Thursday, December 30, 2010

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2010: the outcome of the Turkish domestic politics.

After the battering media and judiciary who have ruined the political authority of the army during the years 2008 and 2009, the year 2010, adding to the waves of arrests and the trials of military, constitutional reform, affecting mainly the judicial hierarchy, has stagger the political system of controlled democracy, established by the 1982 Constitution.

In 2010, the demilitarization process has continued, taking an even greater intensity. In this regard, this year has been marked in the month of January by the revelation of the plan "Balyoz" (cf. Our editions of 21 and 23 January 2010), a case that revealed a scenario envisioned by the Army to destabilize the AKP government since the aftermath of his election. Therefore, even more than the previous cases of conspiracy, it helped set bare the role of policeman that the army had arrogated to itself in the system. "Balyoz" is also a turning point by the magnitude of the number and level of responsibility of the generals who are involved. On 16 December, in fact, it is not within 196 senior military officers who began to appear in court calendar!

Yet beyond this new case, the major event in the political-military, has been at the beginning of August 2010, the completely new course in its shape and scope of the Council Supreme Military (Yüksek Asker Sura or YAS). Using the ongoing investigations against military officials, the government has successfully blocked for 5 days, the appointment of the Chief of Staff and the Commander of the Army. At this Council, marked by the permanent presence of the Prime Minister himself, the civil authority has actually dared to challenge the military power of appointment of its leaders that it was granted, and which is one bases of its power and its autonomy from the government (see our editions of 2, 6, 7 and August 10, 2010).

This intensification of the demilitarization system was accompanied by a severe blow to the judicial hierarchy, another bastion of the Kemalist state power that continues to resist the government (see our editions of March 24, April 23, 5, 7, 14 May 2010 ). To do this, that is to say mainly to promote a restructuring of the composition of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Council of Judges and Prosecutors (equivalent to Turkey's Supreme Council of Magistracy in France), the government gave to the agenda last spring, the constitutional question, since evaded the draft constitution stalled civil in 2008. Thus it is able not only to reduce the influence on the system of high courts and the judicial hierarchy, but also to get a new electoral victory in the referendum in September, approved the constitutional reform ( see our editions of 11, 13, 15 and 16 September 2010).

After the local elections of March 2009 which had indicated some slowing in the AKP, the referendum of 12 September 2010, which saw the "Yes", advocated by the government, record a score over 58% has strengthened the leadership training of Recep Tayyip Erdogan on politics Turkish (see our editions of 13, 15 and 16 September 2010). By winning his sixth victory since 2002 in a vote by universal suffrage, the AKP has confirmed that its influence is very strong on the Turkish electorate and at the same time relativized the scope of the renewal of HPC, which should have the One of the highlights of this year 2010 (see our issue of November 11, 2010). Since the ouster of incredible Deniz Baykal and his replacement by Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu have not kept all their promises (see our editions of 10, 11, 23 and May 25, 2010). In the referendum of 12 September, the party is Kemalist failed to arise as an alternative social democratic credibility, and it became too as the defender of the system inherited from the 1982 Constitution. Its extraordinary congress in December 2010, it has certainly helped get rid of the party's old guard, including former Secretary General Önder Sav, but it will take more to compete with the AKP in the upcoming parliamentary elections to be held in June 2011, and whose agenda looks very full. Besides the draft Civil Constitution, including the party of Recep Tayyip Erdogan plans to do a theme of his campaign, the question Headscarf (in universities, in the public and perhaps even in schools), which was reactivated in the academic year 2010, could indeed be the heart of an electoral event, for which the main opposition party does not yet seem ready.

Apart from this perspective election of 2010 also confirms that the Kurdish question remains the fundamental problem that Turkey has to solve, if it truly wants to complete the democratization of its political system (see our January 30 edition of , June 22, 24 and 26 August and 29 October and 23 December 2010). The inconclusive result of the "democratic opening" launched by the government in 2009, the dissolution of the DTP a year ago, the occurrence of armed clashes and attacks many during the first half of 2010, did not extinguish any hope for a political solution. Better, in fact, against an economic downturn, it now seems to become increasingly unavoidable. Thus, although the constitutional revision of the September 12 has ignored the Kurdish issue has continued to invite the Turkish political debate. Alongside the parliamentary role played by the BDP, this new structure that is the DTK (Demokratik Toplum Kongresi - Congress for a Democratic Society), which relies mainly on civil society, has appeared increasingly, in the second half of 2010, as the key link of a strategy of Kurdish organizations, which is to outflank the government, pushing for a concrete recognition of the Kurdish political fact (see our issue of December 23, 2010). By truces that decreed unilaterally and pronouncements of its leader (very visited this year in his prison Imralı), the PKK is trying to find a place in this process to try to become one of the recognized players. While it is unlikely that this attempt to federalize done either formally dedicated short term, but the government will be more and more difficult to be the champion of recognizing the diversity of Turkey, if it continues to camp on traditional and centralist nationalist positions which are those of the Turkish state.

