Matthew 3/13-17 The Baptism of Jesus
13 Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized by him. 14 But John forbade him, saying: It was I who needed to be baptized of thee and comest thou to me! 15 Jesus replied, "Let do it now because it is fitting that we fulfill all righteousness. Then John let him do. 16 soon baptized, Jesus came out of the water. And behold the heavens opened, he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. 17 And a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
We periodically need to remind ourselves that we are not alone on this earth. We are not only the result of evolution of species by specifying gave homo sapiens we are all the final products. The human being is not only a wonderful combination of neurons that would make him the most wonderful of thinking machines that have trod the soil of our planet. It is outside of us a creative spirit that envelops us with his presence and that makes us human beings apart. We have the opportunity to be inhabited by him, to welcome us and move with him on the path of perfection.
What about our freedom will then exclaim humanists picky? If we have the opportunity to be inhabited by a spirit greater than ourselves, we are freer to our initiatives and our movements. We are no longer free to manage the land as we would do. Our claims to develop our understanding of ourselves to the infinite is it futile?
soon as we hypothesized a God who would intervene in our evolution and that would guide our actions, there is always someone protest. It is fashionable to assert its rights to total freedom and accusing proponents of religions to dominate the masses and claim control of their instincts, on behalf of a hypothetical god. Religion is by alienating them and deprive us of freedom. Allow us to take a critically on the planet to see if man in nature is capable of living in harmony with all that exists.
Although whaling may no longer be possible, although there have always been, and still counting, a manhunt for the man across the globe. The more affluent take advantage of their situation, which has the effect of enslaving other despite altruistic about that utter first. This is not because a wave of generosity remarkable happens sometimes at the insistence supported television channels that all mankind was converted to altruism. Should thoroughly analyze the momentum which, if evidence of our ability to respond to the distress of others is still not yet changed our dominant instinct.
This observation is too short to conclude that the natural instinct of everyone is to dominate its neighbor. But I still give some credit our good old Bible that relates upon second page of the power struggle between two brothers in which the strongest trumps lower. This would tend to say that the natural man seems not to be a model of altruism.
advantage of this fact and many other spiritual movements, erected in religion tend to dominate their followers and claim to guide their ways of thinking. They would even be inclined to want to deprive them of liberty. All religions have fallen into this trap and continue to do so. They give to criticism of their opponents, but we see that it's still them that are wrong. However, if this finding calls into question the religions, it does not cause aspiration to spirituality that lies within every man. They all aspire to be visited a breath from on high that pushes people out of themselves to help them get in harmony with everything around them. This feeling is shared by many people on earth who seek to free themselves from religion but not spirituality.
With these thoughts, altogether quite mundane we let ourselves be seized by the story of Jesus' baptism as the Evangelist Matthew us forward. We are told that the Spirit descended on Jesus and a voice was heard . If this is the spirit that descends, it means that this is not the man is behind this movement. Men tend to believe they can reach God by their own forces and they have the power to enter their personal efforts by the divine mystery. None is not.
We are told the contrary, he is visited by God who comes to dwell in him and is the sound of the voice of God who reveals the presence of spirit in him. This voice does not necessarily form an audible, but it is perceived, however within our consciousness. The presence of the Spirit does not seek it finds. Here in the Gospel account, the voice coming from elsewhere reveals what happens. It's the same in our personal experiences. The spirit descends into us and shakes. Nobody supposed to escape the visit of the mind, but all world does not see and those who do not think they were forgotten.
Here's Gospel tells us it's the voice that is heard giving the explanation: "it is my beloved son." We must be attentive to this because in Scripture is the Word of God that creates . God creates through harmony in chaos and it is his voice that he does. So it's finding that is created in us a desire for harmony that we know that the Spirit of God has visited us
Let us resist and miss? We'll probably we seduced by this feeling. If we persevere in this direction we will eventually discover the reality of that which makes us feel. He is God. Then his word is meaningful and that Scripture resonates in us as an expression of his will. The Bible, in which he reveals himself becomes word God for us. It guides us as we entered the creative movement of God whose love is the engine. The result its action is revealed in the harmony that has arisen in our thoughts and behaviors.
When we are visited by the Spirit of God, there are still us in areas of resistance that make us doubt. There are elements that hinder the instinct of love which puts us in unison. Therefore the Spirit keeps blowing on us. It pushes us to challenge ourselves and to fight against what holds us back. It helps us to become free, because freedom is to help things get better for be pus many.
The projects we undertake now will inevitably carry the imprint of the Spirit of God that drives us now. Without realizing it, and guided by God, we will continue his work of creation by putting a little love, where there is none. Then imperceptibly the world enters the program creator God who can not be set up by men and women inhabited by his Spirit. The story of the baptism of Jesus invites us to take stock of ourselves that we discover our vocation to put us to work in this world, under the guidance of God, make it conform to the plan God made for him.
Painting by Joachim Patenier
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