Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Best Waxing Mississauga

Luke 21: 5-19 is this the end? Sunday, November 14 2010

Luke 21 :5-19

Jesus announces the destruction of the temple

5 Some people spoke of the temple and said he was wonderful with beautiful stones and objects offered to God. But Jesus said

6 "The days will come when there will not be one stone resting on another of what you see here, everything will be reversed. "

misfortunes and persecutions

7 they asked him," Teacher, when this happens will he? What will be the sign that will indicate when these things have to happen? "

8 Jesus replied: "Be careful, do not be fooled. For many men come in using my name and say: "I am the Messiah! "And:" The time has arrived! "But do not follow them. 9 When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be alarmed, it must happen first, but it will not immediately end this world. " 10 Then added: "A people will fight against nation, and kingdom will attack another kingdom 11 there will be terrible earthquakes in different regions, famines and epidemics, and there will also phenomena scary and impressive signs from heaven. 12 But before all this, one can stop you, persecute you, they deliver you up for trial in the synagogues and we will put you in prison, you will appear before kings and governors for my sake. 13 This is your opportunity to give your testimony about me. 14 Be determined to not worry in advance about how you defend. 15 I'll give you my own words and such wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. 16 You will be betrayed even by parents, your brothers, your relatives and friends will be condemned to death many of you. 17 Everyone will hate you because of me. 18 But not a hair of your head will perish. 19 Hold on : This is how you save your lives. "

When everything seems on the verge of disappearing, the Gospel tells us that life must always take the upper hand because beyond life is there still life? This is the hope that we get from Jesus' teaching. This should be the concluding thoughts that lead men to their future. But man does not stick to such simplistic reasoning, because he likes to believe that is a thinking being, so he tries to prove his own superiority in trying meet all kinds of challenges that arise to himself.

Thus it provokes God by questioning its own existence. It does so by opposing achievements of his genius. In our text today is the Temple which is the issue of the challenge. Here you can admire the place where men have succeeded, he believed God to hold captive. God would put himself away from any human interference in the Holy of Holies at the heart of the sanctuary. God would keep them deliberately hidden, they say, unless to be men who try to keep it there better put pressure on him? The question thus raised precise nature of the challenge.

past, on the eve of the capture of Jerusalem by Emperor Nabukodonsor, Ezekiel saw God in escape a vision of the sanctuary before the disaster to join his people in exile. God freely had escaped the clutches human and therefore not allowed any man to take authority over him, but the beliefs are tenacious and men constantly trying to get a grip on any God.

Humanity does not attempt to resist his own vanity. Failing to be invulnerable now it feels invulnerable in the future. It is believed capable of meeting all the challenges it faces, thus to defy earthquakes men have begun construction of towers that neither wind nor storm, nor any ground force could demolished. We remember that took just two aircraft for the two most prestigious of them are reduced to ground level. But we still believe they can do better.

Yet, whatever the human mind, even when death awaits us all at the end of his life. In this case, failing to challenge himself to God it's still the man attacked. If science rejects to the extreme length of life, it did not abolish the term. Yet defying centuries, monuments pyramid amounted to try to prove that the mysteries of death have been vanquished. They are among the monuments the oldest built on our planet. They were built for defy death by pretending to remain forever the name, work and the person that they were supposed to host. But what remains of this challenge, they are more than empty tombs.

We touched on some examples the claims of men always exceed themselves and to supplant God failing to compromise to develop their own vanity. This preamble we lets join Jesus in conflict with the fans of the Temple which is in the process of describing a grim reality. Jesus shows us a universe we can not control, and where, despite his apparent arrogance, audacity and touch his human limitations. One may wonder what will become our monuments in a few centuries? The pyramids have resisted the ravages of time, do more and it traces the challenges for which they were built. They have become bait for tourists and the dead that are buried there to defy time and the gods there are more. If their mummies have survived, it is to satisfy the appetites of scientists and visitors in the galleries of museums.

Jesus begins to enumerate all of us the risks that we incur: Persecution, famine, war. Each generation has experienced periods of disorders and dysfunctions that keep repeating itself since the beginning of time. They take on a prophetic dimension special because at the time of writing this Gospel , war of the Jews had stopped, leaving a vast field of ruins behind her temple destroyed, the Jewish people banned from entering the land of his ancestors. This recent memory that shines through these lines yields a value peculiar to prophecy about Jesus, but does not change the reality it describes.