With regard exactly identities, 2010 has been replaced, as in previous years, events held as noticed for the first time in Istanbul, an event commemorating Armenian genocide (see our edition of April 28, 2010), the organization of religious ceremonies on the landmarks of Sümela and Aktamar (see our editions of August 16 and September 20, 2010), or the return of the Orphanage Büyükada the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate. But, in the same way as the Kurdish question, if these initiatives are not followed by concrete steps and continue to coexist with official behavior particularly nationalists, they may have only relative significance. In this regard, one can not fail to note also that the year 2010, has seen the seminar Orthodox Heybeli Ada remain closed, the Alevi question remain unanswered, the murder trial of Hrant Dink bogged down, or the government reacted very violently to the recognition of Armenian genocide by the Swedish Parliament. The year just ended will have confirmed that the spectacular initiatives in law and freedoms, as could also be the authorization of the demonstration on May 1 in Taksim Square (for the first time since 33, cf. our edition of May 2, 2010), do not exhaust the debate on the establishment of a genuine rule of law in Turkey.

Monday, December 27, 2010

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The Turkish-Israeli reconciliation remains hypothetical.

As most experts expected, "diplomacy of fire", that is to say, attempts at reconciliation between Turkey and Israel by sending consecutive Turkey two airplanes "Canadair" to help the fight against the fire, which has recently devastated the region of Haifa, did not last long ... (see our issue of December 7, 2010). On 25 December, the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ahmet Davutoglu, said that his country still wanted to reconcile with Israel, but he recalled that for this to happen, it was that Israel apologizes to Turkey and compensate victims of the arrest of Mavi Marmara; a way to understand that the last round of negotiations between the two countries n had not been very conclusive.

The head of Turkish diplomacy has attributed this failure to internal divisions within the Israeli government coalition. "There is in this coalition rivalry even more ferocious than those that may exist with certain states." He said. A bit sarcastic, he explained that the Turkish government, for its part, had needed only two minutes to decide to send its "Canadair" in Haifa, where such a decision would, he said, required lengthy negotiations between the various partners in the coalition government of Israel, likely lead to a failure.

Since the arrest of Mavi Marmara May 31 last, and the death of nine Turkish humanitarian activists, several attempts to restore the Turkish-Israeli relations have occurred, including two sessions of confidential negotiations. The first was held in Brussels, and saw the Israeli Minister of Industry Labor, Binyamin Ben Eliezer (known for its sympathy towards Turkey) meet with the foreign minister of Turkey, Ahmet Davutoğlu. The second, following the dispatch of two "Canadair", and a telephone discussion of government leaders from both countries took place recently in Geneva between the senior diplomats. Both initiatives, initially secret, was hampered due to leaks orchestrated by the Israeli opponents of such a reconciliation process, in particular, the foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, himself. The latter, moreover, affirmed December 26 last, in the wake of recent statements by his Turkish counterpart, the day before, Israel does not apologize, and in fact, "the one who should apologize" was "the Turkish government for its support for terrorism."

The prospect of Turkish-Israeli reconciliation is in fact more than ever hypothetical. Turkish side, in fact, the Mavi Marmara returned to Istanbul, December 26, after several months of repair. He was greeted by thousands of people flying Turkish flags and Palestinian (photo), and joined at the initiative of the humanitarian organization Islamic HHI, one of the main organizers of the fleet "Free Palestine" in May. IHH officials announced on this occasion, a new fleet tried to travel to Gaza on May 31, one year to the day after the arrest of the murderer Mavi Marmara.

The Turkish government seems to welcome this initiative with caution. He did not send representatives to the event, which hosted the Mavi Marmara in Istanbul yesterday, because it is likely that he does not want to be open to accusations of the Israeli government, which accuses him of having manipulated the case fleet in May. Moreover, we must see that the spectrum of Islamic humanitarian organizations engaged in the operations of solidarity for Gaza, has a fringe of Islamist radicals, with which the AKP does not appear clearly wants. We remember also that in the case of the fleet "Free Palestine", and after the dramatic arrest Mavi Marmara, shades had emerged within the Turkish government in the assessment of the facts. Some ministers had indeed followed the views of Fethullah Gulen who, while condemning violence intervention Israeli commando, had found the reckless conduct of the organization HHI.

Before the return of Mavi Marmara in Istanbul, during its passage through the Dardanelles, the incidents took place between the port authorities of Canakkale to radical militants who wanted to get on the ship, even though his restoration is not completed and it is not technically able to receive passengers. The Turkish government intends to show that he retains control of the situation and not allow itself to be overwhelmed by the more radical activists. That does not mean it is ready to reconnect with Israel, especially in the election period ahead (the Parliament will take place in June 2011). Last Saturday, Ahmet Davutoğlu no way failed to point out that Turks had killed nine "international waters" and that nobody could "ignore this truth."

Thursday, December 23, 2010

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The Kurdish issue again at the forefront of the news in Turkish politics.

Question Kurdish is again in front of the Turkish political scene, since the holding of a round table, the last weekend in Diyarbakır, on the initiative of DTK (Democratik Toplum Kongresi, Congress for a Democratic Society), this portal 'organizations Kurdish civil society. This roundtable was indeed discussed possible ways to establish a system granting autonomy to the Kurds, without destabilizing the Turkish state. In particular, participants mentioned a federal structure and the creation of a regional parliament.

