34 Jesus answered them: In this world, men and women marry, 35 but those who were worthy to enter this world and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor do husband. 36 They can not die because they are like angels and they are the son of God, being the son of the resurrection. 37 That wake the dead is reported that Moses at the bush when he called the Lord God of Abraham, God of Isaac and the God of Jacob . 38 But it is not the God of the dead but the living, for to him all are alive.
If theologians of Constantinople during the siege by the Turks were better attached to read their Bible, and this text particular, instead of speculating about the sex of angels, they would have the answer to their questions. They could then focus their thoughts on a better strategy to defend the city. It might not have been taken and before the world would have been changed. I echo here, an anecdote about the concerns of theologians during the siege of Constantinople by the Turks. They debated the nature of angels when there were more pressing issues to ask for their salvation.
In fact, the question that is central to this passage is that of salvation. This involves defining the foundation of faith, and Jesus replies without hesitation that it is the resurrection. "If Christ be not risen, says Paul in the Epistle Corinthians, our faith is vain. "And if our faith is vain, we have no hope either in this life nor in another. If our faith does not rest on resurrection our message is worthless. Christian hope rests on this certainty and not on fantasies like those concerning the existence of angels. Yet that is what Jesus seems to speak.
You have understood, Jesus turns the words of his opponents derisively. He did not intend lead us on paths leading to speculation irrelevant. His interlocutors in inventing a simple parable want to fall into the trap of contradictions. As always, Jesus is doing in diverting the blow. He speaks of angels to stay at their level, but at the same time, as if entering their game it gives essential information, namely that those who believe are more concerned with death. So forget the angels and heaven and let's look at the issue of the resurrection, because that's the real question. Jesus, based on texts tells us that death does not matter. Exceeded, it is reduced to an illusion and has no control over our future.
is the question of God that concerns Jesus. What is God to you seems we ask? God he plays a key role in your life? In doing so, He shows us a way Surprisingly in which direction to look for the answer. And why it takes us back to Moses by allusion to the old story of the bush that burns without burn.
We all read this story describing the presence of God when he speaks to Moses through a bush (1). God appears to him as the God of all those before him, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of his fathers. He adds, but not in the citation of Jesus: "I am who I am." It is this expression which is of importance. If it is not known, it is for you to note his absence so that you'll notice it better.
God is as one who combines his presence in the world by the verb exist. Past generations have entrusted in him and in him they continued to exist. They found in him a sense of life and death was not the last word on them. It is God who gives life to everything that is threatened by death. This is because in him, death disappears that our life is meaningful. However, since we're old enough to understand or to think we were taught as evidence that everything that lived was destined to die.
God is doing in false cons such ease of language. He claims that involved in our lives, it changes and transforms our destiny in our life expectancy was recorded in a death program. While the testimony of Scripture is in this sense. It is rooted in the history of the people of Moses, we come back, which threatened with certain death by a hard slavery in Egypt sees new life promised by God's intervention. It was around this event that turns the whole revelation. It is in evoking Jesus reminds us that the reality of God brings life and imposes life where death is regarded as the natural culmination of life.
This idea will go through the of Scripture and takes place in the testimony of most writers Bible. It ends in the narrative of the passion of Jesus. She describes her death in terms of victory over nothingness and openness to eternity.
This idea is already present from the first pages of the Bible. In the beginning when the world was still uncreated a shapeless mass and the hurly-burly ruled over the primeval chaos, God's intervention was described as the injection of life into what was living yet. Death would be the origin of beings, it does is not the end. It is death that was already in the beginning and that's life that gives meaning to what will happen. The history of men begin thus by their death and would end in a life that never ends.
It's the same for men than we are. In a normal conception of things, from the first babbling of newborn, its existence is part of a death in which his life will end as late as possible. It is trite to say that the child learns to die while he learns talking. For his life can not end other than by its disappearance. Jesus for his part sees things differently and it teaches us to see otherwise. From his first step, the child must learn to walk towards the God who will exchange his death cons already planned life given to it.
The meeting or the discovery of God is a fundamental moment of our existence from which all our behaviors take another value since 'with him what is unreal becomes real. What is temporary is eternal. God's presence makes things so much different that we do not know how you could pretend to believe in him and keep his distance from him.
All are not aware, not everyone knows perceive the moment where rising from the depths of ourselves God imposed on us and changes our way of existing . If experience is offered to all, not everyone living not really. Jesus was then tried to give us benchmarks to allow discern the presence of God. God is present, After all the negative forces that pull us towards death are conjured. It is present in the hope that enables the lowest forward. It is present in just the audacity of defying death, so that the nails on the wood. It occurs when, despite the injustice done to him the innocent continues to pray. Jesus teaches us to discover God's presence, not in what is spectacular, but what transforms our inner life.
Rather than become visible to all, God wants to be discovered by each humans who inhabit this earth. We then discern its presence in the thrills of our heart when we are smitten with love for others. With confidence, then we enter another outlook on life. It is difficult to put words on this, because all this is still a mystery. But this mystery has life, and life can not be broken. This mystery is so deep that we are led to believe that even those who do not enter or who do not understand still have their part in this life that death can not destroy.
angels And you say? You've probably realized that they are more than one way to talk than reality. It is undoubtedly disappointing because it lacks wonderful, but is not it more exciting to know that God has joined us always in a process of life that provides our continued exceedance.
(1) Exodus 3: 6Dieu said: Keep away, put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou stand is Holy Land. And he added: "I am the God of thy Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God ... 13 But if they ask me what's your name I say to them? God said to Moses: I am who I am ...
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