all began Saturday, December 4, 2010, by the repression of a student demonstration in Istanbul, near the Dolmabahçe Palace, where Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with rectors Turkish universities. The police have indeed dispersed demonstrators bluntly, in a way that shocked the press present at the scene, leading him to believe that the police response had been "manifestly disproportionate". A pregnant student has notably lost the child she was waiting at the end of a beating in order.
Far from regretting the incidents the Prime Minister said that the police had done what she should do, and slammed the attitude of students taking the public to witness, and encouraging protesters to resume the path of amphitheaters. Brutality Police were quick to produce, in addition, a skirmish between the prime minister and opposition leader, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, whose party has called two days later, the student protesters to come and talk their problems in Parliament. But even though CHP boasted of being in tune with the new generation, another incident has come to show that this student excitement is far from being an epiphenomenon.
This time, the venerable Faculty of Political Sciences of Ankara, who form the cream of the high Turkish public, which is better known under the name "Mulkiye" which, on December 8 last, was the scene of a memorable heckling. The main victims were two MPs, who took part in a seminar on constitutional reform. Süleyh Batum, the secretary general of the CHP, was constantly interrupted by jeers and eventually had to abandon its mediation to continue his term. Exasperated by the conduct of students, he went so far to call it "fascist." As for the other speaker, Burhan Kuzu, moreover President AKP of the Constitutional Commission of Parliament, it was glistening wet eggs, and that does sound hello wall that has been generated umbrellas deployed his bodyguards to protect him. Even more angry that his colleague from the CHP, he exclaimed: "Shame is a disgrace to this country. They should rather eat all those eggs, maybe this would allow their brains to function better. "
The government and ruling party have taken very ill this new student demonstration, especially the eggs with jets Burhan Kuzu has was the target. A debate has also developed quickly on this new form of protest about whether or not it was a democratic right, the Prime Minister has denied vigorously, accusing the authorities of Ankara University for having left overwhelmed by a group of far-left activists. As the ranks of the AKP, as in those of the nationalist MHP, voices began to raise the specter of the 1970 student unrest was seen falling into a civil war, pitting left-wing groups and groups far-right political context in which deleterious preceded the coup of September 12, 1980. Burhan Kuzu has not hesitated to mention the presence of organizations related to "Ergenekon" behind the demonstration in Ankara, saying that students were politically manipulated. As for the CHP, he struggled to voice their differences and demonstrate that he was open to dialogue with students. Following the incident in Ankara, its leader, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu said that the practice of throwing eggs was not tolerable, but students had the right to protest using democratic means. However, the chairman of the parliamentary party Kemalist Akif Hamzaçebi has distanced itself from the remarks, believing that the jet of eggs should be regarded as "an achievement of democracy."
In any event, it seems that this is an effervescent student movement deeper than it seems. According to some experts, students do not just denounce police brutality in which they were recently the subject and the intransigence that the government has shown towards them, but they especially want to draw attention their living conditions, higher fees and more generally their concern about the future. They would also be represented in the bodies responsible for university policy.
If the involvement of a number of leftists in the occurrence of the incidents recounted above is no doubt, we can not deny that these events have also shown the difference between a rising generation that expresses a bad manners, and a political class that all training together, was caught cold by a movement that has many difficult to understand. Apart from the incident Dolmabahçe and that of the Faculty of Political Sciences of Ankara, it was observed that the student protests have multiplied in recent times and that events unfolded in the absence of pavements, the jet eggs became significantly, the true symbol of a slingshot. Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Hasim Kilic, was recently the target of this kind of manifestation of disrespect, in Eskişehir in western Anatolia. And during the uproar on Wednesday in Ankara, Burhan Kuzu, was greeted by a sign student welcoming him to a "collective Egg Festival" (photo), a humor that apparently did not really appreciate ... I must say that the omelet, which was served, was apparently very plentiful, since he would have received nearly 200 eggs!
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