This initiative has caused, December 20, a strong reaction from the President of the Grand National Assembly, Mehmet Ali Şahin. Recalling that there was only one parliament in Turkey, that he chairs, he asked the BOP, a political Kurdish, who sits in his chamber, to distinguish itself from Such positions at risk if she did not "have to suffer the consequences." This threat has not been appreciated by the leader of the BDP, Selahattin Demirtaş (center in photo), who estimated that she was full of the spirit that motivated the coup of September 12, 1980. The controversy was followed finally, December 21, 2010, by a meeting between the two men intended to reduce tension that has nourished these days, not only of proposals from the roundtable DTK in Diyarbakır, but also several incidents that have hit the headlines.

On several occasions, Selahattin Demirtaş, discussed the idea of an accelerated settlement of the Kurdish question in Turkey without waiting for government action, through initiatives by civil society organizations and the Kurds themselves . Thus have we seen recently in Kurdish MPs speak in the chamber of parliament Selahattin Demirtaş and propose that we generalize, in the Kurdish provinces of Turkey, a bilingual name (Turkish-Kurdish) streets and sites, as is done in Catalonia, since it regained its independence in 1977. These developments have occurred, even though it recently, the PKK leader, Abdullah Ocalan, while announcing the extension of the truce he had decided before the referendum of 12 September, has developed the idea of a federal system, encouraging Kurdish organizations to take initiatives in this direction. Before discussing the creation of a parliament, the DTK has therefore proposed, in early December, the establishment of an independent security force, intended to fight against crimes in the Kurdish provinces.

This set of proposals and initiatives show that Kurdish issue has entered a new phase. After the failure of the Kurdish government's opening at the end of last year, and the renewed guerrilla actions, which had marked the spring of 2010, Kurdish organizations seem to have adopted a strategy of civic action, which is to work concretely on the ground, making the advanced cultural, economic or political factors that may be conducted within the current legal framework, and hoping that this movement will encourage the government to move at last. Even as the parliamentary elections looming in 2011, the government finds itself However, in an awkward position, caught between his desire to preserve the status quo that has negotiated with the Kurds on the occasion of the referendum last September, and need not be open to feedback nationalists.

These latter are not excluded because the chief prosecutor of the Court of Cassation, Abdurahman Yalcinkaya, has opened a criminal investigation against the BDP at the end of the round table of Diyarbakır. This formidable judge, who has already obtained the dissolution of the DTP, the predecessor of BDP, and who had initiated proceedings to dissolve against the AKP, in 2008, intends to show that there are organic links between the DTK and the BDP, and rely on the federal proposal to the panel last Sunday, to demonstrate that the Kurdish parliamentary party violates the legislation on political parties by supporting projects that challenge the unity of the Republic. A process against which the Kurdish deputy, Bengi Yıldız amounted, on December 22, recalling that there was no organic links between the BDP and the DTK, but only for individual participation of some members of the BDP DTK activities. Bengui Yildiz has also warned the government against the potential effects of a possible dissolution of BDP, believing it would ruin the peace efforts and negotiations that have been developing since the beginning of the truce declared by the PKK. The Kurdish deputy also recalled that the European Court of Human Rights had ordered the Turkish state for the dissolution of one of the predecessors of BDP: HADEP. Since the early 1990s, six Kurdish political parties were dissolved by the Constitutional Court: the People's Labour Party (Halkin Emek Partisi HEP-), the Democracy Party (DEP - Demokrasi Party), le party de la liberté et de la démocratie (ÖZDEP - Freedom and Democracy Party), le de la démocratie du Peuple Party (PDP - People's Democracy Party), le party démocratique du Peuple (DEHAP - Democratic People's Party) et le Party pour une société démocratique (DTP - Democratic Society Party). Pas le faire à nouveau cette experience what the BDP Esper. Most tout état de cause

, un esprit de conciliation dance, avec à l'issue de sa RENCONTRE Mehmet Ali Sahin, Selahattin Demirtas the last party to assure que l'usage pas de deux langues au sein what demandait du Parlement anglais, et que les députés du BDP n'avaient spoke a few phrases in Kurdish as to attract attention to their situation. In one approach, again very Catalan, Kurdish leader went on to say: "Yes, the official language of this country is Turkish. But other native languages must also be freely used in public ... For his part, the leader of parliament, Mehmet Ali Şahin, called the meeting "productive," but he felt that MPs should "pay more attention to the country's unity. " It is hoped that this development will help maintain an exchange that is not a dialogue of the deaf, because he is essential to promote a lasting political solution.

Friday, December 17, 2010

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Matthew 3:13-17 The Baptism of Jesus - Sunday January 9, 2011 The fourth

Matthew 3/13-17 The Baptism of Jesus

13 Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized by him. 14 But John forbade him, saying: It was I who needed to be baptized of thee and comest thou to me! 15 Jesus replied, "Let do it now because it is fitting that we fulfill all righteousness. Then John let him do. 16 soon baptized, Jesus came out of the water. And behold the heavens opened, he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. 17 And a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

We periodically need to remind ourselves that we are not alone on this earth. We are not only the result of evolution of species by specifying gave homo sapiens we are all the final products. The human being is not only a wonderful combination of neurons that would make him the most wonderful of thinking machines that have trod the soil of our planet. It is outside of us a creative spirit that envelops us with his presence and that makes us human beings apart. We have the opportunity to be inhabited by him, to welcome us and move with him on the path of perfection.

