Two days after the revelations of Wikileaks, Tuesday being the day in addition to meeting the parliamentary groups, the Turkish political forces began to express their reactions.
The CHP, through the voice of its leader, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu (pictured), announced it was putting up a commission of inquiry to investigate the authenticity of documents delivered and to scrutinize those who were open and those who will. On Already, the party Kemalist think the government will necessarily be explained on a number of information disclosed, particularly those that indicate that the Prime Minister has eight bank accounts in Switzerland. For its part, the MHP has been more careful about leaks distributed by WikiLeaks. Its leader, Devlet Bahçeli, considered particularly does not need such documentation (external and therefore suspect, in his eyes, trying to divide the country) to form an opinion on the evolution of Turkish politics. However, as the CHP, he urged the government to explain some of the revelations about him, while not failing to mention heavy, too, the Swiss bank accounts of the Prime Minister. The Kurds of BDP, which had not really put the revelations of Wikileaks to the agenda of the meeting of their parliamentary group on Tuesday, were taken to address the topic, answering questions put to them by journalists. They responded well in moderation, questioning the interest of the United States could withdraw from this big box. "Is this a case which seeks to make the U.S. into trouble or a new style of diplomacy that America wanted? The question worth asking, "said the leader of the BDP, Selahattin Demirtaş, before discussing, in turn, developments in U.S. documents on the personal finances of the Prime Minister, saying:" The Prime Minister is rich. It is a millionaire and some of his ministers or his deputies as well. All this is well known. Better would be interested in what remains hidden. "
Wikileaks leaks have so far not brought the AKP in one position too uncomfortable. Certainly, the defense minister, Vecdi Gonul, had to deny, without being very convincing, the paper reveals that he called his colleague, Ahmet Davutoğlu, to "dangerous individual". However, U.S. documents, which reflect, as a judicial coup, "the suit filed in 2008 against the AKP for the dissolve, instead gives a positive image of the majority party. In any case, they do not confirm that the Kemalist version of the party Recep Tayyip Erdogan is an American company to give body, the Middle East, a model moderate Muslim political system intended to replace the secular political systems in place. This observation led some commentators as Cengiz Candar the daily "Radikal", to consider that Wikileaks leaks could eventually even affect election rather beneficial for the AKP, an opinion a little reckless, because the Americans have telegrams not yet yielded all their secrets ...
For now, President Abdullah Gul, meanwhile, sought to take the information provided carefully. While admitting that he did was no proof he did not rule out the hypothesis of a conspiracy, or at least that this case has its own logic and very specific objectives. In any event, trying to reduce the scope of documents that mention his feud with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has seen fit to recall that the revelations they contain only reflect the views of American diplomats, and not should not automatically be taken literally.
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