Anyway Jesus presents humanity as aggressive captive in a world of both the hostility of powerful and also against human frailty a world constantly changing.

What makes this passage particularly disturbing is that it offers no way out. The rights and especially the Christian is seen as powerless in the face of adversity when God is not. For God seems out of all this, he remains on its own. It was even hard to believe that might intervene to come to our aid when we are challenged because of our faith. Although Jesus suggests that we prepare for our defense and put the appropriate words in our mouths, we do not see his words come true in reality. When Stephen was stoned and beheaded Jacques, they may have said something sublime that they were dictated by God, they have nevertheless been the first a long series of martyrs for whom God does seems not to have intervened.

In this atmosphere poisonous, it's hard to find a note of hope, we may even wonder how the world might be saved, and how Jesus played a role in that change.

When we fail to find the right answers for our own reasoning, we know we're on the wrong track. We must seek in the Gospels themselves the answers they give to our own research. Then listen the voice that comes from Jesus himself when he reminds us that he makes all things new.

We remember when there are as an idea which runs the world that the world is not meant to be sucked into a vortex attempting to bring him back in the hurly-burly primitive. Instead, the world is crossed by a strong idea that it is possible man to reverse the destructive course of history. It is this strength which Jesus lived and had highlighted. She has lived all his life. It came from God and directed all his choices.

It was strong enough to enable the midday dark of his adventure to believe that the life instincts were able to prevail over the instincts of the most violent death. Even nailed to the wood and after a long agonizing life has triumphed to open before him a vision of eternity.

In the most dramatic moments in our history, it is not our desire for survival to be the force that drives us, but the vision that the world is led by God in a movement where life inevitably take over, if we know to be persistent. The spirit of God based on our keeps us always in the perspective that the future is inhabited by certainty of God's presence in the changing world.

face of all this there are those who think that things from themselves and believe that their death will be the end of everything that's why they despair. It is not. Each individual is taken from his birth in an upward spiral that leads to an absolute that transcends and absorb all at once. It is God who gives meaning to that movement by the spirit which envelops us. All did not take leave, they prefer to be seduced by other voices and despair of not understanding.

For us, building on the certainty of the resurrection we can look in one direction brings life and hope, even if our life is threatened, because of the then life is there not life?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Underwear Volleyball Cameltoe

Luke 20: 27-38: Angels and Resurrection Sunday, November 7, 2010

27 Some of the Sadducees, who argue that there is no resurrection , came the question: 28 Master, here is what Moses commanded us: If someone dies, with a woman, but no children, his brother will the wife and raise up descendants of the deceased . 29 So there were seven brothers. The first took a wife and died childless. 30 The second 31 then took the third woman, so it was the seven, who died childless . 32 After the woman died too. 33 the resurrection, which is she the woman? For the seven had her to wife!

34 Jesus answered them: In this world, men and women marry, 35 but those who were worthy to enter this world and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor do husband. 36 They can not die because they are like angels and they are the son of God, being the son of the resurrection. 37 That wake the dead is reported that Moses at the bush when he called the Lord God of Abraham, God of Isaac and the God of Jacob . 38 But it is not the God of the dead but the living, for to him all are alive.


If theologians of Constantinople during the siege by the Turks were better attached to read their Bible, and this text particular, instead of speculating about the sex of angels, they would have the answer to their questions. They could then focus their thoughts on a better strategy to defend the city. It might not have been taken and before the world would have been changed. I echo here, an anecdote about the concerns of theologians during the siege of Constantinople by the Turks. They debated the nature of angels when there were more pressing issues to ask for their salvation.

In fact, the question that is central to this passage is that of salvation. This involves defining the foundation of faith, and Jesus replies without hesitation that it is the resurrection. "If Christ be not risen, says Paul in the Epistle Corinthians, our faith is vain. "And if our faith is vain, we have no hope either in this life nor in another. If our faith does not rest on resurrection our message is worthless. Christian hope rests on this certainty and not on fantasies like those concerning the existence of angels. Yet that is what Jesus seems to speak.