What about our freedom will then exclaim humanists picky? If we have the opportunity to be inhabited by a spirit greater than ourselves, we are freer to our initiatives and our movements. We are no longer free to manage the land as we would do. Our claims to develop our understanding of ourselves to the infinite is it futile?

soon as we hypothesized a God who would intervene in our evolution and that would guide our actions, there is always someone protest. It is fashionable to assert its rights to total freedom and accusing proponents of religions to dominate the masses and claim control of their instincts, on behalf of a hypothetical god. Religion is by alienating them and deprive us of freedom. Allow us to take a critically on the planet to see if man in nature is capable of living in harmony with all that exists.

Although whaling may no longer be possible, although there have always been, and still counting, a manhunt for the man across the globe. The more affluent take advantage of their situation, which has the effect of enslaving other despite altruistic about that utter first. This is not because a wave of generosity remarkable happens sometimes at the insistence supported television channels that all mankind was converted to altruism. Should thoroughly analyze the momentum which, if evidence of our ability to respond to the distress of others is still not yet changed our dominant instinct.

This observation is too short to conclude that the natural instinct of everyone is to dominate its neighbor. But I still give some credit our good old Bible that relates upon second page of the power struggle between two brothers in which the strongest trumps lower. This would tend to say that the natural man seems not to be a model of altruism.

advantage of this fact and many other spiritual movements, erected in religion tend to dominate their followers and claim to guide their ways of thinking. They would even be inclined to want to deprive them of liberty. All religions have fallen into this trap and continue to do so. They give to criticism of their opponents, but we see that it's still them that are wrong. However, if this finding calls into question the religions, it does not cause aspiration to spirituality that lies within every man. They all aspire to be visited a breath from on high that pushes people out of themselves to help them get in harmony with everything around them. This feeling is shared by many people on earth who seek to free themselves from religion but not spirituality.

With these thoughts, altogether quite mundane we let ourselves be seized by the story of Jesus' baptism as the Evangelist Matthew us forward. We are told that the Spirit descended on Jesus and a voice was heard . If this is the spirit that descends, it means that this is not the man is behind this movement. Men tend to believe they can reach God by their own forces and they have the power to enter their personal efforts by the divine mystery. None is not.

We are told the contrary, he is visited by God who comes to dwell in him and is the sound of the voice of God who reveals the presence of spirit in him. This voice does not necessarily form an audible, but it is perceived, however within our consciousness. The presence of the Spirit does not seek it finds. Here in the Gospel account, the voice coming from elsewhere reveals what happens. It's the same in our personal experiences. The spirit descends into us and shakes. Nobody supposed to escape the visit of the mind, but all world does not see and those who do not think they were forgotten.

Here's Gospel tells us it's the voice that is heard giving the explanation: "it is my beloved son." We must be attentive to this because in Scripture is the Word of God that creates . God creates through harmony in chaos and it is his voice that he does. So it's finding that is created in us a desire for harmony that we know that the Spirit of God has visited us

Let us resist and miss? We'll probably we seduced by this feeling. If we persevere in this direction we will eventually discover the reality of that which makes us feel. He is God. Then his word is meaningful and that Scripture resonates in us as an expression of his will. The Bible, in which he reveals himself becomes word God for us. It guides us as we entered the creative movement of God whose love is the engine. The result its action is revealed in the harmony that has arisen in our thoughts and behaviors.

When we are visited by the Spirit of God, there are still us in areas of resistance that make us doubt. There are elements that hinder the instinct of love which puts us in unison. Therefore the Spirit keeps blowing on us. It pushes us to challenge ourselves and to fight against what holds us back. It helps us to become free, because freedom is to help things get better for be pus many.

The projects we undertake now will inevitably carry the imprint of the Spirit of God that drives us now. Without realizing it, and guided by God, we will continue his work of creation by putting a little love, where there is none. Then imperceptibly the world enters the program creator God who can not be set up by men and women inhabited by his Spirit. The story of the baptism of Jesus invites us to take stock of ourselves that we discover our vocation to put us to work in this world, under the guidance of God, make it conform to the plan God made for him.

Painting by Joachim Patenier

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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Turkey-EU: no new chapter opened when that the Belgian presidency ends.

Belgium it is now one reason: his presidency of the EU will be completed by the end of December, without a new chapter of the negotiation process between Turkey and Europe has been opened. She had to resign itself to a good step forward in the chapter "competition policy", but it will remain closed. This is the first time since December 2006, no chapter is opened. At the end of that year, the EU froze eight chapters in the process to punish Turkey, which persisted in its refusal to open its ports and airports to Cyprus. Yet since then, every presidency has been open one or two chapters, although this has not always been easy. European diplomats suggest a delay in Turkey in the conduct of reforms necessary to advance his candidacy. But some observers also point to higher European requirements, and generally unfavorable climate for further enlargement.

This new binding process of accession negotiations with Turkey could increase the lack thereof with respect to the attitude of Brussels. In recent months, in fact, Turkish officials have continued to attack the turcoscepticisme EU. In Helsinki, 20 October 2010, Recep Tayyip Erdogan had criticized the delays in negotiations between his country and Brussels, saying: "To say I'm disappointed. The countries of the EU, it does There is no other country in which it was asked to wait at the door for so many years. " The Prime Minister was surprised at the same time the EU has already admitted that country, he said, are far behind Turkey, both economically that policy. These comments periodically echoed by other officials (the President of the Republic Minister of Foreign Affairs, through the chief negotiator) have more weight now that the economic performance of this country's major political transformations and the inflections of his foreign policy, tend to change the nature of his candidacy to the EU. The whole question is whether, in fact, how long it will still be a response to a diffuse state candidate, whose economy has never been so much scope and is beginning to seriously look into other horizons.

