, in early December, the establishment of an independent security force, intended to fight against crimes in the Kurdish provinces.
This set of proposals and initiatives show that Kurdish issue has entered a new phase. After the failure of the Kurdish government's opening at the end of last year, and the renewed guerrilla actions, which had marked the spring of 2010, Kurdish organizations seem to have adopted a strategy of civic action, which is to work concretely on the ground, making the advanced cultural, economic or political factors that may be conducted within the current legal framework, and hoping that this movement will encourage the government to move at last. Even as the parliamentary elections looming in 2011, the government finds itself However, in an awkward position, caught between his desire to preserve the status quo that has negotiated with the Kurds on the occasion of the referendum last September, and need not be open to feedback nationalists.
These latter are not excluded because the chief prosecutor of the Court of Cassation, Abdurahman Yalcinkaya, has opened a criminal investigation against the BDP at the end of the round table of Diyarbakır. This formidable judge, who has already obtained the dissolution of the DTP, the predecessor of BDP, and who had initiated proceedings to dissolve against the AKP, in 2008, intends to show that there are organic links between the DTK and the BDP, and rely on the federal proposal to the panel last Sunday, to demonstrate that the Kurdish parliamentary party violates the legislation on political parties by supporting projects that challenge the unity of the Republic. A process against which the Kurdish deputy, Bengi Yıldız amounted, on December 22, recalling that there was no organic links between the BDP and the DTK, but only for individual participation of some members of the BDP DTK activities. Bengui Yildiz has also warned the government against the potential effects of a possible dissolution of BDP, believing it would ruin the peace efforts and negotiations that have been developing since the beginning of the truce declared by the PKK. The Kurdish deputy also recalled that the European Court of Human Rights had ordered the Turkish state for the dissolution of one of the predecessors of BDP: HADEP. Since the early 1990s, six Kurdish political parties were dissolved by the Constitutional Court: the People's Labour Party (Halkin Emek Partisi HEP-), the Democracy Party (DEP - Demokrasi Party), le party de la liberté et de la démocratie (ÖZDEP - Freedom and Democracy Party), le de la démocratie du Peuple Party (PDP - People's Democracy Party), le party démocratique du Peuple (DEHAP - Democratic People's Party) et le Party pour une société démocratique (DTP - Democratic Society Party). Pas le faire à nouveau cette experience what the BDP Esper. Most tout état de cause
, un esprit de conciliation dance, avec à l'issue de sa RENCONTRE Mehmet Ali Sahin, Selahattin Demirtas the last party to assure que l'usage pas de deux langues au sein what demandait du Parlement anglais, et que les députés du BDP n'avaient spoke a few phrases in Kurdish as to attract attention to their situation. In one approach, again very Catalan, Kurdish leader went on to say: "Yes, the official language of this country is Turkish. But other native languages must also be freely used in public ... For his part, the leader of parliament, Mehmet Ali Şahin, called the meeting "productive," but he felt that MPs should "pay more attention to the country's unity. " It is hoped that this development will help maintain an exchange that is not a dialogue of the deaf, because he is essential to promote a lasting political solution.
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