You have understood, Jesus turns the words of his opponents derisively. He did not intend lead us on paths leading to speculation irrelevant. His interlocutors in inventing a simple parable want to fall into the trap of contradictions. As always, Jesus is doing in diverting the blow. He speaks of angels to stay at their level, but at the same time, as if entering their game it gives essential information, namely that those who believe are more concerned with death. So forget the angels and heaven and let's look at the issue of the resurrection, because that's the real question. Jesus, based on texts tells us that death does not matter. Exceeded, it is reduced to an illusion and has no control over our future.

is the question of God that concerns Jesus. What is God to you seems we ask? God he plays a key role in your life? In doing so, He shows us a way Surprisingly in which direction to look for the answer. And why it takes us back to Moses by allusion to the old story of the bush that burns without burn.

We all read this story describing the presence of God when he speaks to Moses through a bush (1). God appears to him as the God of all those before him, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of his fathers. He adds, but not in the citation of Jesus: "I am who I am." It is this expression which is of importance. If it is not known, it is for you to note his absence so that you'll notice it better.

God is as one who combines his presence in the world by the verb exist. Past generations have entrusted in him and in him they continued to exist. They found in him a sense of life and death was not the last word on them. It is God who gives life to everything that is threatened by death. This is because in him, death disappears that our life is meaningful. However, since we're old enough to understand or to think we were taught as evidence that everything that lived was destined to die.

God is doing in false cons such ease of language. He claims that involved in our lives, it changes and transforms our destiny in our life expectancy was recorded in a death program. While the testimony of Scripture is in this sense. It is rooted in the history of the people of Moses, we come back, which threatened with certain death by a hard slavery in Egypt sees new life promised by God's intervention. It was around this event that turns the whole revelation. It is in evoking Jesus reminds us that the reality of God brings life and imposes life where death is regarded as the natural culmination of life.

This idea will go through the of Scripture and takes place in the testimony of most writers Bible. It ends in the narrative of the passion of Jesus. She describes her death in terms of victory over nothingness and openness to eternity.

This idea is already present from the first pages of the Bible. In the beginning when the world was still uncreated a shapeless mass and the hurly-burly ruled over the primeval chaos, God's intervention was described as the injection of life into what was living yet. Death would be the origin of beings, it does is not the end. It is death that was already in the beginning and that's life that gives meaning to what will happen. The history of men begin thus by their death and would end in a life that never ends.

It's the same for men than we are. In a normal conception of things, from the first babbling of newborn, its existence is part of a death in which his life will end as late as possible. It is trite to say that the child learns to die while he learns talking. For his life can not end other than by its disappearance. Jesus for his part sees things differently and it teaches us to see otherwise. From his first step, the child must learn to walk towards the God who will exchange his death cons already planned life given to it.

The meeting or the discovery of God is a fundamental moment of our existence from which all our behaviors take another value since 'with him what is unreal becomes real. What is temporary is eternal. God's presence makes things so much different that we do not know how you could pretend to believe in him and keep his distance from him.

All are not aware, not everyone knows perceive the moment where rising from the depths of ourselves God imposed on us and changes our way of existing . If experience is offered to all, not everyone living not really. Jesus was then tried to give us benchmarks to allow discern the presence of God. God is present, After all the negative forces that pull us towards death are conjured. It is present in the hope that enables the lowest forward. It is present in just the audacity of defying death, so that the nails on the wood. It occurs when, despite the injustice done to him the innocent continues to pray. Jesus teaches us to discover God's presence, not in what is spectacular, but what transforms our inner life.

Rather than become visible to all, God wants to be discovered by each humans who inhabit this earth. We then discern its presence in the thrills of our heart when we are smitten with love for others. With confidence, then we enter another outlook on life. It is difficult to put words on this, because all this is still a mystery. But this mystery has life, and life can not be broken. This mystery is so deep that we are led to believe that even those who do not enter or who do not understand still have their part in this life that death can not destroy.

angels And you say? You've probably realized that they are more than one way to talk than reality. It is undoubtedly disappointing because it lacks wonderful, but is not it more exciting to know that God has joined us always in a process of life that provides our continued exceedance.