As many European countries are seriously affected by an unprecedented financial crisis (including neighboring Greece), Turkey displays a record growth rate of 8.9% (since early 2010). This growth is "boosted", not only by strong domestic demand of businesses and households but also by a substantial expansion of foreign trade, outside of Europe (Russia, Middle East, Africa ...). While she refused last year, an IMF loan and it will soon be repaid one she had purchased in 2001, Turkey teasing now the 15th largest in the world GDP rankings, and is part of G20, has become a genuine emerging power whose development prospects are more promising than those of many countries in Central and Eastern Europe, already members of the EU . In many ways, with such results, in particular, a low budget deficit, and if we ignore inflation still high (7%), Turkey deserves to enter the Euro zone; an assumption that the Turkish Minister of Economy Ali Babacan said, however, does not wish for the moment, in an interview, A few days ago, a German magazine. Sign of this economic transformation in all cases: migration flows between Turkey and European countries are being reversed. For the first time in 2009, the Turks were more likely to return home to emigrate to the West.

At the political level, following the referendum of 12 September, the security system inherited from the coup of 1980 and the 1982 Constitution, which was worth regularly to Turkey under fire from European institutions, seems to touch end. Demilitarization under this system is less the result of reforms to meet the requirements of the application to the EU of Turkey's political dynamics, which, particularly since 2007, sees an open debate on issues previously taboo (denunciations of certain facts or challenges to the official story for certain periods, initiatives to find a political solution to Kurdish problem, strengthening civil society. ...) Of course, despite this opening, a number of spots remain (intransigence of the official Turkish position on the Armenian genocide issue, maintenance deadly armed clashes in the departments Kurdish southeast, the fate of Christian minorities, attacks on freedom of expression ...). Still, the politics seems much more lively and civil society seems much more active than in many countries having recently acceded to the EU.

It is also important to note that Turkey is also seeking to normalize its relations with its neighbors and increase its international influence. It has done this a lot more leeway than before in respect of its Western allies. Yet they have more need than ever to offset Ankara Iranian power, limit the consequences of the disintegration of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and relay the Middle East's traditional areas of moderate Islam (Egypt, Saudi Arabia) have become very timid. Yet Turkey, disappointed by the reluctance of Europeans to him, showed several files that could be tempted to play his own card, or at least, to hear their difference (the Iranian nuclear refusal to increase its military contribution to ISAF in Afghanistan, missile shield ...). In addition, the Cyprus conflict, which currently appears to be the first handicap to the advancement of accession negotiations, now hangs as the relationship between Turkey and NATO, for while the Greek Cypriots refuse to associate Ankara to European security and defense, the Turks s preclude that Nicosia part in missions of this policy using the NATO intelligence. The secretary general of the Alliance, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, thought he could circumvent the problem of Cyprus by persuading the EU to sign a bilateral agreement with Turkey, which would have led to a NATO-EU comprehensive agreement. But Brussels has announced it A few days ago, that such agreements were not on the agenda. It is therefore likely that one effect of the stalemate of Turkey's EU candidacy could rebound on attempts to enhanced cooperation between the EU and NATO already compromised.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

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mage. Christmas story Sunday, January 2, 2011

For Sunday, January 2 list readings provides a sermon on Matthew 2:1-12, but I've already proposed a sermon on this text for Christmas Day, December 25. I come back. There is also a proposal on our list of Matthew 5:1-12. I've already proposed a sermon on this subject last year for Sunday, November 1, 2009. I also refer you. I propose therefore to this day a Christmas story on the theme of Matthew 2:1-12 fourth mage. We can have fun looking for what is completely invented and which still relies on details according to the story. With you to find them. I did the exercise with the catechumens entrusted to me this year, the answers are not so easy to find.

The fourth mage.

There's a character that is poorly understood or even that we do not know, this is the fourth mage. Everyone knows Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar , Thomas but who knows? Yet his story is not without interest.

He did not come from afar, he has not traveled much, he does not travel at all. He was born in Jerusalem. He is a shoemaker by trade. He is very skilled in his art. He made shoes for King Herod, he also has crafted the slippers of the High Priest. But hush! is also Prince! Do not say because King Herod would not like that. The grandfather of his grandfather was already before him. They all descended from the family of the great King David. As him, his family came from Bethlehem, a small village not far away. But if the tyrant in place knew it, we would not dear in his life, he would quickly shorten , however, be discreet.

It does not go directly online course, his ancestor was the son who was born to David that his beloved concubine and who came from Moab. History has forgotten his name. Rachel may or Rebecca or Roxane. In other words his line was not very pure, and its origin Royal blurry. Anyway its ancestor, the son of David was handsome, even beautiful, eyes, embers, and wavy long hair, brown with red hair, high stature. This is not to believe him, Thomas was a carbon copy of his ancestor, which itself was strangely like his father David.

Forget the past. For now it was just a cobbler! Oh David, if you saw your little son! But we must live and Thomas did not complain of his trade as a craftsman, rather it provides them deepen the Scriptures. And that was his passion . That's why he was not surprised when the events we'll tell occurred. He had read in the scriptures that this should happen.