(1) Exodus 3: 6Dieu said: Keep away, put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou stand is Holy Land. And he added: "I am the God of thy Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God ... 13 But if they ask me what's your name I say to them? God said to Moses: I am who I am ...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Puppy's Pee Looks Like Water

Luke 19 :1-10 Zacchaeus Sunday, October 31, 2010

Luke Chapter 19


1 Jesus entered Jericho and crossed the city . 2 Then a man named Zacchaeus who was chief of publicans and was rich 3 trying to see who Jesus was, but he could not do because of the crowd, because it was small. 4 He ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see him, because he had to go through it. 5 When Jesus came to this place, he looked up and said, Zacchaeus, hurry down, for I must abide at thy house. 6 Zacchaeus hurried down and received him with joy. 7 saw this, they all murmured, saying, he went to lodge with a sinful man. 8 But Zacchaeus stood before the Lord, "Behold, Lord, I give to the poor half of my possessions, and if I did something wrong to somebody, I restore him fourfold. 9 Jesus said: Today salvation has come to this house, because it also is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.

The man is a secret which has been difficult to unravel the mysteries of the soul. He is not sure himself know the causes of his behavior. There is no need to dwell at length on all this, we know very well that we are inhabited by motivations that we do not know the origin! The specialists in this area continue to tirelessly seek causes.

It is likely that our relationship with God plays a role in what motivates our behavior. Biblical history shows us that the same man may seek God while hiding from him. This seems to show us the story of Adam and Eve hiding from God in the garden of the Scriptures while remaining within reach of his voice, as if they wanted anyway God is anyway. This is not unique, it is a lesson that we do very often without awareness.

We find the attitude of Zacchaeus this secret and mysterious aspect of human behavior. We begin to wonder about the reason which prompts him to run in front of the crowd to climb a tree. He runs probably not be seen by those that precede it. He wants to see Jesus without being seen. See the term is used by two time it said the strength of his desire. Unconsciously he plays a game of hide and seek with Jesus. The crowd also takes its share.

It will not be Given the crowd, so he ran ahead to climb the tree to being seen by anyone. Had he been seen by someone, the text would not have failed to say because the scene brings us to imagine little man clambering on branches low tree has some funny thing we could not pass up. Just leave the fields open our mind to imagine this little man who should not be very young and because of its function may be a significant overweight. We see him trying to cling to the branches sycamore whose particularity is to have branches close to the ground, embarrassed by his tunic in which he takes the feet while losing his slippers. No, he was well aware of the comic aspect of his situation, so it would not be seen.

But if he is astride the lower branches of the tree, everyone can see, and Jesus in particular. This is the rule of the game of hide and seek: hide to be seen. It lurks in the other, knowing that we will finally seen, otherwise the game would not of interest.

He will not be seen by the crowd, because it's tax collector, tax collector. He was disliked by his fellow citizens who considered him a traitor who had grown rich making a pact with the enemy. The publicans were Jews who bought their support to the Romans. They advanced their the amount they needed for their administration, it was a very large sum. Then they were repaid by levying on the amount of their fellow citizens what they had advanced to the occupier. Of course, they did pay much more than they had at their disposal. It is stated here, he was the chief tax collector. It said it was particularly rich and was particularly ill considered. This partly explains why he wanted to hide from the crowd.

If it was not mounted in their tree, it would have been hard to see Jesus because the crowd was too thick for him to approach her and more, it was small, we are told. But in my opinion is a false argument, as it is true that one often calls the false to hide the truth. If he knew the crowd around for mounting discreetly in the sycamore tree, he could easily bypass the to get close to Jesus in referring to his personality as significant. Nothing prevented to approach Jesus, upset those who would have crossed the road and fell at his feet, kiss the hem of her dress, and tell him he is a miserable fisherman and he repents of the evil he did.

But this was not his intention, that is what we see in what he later traded with Jesus. His intention was to see Jesus without being seen by him. In any case what he wanted to do, hiding in the branches. As for the argument to its small size, it is mentioned that to better hide the truth, as was the case for Adam who used to be seen naked by God and suddenly took this pretext to hide from him.

We are often the opposite of God. Our soul is shared between the desire that drives us towards him, and fear losing our freedom if we approach too near him, as if God could put at risk our freedom! We would like to live in friendship with God, while being free to say otherwise. That's the mystery in which we move too often. Is there not within us reverent fear of God that would establish distance between himself and us as was the case with Adam, who did not know that his act of disobedience would set him free before God, so that until he was insane? As we approached even closer to God is not about the freedom that we are going and not to a disposition?