He had read the stories of the prophets, this strange prophecy of the prophet Micah: Micah 5 / 1

1 And you, Bethlehem Ephratah

you who are little among the thousands of Judah,

From you come for me

one who will rule over Israel

And whose originated in the distant past,

the days of eternity .

But besides the great King, which could come from this little village?

He had also read in the stories of the prophet Isaiah:

: "Hear me, you the descendants of David. Looks like it's not enough to exhaust the patience of men, and you must also exhaust the patience of my God. 14 Well! the Lord himself will give you a sign: the young woman will become pregnant and give birth to a son. She will appoint Emmanuel "God with us". 15 The child will be fed cream and honey until it is able to refuse what is evil and choose what is good. Isaiah 7: 14

course everyone knew that Isaiah had announced the birth of King Hezekiah, who saved Jerusalem from Sennacherib seat but was not that weird that all these texts arise in same time clerical and part of his memory?

And then night: it was a dark ink, the stars shone with intensity but without really informing the campaign. The cold air made the time suitable twinkling stars. Strangely a star remained fixed in the sky. It was Venus, the evening star, a planet that we see on the horizon at the beginning of the night. Astrologers had said that the temple of the planets were in conjunction, ie they had arisen together in the sky. Such a phenomenon was rare, it usually announced a major event in human history. The star do not really sparkled, as the planets do not twinkle, but it gave a strange light.

Then a caravan arrived. It was already dark and everyone had closed doors and shutters. characters sumptuously dressed down from their camels and asked kindly but very emphatically that they are received at the palace. They imagined that the old fox Herod was going to disturb them they were wrong. Well no. After dealings usual he ushered. Nobody knows what happened to inside. Yet the Gazette the next day claimed that these illustrious personages were looking for a child, and besides a royal child. was told it was also a delegation of princes came to worship in Jerusalem. But why were they went to Bethlehem where there was no sanctuary? Why were they so crowded that the company's shoemaker never saw more? Many questions why we have no answer.

In the morning, after many salaams and in great excitement, they went on their camels. But strangely the youngest, who was light skinned and hung his gesture n'enfourcha not the animal. "There is one missing," he had told the other two. They planned together.

Indeed is it not true that these kings came from the 4 corners of the world? One was black and came from the south, another had his eyes crinkled up and down the East. He skinned who had spoken came from the North.

"He who comes from the West, where he ? He asked.

"But in the west, there is nothing! "It was the answer.

"Anyway, there is one missing and I know that it is necessarily there, otherwise our trip would not make sense and prophecies have lied. "He replied.

he said he had four witnesses, carried by winds to the 4 ensure the birth of the king who would rule the world. He did not budge.

You know that history will vindicate him. It took four witnesses, the 4 Evangelists to witness the coming of the Messiah! Yet the 4 evangelists were neither kings nor princes, and they will come too late. It was therefore 4 princes. We had three. Who was the fourth? It could not be Herod, of course. So who was he? You guessed it, I suppose!

Undoubtedly Your intuition was correct, the fourth came from the West was the one who was already there, a native of Jerusalem, but it was still necessary to find, recognize and decide to follow them.

Not difficult! We spoke to the shoemaker's shop was already open. The beautiful artisan was questioned harshly

- "And you, man, do you know if there is a descendant of the great king in this city? "

Without disturbing he said

"It's probably me, you're looking for my family descends from the great King"?

How could he betray himself thus? By telling the truth he put themselves in danger ? His height, his personable nature, her hair red highlights such as David attested without any doubt of its origins. We did not seek further evidence. Without discuss, he was forced to follow, because it is not by accident that we had knocked on his door. Fate had appointed and set off with them. To escape the wrath of the king, when everything is finished, he goes with his companions and never return to Jerusalem. This is probably why he was forgotten.

Coincidentally, a camel was still available and 3 they were, they became 4. We then remembered the prophet Ezekiel had a strange prophecy about four mysterious characters:

4 Here's what I saw: a gust of wind came from the north. There could be forms of four living creatures had a human appearance. Each had four faces and four wings. under each of their four wings, there was a man's hand. These hands were round born in the four directions as their faces and their wings. . They walked right in front of each home. They went where they wanted without having to turn their bodies. 13 between living beings could be seen as flaming embers could be seen moving kind of torches. The fire was dazzling and lightning flashed by.


Scientists decided afterwards that these were the four Gospels, but we see it, it was more of the 4 kings, the most beautiful, biggest, was born here in Jerusalem in the city of the great King. Could it be otherwise?

Buoyed by the enthusiasm of shepherds who had been awakened by a concert on 4 heavenly kings took the path that you know, it was not very far, it was a day of walking and without currently browsing Her, they found the child in its mother's arms, warm the bottom of the caravanserai! But it was not an ox or a ass blowing on him to warm up, a whole herd. Thus, Thomas realized that the prophecy was fulfilled Isaiah:

1 Arise, shine, for thy light appears

And the glory of the LORD risen upon thee.

2 For behold, darkness covers the earth

And deep darkness the peoples;

But on my side LORD rises,

On you appears his glory.

3 The nations will walk by your light

and kings to the brightness of your dawn.