What produces this fear of God? I do not know! Protestant theology of grace removes a bit too fast this sentiment by saying a little too quickly that God forgives all and deliver us from everything. In saying this we ignore this fear, we fail to make and really puts us ill at ease when the closeness of God is too strong. Yet this fear is real.

Zacchaeus had found the right solution! He knew he would be spotted by Jesus. He secretly wished no doubt, but his high position in the tree allowed him to keep distance. But Jesus is not encumbered by these arguments. It goes beyond the secret wish of Zacchaeus. No way to hide, Jesus shows up at him.

Zacchaeus can then stand in truth before Jesus! More fear, more concealment. Zacchaeus is not a confession of his sins as one would expect. Was it necessary? Before Jesus, Zacchaeus discovered as he is: a kind and generous man, and this alone one as to another. Despite the views of men who make a man unclean and an enemy of mankind, before Jesus, Zacchaeus appears as a being very different. It deserves its name, which means curiously "fair." It becomes pure. It does not matter that the synagogue and his people have it rejected. He assumed as it is before Jesus and Jesus did contr Is not no way to change anything.

He wanted to see Jesus without wanting to meet him. He was afraid that asking him to change, to abandon everything to follow him as he told the rich young man some time to screen. But his life had changed, because his concern for others had become a priority in his behavior. This is the priority it gives to the other which is exemplary, so that his wealth is no handicap to a happy relationship and intimacy with God.

Like Zacchaeus, many people are sensitive to God's call, but do not want to be noticed. They are afraid they are forcing changes in their behavior, they did not want to join a church where they do not want to share social choices. In fact this is not of God they are afraid, but the image that men give.

This simple remark plunges us into deep reflection as it leads us to conclude that if Jesus promised salvation to Zacchaeus and called him a son of Abraham, he did not invite or follow to join the synagogue itself frequent. All that Jesus does not remain home and share his daily . For this to occur, it Zacchaeus must descend to Jesus of top of the tree where he hides. Zacchaeus receives no special requirement on the part of Jesus. Zacchaeus is warned enough in faith to know what to do without being told. Thus we have to be before God: men and women responsible enough to understand that without us telling them what is the meaning of our lives to move forward.


When shadows stretched towards evening

while the heat of summer gives way the cool autumn comes, everything seems to shrink around us, and nature is preparing for a long sleep.

We praise you, so for the beauty of the evening, when everything

folds into a green light,

and the campaign wrapped in a cloak of changing colors.

In this apparent decline of the forces of life, we praise you to participate in this great movement when nature sleeps, and where all life is interior.

You invited us to welcome you into our privacy. You deposit at depths of our life forces that nurture our faith and you make us vibrate our inner secrets of eternity where you lead us.

What this whole worship is our response to so many enthusiastic kindness.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Record Vs Reason Differences

Luke 18:9-14 The Pharisee and the publican Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Pharisee and the publican e

9 He spoke this parable to some who were convinced of the righteous and despised others: 10 Two men went to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself: O God, I thank thee that I am not like other men, who are hoarders, unfair , adulterers, or even as this publican: 12 I fast twice a week I give tithes of all my income. 13 The publican stood afar off, would not even raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast and said: O God, be merciful to me a sinner. 14 I tell you, this one went home justified rather than the other. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

When we are dealing with someone who prays at the same time we are brought into one to whom prayer is addressed to God! By his prayer, he who makes God present and pray it does not leave us indifferent. We react in by silence we bow our voices out of respect for those who pray, but also by reverence God, then we fall back on ourselves and we wonder, "and I do pray? And when I ask what's going on? "

In the parable today, Jesus brings us into the intimacy of two men facing God. Although we intend to criticize the way they pray, their attitude first call respect. Jesus makes us witnesses of their thoughts, which are addressed God. They reveal the intimacy of these two men before their Lord.

Soon, however, we stand in relation to them:

- "no I'm not like this pretentious conceited who feels the need to promote themselves before God. "

- " No I'm not like that man prostrate who dares not look up at the sky, overwhelmed by his sin

We then feel belong a third type of prior, who makes his prayer differently: one who intercedes, the renter or the one who meditates. We therefore believe that this type of prayer is more elaborate than those described here. Our prayer is at a different level. She speaks to God with words, it makes thoughts. In making the assessment of how we pray, we slip unconsciously into a form of complacency that we apparently the first character of the dish. Like many people who are familiar prayer, we may think different from others, or even higher, and that's the danger we face. Yet we shall see later that God invites us to invest in this kind of prayer made of spoken words and sentences reflected. It is a difficult undertaking called the battle of prayer, but it is through that we grow in faith.

We'll venturing cautiously on the path of prayer, and while speaking of the prayers of two men, we know that we will talk about our personal relationship with God.

The first observation that we will be asked to do is that which we discover that the prayer of these two men is incredibly modern . This double way of praying reveals the ambivalence of the character of modern Western man. This will recognize in the first two characters before taking refuge in the second.

First, it welcomes live in a country promoted, even if he has modest incomes, they are sufficient, thank God. Its standard of living, level of education, training he feels are as a man superior to the other men on the planet. He shares the ambition of all Westerners who like to believe that human ingenuity will triumph of all evil on earth. If he happens to refer to God is to thank the having been born in this haven of prosperity. In fact, it does not even pray to God because he has not need him to feel good. It is like the Pharisee, he contemplates his own prayer which rises up not even God.

But the conceited man who sleeps in the very depths of the unconscious many of our fellow citizens are often caught by his failures. An unforeseen accident, the finding of the impotence of science or medicine to overcome a problem, calling into question our mode of operation by a terrorist, that our fellow citizen turns in one fell swoop. There he is overwhelmed, beseeching the Almighty to get him out. He feels lost when he is not personally threatened . He turned to God because he feels a need for protection and affection, he needs to be mothered, and the child who hides in her and never managed to grow wakes up and seeking protection.

Modern man changes behavior in relation to God without realizing it. when he feels himself master of the universe as it has not need God and it going well. It is forged even a God in His own image, which does not serve anything if not to bolster its claims. And then, without warning, he is capable of falling into the opposite extreme, to return to the most primitive state of religious consciousness. He even dares to look to God as his soul is overwhelmed by fear. So when men they become adults? When will they learn that prayer is the best way that God has given them to build their personality and become responsible individuals and reasonable ?

It seems that the reform is yet to be rebuilt. The publican of our history like Luther. Luther was terrified by God, he was bursting with anguish in the depths of his monk's cell. One day he discovers that it is useless to languish. He discovers that no man can escape from sin, but all are intended to be saved. Luther then understand what Paul says in Romans "the just shall live by faith." So here he is justified since believes. Here he is available for this God who accepts it as it is. Forgiveness free God stands up and allows him to move forward. This discovery was one of the initiating events of the Reformation and I sometimes feel that modern man has never really taken this discovery because it stops on this achievement without understanding that he must now build man again.

It is through prayer that it be built. It must now behave as a responsible because that is what God intended. One who has understood the plan God has for him formula to endorse the word of God that is: "put yourself standing thy faith hath made thee whole. It was at this point that true prayer begins. Until then, he pushed a sigh, he stammered, he beheld himself is rewarding but it has not really talked. Now God invites now to talk with him. God suggested to him about his plans, and that's it that is prayer, it serves to involve God in the course of its existence.

In formulating our questions with words and phrases that our thought takes consistency. Forcing himself to utter the words before God in the intimacy of prayer, we give form to our desire. Then we express thoughts we make so they are admissible by God. Thus we come to express things the way God would.

Secretly God helped us to make things so our thought then expressed by our word and our word supported by God becomes creative. Indeed, God creates things by his word we discover that our own words uttered before God and inspired by this creative function takes him to his account and in helping to build us a new man who built and beautified to As he prays.

Prayer and practiced faithfully will make each individual a being that grows and grows. He no longer suffers the adverse events, failures do not destroy more make modest success and it does not deify himself more. He saw the events of each day with passion, knowing that each day that passes brings the Kingdom where God is waiting to share eternity with him.

The greatest service we can render to humanity today is that it re-learn the way of prayer. It's not constantly repeat the same vain repetitions or repeat the prayers made by others, must help our fellow to enter the battle of prayer which compels each to make his desires before God for it to be in line with the ideas God inspires him. Admittedly, this is not easy, it's even tiring. This requires a portion of our energy, but is this not what God asks of us?