Lift up your eyes and look around

All they congregate,

They come to you

They shall bring gold and incense

And flocks of Kedar shall meet every home.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Tiffany Granath Husban

Throw egg, symbol of student unrest in Turkey.

all began Saturday, December 4, 2010, by the repression of a student demonstration in Istanbul, near the Dolmabahçe Palace, where Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with rectors Turkish universities. The police have indeed dispersed demonstrators bluntly, in a way that shocked the press present at the scene, leading him to believe that the police response had been "manifestly disproportionate". A pregnant student has notably lost the child she was waiting at the end of a beating in order.

Far from regretting the incidents the Prime Minister said that the police had done what she should do, and slammed the attitude of students taking the public to witness, and encouraging protesters to resume the path of amphitheaters. Brutality Police were quick to produce, in addition, a skirmish between the prime minister and opposition leader, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, whose party has called two days later, the student protesters to come and talk their problems in Parliament. But even though CHP boasted of being in tune with the new generation, another incident has come to show that this student excitement is far from being an epiphenomenon.

This time, the venerable Faculty of Political Sciences of Ankara, who form the cream of the high Turkish public, which is better known under the name "Mulkiye" which, on December 8 last, was the scene of a memorable heckling. The main victims were two MPs, who took part in a seminar on constitutional reform. Süleyh Batum, the secretary general of the CHP, was constantly interrupted by jeers and eventually had to abandon its mediation to continue his term. Exasperated by the conduct of students, he went so far to call it "fascist." As for the other speaker, Burhan Kuzu, moreover President AKP of the Constitutional Commission of Parliament, it was glistening wet eggs, and that does sound hello wall that has been generated umbrellas deployed his bodyguards to protect him. Even more angry that his colleague from the CHP, he exclaimed: "Shame is a disgrace to this country. They should rather eat all those eggs, maybe this would allow their brains to function better. "

The government and ruling party have taken very ill this new student demonstration, especially the eggs with jets Burhan Kuzu has was the target. A debate has also developed quickly on this new form of protest about whether or not it was a democratic right, the Prime Minister has denied vigorously, accusing the authorities of Ankara University for having left overwhelmed by a group of far-left activists. As the ranks of the AKP, as in those of the nationalist MHP, voices began to raise the specter of the 1970 student unrest was seen falling into a civil war, pitting left-wing groups and groups far-right political context in which deleterious preceded the coup of September 12, 1980. Burhan Kuzu has not hesitated to mention the presence of organizations related to "Ergenekon" behind the demonstration in Ankara, saying that students were politically manipulated. As for the CHP, he struggled to voice their differences and demonstrate that he was open to dialogue with students. Following the incident in Ankara, its leader, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu said that the practice of throwing eggs was not tolerable, but students had the right to protest using democratic means. However, the chairman of the parliamentary party Kemalist Akif Hamzaçebi has distanced itself from the remarks, believing that the jet of eggs should be regarded as "an achievement of democracy."

In any event, it seems that this is an effervescent student movement deeper than it seems. According to some experts, students do not just denounce police brutality in which they were recently the subject and the intransigence that the government has shown towards them, but they especially want to draw attention their living conditions, higher fees and more generally their concern about the future. They would also be represented in the bodies responsible for university policy.

If the involvement of a number of leftists in the occurrence of the incidents recounted above is no doubt, we can not deny that these events have also shown the difference between a rising generation that expresses a bad manners, and a political class that all training together, was caught cold by a movement that has many difficult to understand. Apart from the incident Dolmabahçe and that of the Faculty of Political Sciences of Ankara, it was observed that the student protests have multiplied in recent times and that events unfolded in the absence of pavements, the jet eggs became significantly, the true symbol of a slingshot. Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Hasim Kilic, was recently the target of this kind of manifestation of disrespect, in Eskişehir in western Anatolia. And during the uproar on Wednesday in Ankara, Burhan Kuzu, was greeted by a sign student welcoming him to a "collective Egg Festival" (photo), a humor that apparently did not really appreciate ... I must say that the omelet, which was served, was apparently very plentiful, since he would have received nearly 200 eggs!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Incontinence Swimware

Matthew 2: 13-23 The massacre of innocent Sunday, December 26, 2010 Matthew 2:1-12

Matthew 2 :13-23

After the departure of the Magi, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, flee to Egypt and stay there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. 14 Joseph rose, took the night the little boy and his mother, and departed into Egypt. 15 He stayed there until Herod's death, to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: I called my son out of Egypt.

16 When Herod saw played by the Magi, his fury was extreme, he slew all the children two years and below who were in Bethlehem and its territory, from the time he had ascertained from the magi. 17 Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah:

18 A vote was is heard in Ramah, Tears and much lamentation: It is Rachel weeping for her children, she would not be comforted, because they are not.

19 After the death of Herod, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, 20 and said, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and return to the land of Israel, because those who sought the young child's life are dead. 21 Joseph rose, took the child and his mother and entered the land of Israel. 22 But when he heard that Archelaus reigned over Judea in place of Herod his father, he was afraid to go there, and divinely warned in a dream he withdrew into the territory of Galilee 23 came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that fulfilled which was spoken through the prophets: He shall be called a Nazarene.

Is it possible that God saves his son from the clutches of the tyrant Herod even at the cost of exile and let the despot's henchmen kill innocent children? You can not read this without that ask this question. The answer that comes immediately to mind is that this is consistent with Scripture. But this explanation does not satisfy us. For anyone who has a regular practice of Biblical texts, a more complex response comes quickly to mind. It seems obvious that these events are related to events that have shaped Israel's history in the past.

Indeed, it is a massacre of innocent children that begins the story of Moses who is the founding father of Israel. By order of the reigning pharaoh at the time, all young male children were to be thrown into the Nile waters to reduce the population of the Hebrews that were becoming too numerous. Moses was saved by two women, his mother locked him in a basket she gave to the river and the daughter of Pharaoh, who took the child and raised him as his son.

In this Gospel, we are told that Jesus child was saved by Joseph, who took him into exile in Egypt, as if the story would suggest that with Jesus the people of Israel would revive a new history of liberation. If this explanation gives new meaning to the story in connection with tradition, it does not justify the massacre of innocent children, even if the story of a killing of children is part of the founding narratives of the people of Israel.

could way out of trouble imagining that the story of the massacre is an addition that would have made to paste the text after the fact with tradition. But on reflection the argument does not hold. Indeed, when usual elements are added to the original text, but rather to mitigate violence or to give details giving in the wonderful, but not in the sordid.

It also said that the event has not really occurred because historians, apart from the author of the Gospel of Matthew do not relate . That does not mean that the story is not historical . Herod was a rather cruel to have ordered such a massacre, which, given the small number of child victims, could pass unnoticed among the other forfeitures made by the king.

So there is no argument that can really avoid the event or even to deny it. If this account of the massacre small children was reported to us, is that was indeed the intention of Matthew provoke us our reflection. It is the event of the birth of Jesus in a world of violence was one in which Jesus came into the world despite all the wonderful that is the visit of the Magi.

This violent and unjust world is also consistent with ours. Abuses still exist and innocent people are not spared the harsh times. So in a world where the widow and orphans are not protected and where the weak are victims of the strongest that Matthew began to brush our salvation history. This is not the cruel act of the king who ordered that the children are passed to the sword which challenges us, but the fact that Jesus was saved thanks to the vigilance of God, so that vigilance will has not exerted to save other children.

In fact, if Jesus had not escaped, the story of redemption had not occurred. If Jesus had died in the turmoil of a pogrom, we would not gathered in this place to celebrate his birth! Nevertheless, the question posed at the outset of this text remains relevant. Why did God not spared other children? Why has he sent his angel to Joseph, not all fathers to the children involved? This same "why" arises whenever a disaster, some have saved lives and others lost. God Has the criteria of its own to speak in favor of some and not others?

On this point, which can not be a detail here, we'll stop. It has vital importance and the answer we will give it no doubt will enlighten our faith. This story takes a value liberating if we receive it in a constructive manner. We begin by remembering that Joseph received three times the visit of the angel. Each time the visit occurred in the same way.

Every time Joseph was asleep when he was tormented by the situation he faced, then it is an angel tells him what to do. At the first visit, Joseph had learned that his girlfriend was pregnant and he wondered how he could divorce her. In the second case is one that we have a problem here , the Magi and Joseph were to leave no doubt wondered about the way What were the events take. During the third visit, King Herod had died and Joseph wondered if he should return to Palestine.

In the Gospel of Luke the angel visiting Zacharias and Mary has a name, Gabriel. It delivers a message to one as to another and enter into discussion with them. It really appears as a celestial character. In Matthew, this is not the case. The angel has a different presence. It occurs only in the choice good solution that seeks Joseph in his questioning. It does not offer a message of God per se, but he shared the concern of Joseph.

It is as if Joseph, absorbed by his concern and worry was descended into himself, into a deep meditation to manage his face thinking to himself and ponder the situation. It is in his inner, intense meditation in God becomes present to him in the form of the angel. That's when the thought of Joseph and lights that takes the decision according to the divine wisdom .

Matthew does not actually say that God is the partner of Joseph in the inner struggle he has with himself, but it still happens. God then allows Joseph to make the right decision. Joseph did not sit waiting for God to do a miracle for him. The intervention of God only served to guide his decision to make it good. Joseph was so absorbed in his inner reflection that seemed asleep as he focused on himself.

Thus, after the first visit of the angel Joseph wisely decided not to separate himself from Mary. During the second visit, he is troubled by the consequences the visit of the Magi not gone unnoticed at the palace. Joseph feared the wrath of Herod. Sure there will be retaliation, he'd rather go in haste in taking her own

Can we then say that God saved Jesus and he left the other children die? Certainly not. If God played a role in history because he helped Joseph in prayer to see clearly in his situation. God did not make a miracle, he helped the thinking of Joseph.

It occurs in the same way in the life of every believer when he prays to God to help them to identify in a confused state. When we trust God and hopefully it will have enough wisdom to us that the solution chosen allows the situation to change hopefully! So when Joseph questions about what to do after the death of the king, God help again, for the third intervention of the angel to take stock of the situation policy and make a wise decision which makes choosing the Galilee instead of Judea as the land back because the king appears to be milder than in Judea.

We described in this case how prayer could open up a miracle, made by man, when one who puts all requests his trust in God. Thus God illuminates the events of his presence and directs choice of men to the right solutions. Joseph us presented here as the type of thinking that leaves God guide his thinking so that it makes the right choices. God does not intervene in the world by spectacular miracles, but by the action of humans who know find the wisdom of God by standing before him in prayer.