The liberal bloc and its decay in disarray
We are hearing more and more the theory of the Berlin wall fell in 1989, applied to the Arab revolution. It's a total scam intellectual and ideological. Especially the theory of liberals who think Talmudists persuade Western populations that these revolutions against dictators and oppressors only. This is a serious mistake, at best a bad analysis.
This analysis is intended to deceive the Westerners to avoid each other, why not, anti-liberal revolutions that begin to give some ideas. As some say, alone in believing that these revolutions will be in favor of liberalism are as judéosionistes Cope, Sarkozy ....
Do they really think they are fooling people with their false liberal values? It worked against communism, against which liberalism was an example of consumerism freedom. Indeed, there was work for everyone, a significant savings: the future of Western did not fear ... It was rather a bright future spending without measure.
While the face of dictatorships that have suffered revolts current Muslim and Arab peoples, the example of liberal Western societies and to freedom, is actually an example of forfeiture, of pure selfishness and destruction of civilization. These people analyze our civilization as an example of decadence.
Dictatorships have not fallen due to Arab peoples will or Latin to copy Western democracy and liberalism. Quite the contrary, the Arab people refuse to submit to the West as the former Eastern bloc did. In reality, judéosionistes, currently in power in the West, as would be this image of an Arab bloc copying Western social success.
Except ... now the West is more social success a decoy. Unemployment is exploding with false statistics. The U.S. is catching up with the poverty of India. European politics and even Yankee no longer have any meaning: because of mass killings that has caused the West against Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Palestine ...
The image that the Jewish Hungarian believed to give France, is a hoax. This deceives the extremists and nationalists Judaist. Arab and Muslim peoples are not fooled. There is nothing to emulate the West: it remains in the West as the miniskirt (a picture whore Women's Western), usury, bribery, fraud, illegal taxation, such as PV (in relation to road safety nickname), junk food in the U.S. where food no longer have the power to heal naturally ... Western culture is the most polluting in the world.
Do not think that Muslims and Arab peoples are blind. They saw the occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan ... they see the occupation in Palestine ... judéosionistes they read our newspapers, our reports, statements and some of our policies against Islam, Arabs and blacks. They are not deaf.
The West crisis is supposedly economic model, moral model of crisis fostering hypocrisy of human rights applicable in their own interests. The West follows the preachers of the dogma of finance, while the Muslim nations and some Arab populations are more likely to follow Islamic law and finance.
the time of the Cold War, the West Liberal Democratic lead us to propaganda, to enlist us in the business party. Today, the liberal Western world is trying to enlist once more in their liberal secularist Talmudic doctrine without conviction. For today, the internet acts of propaganda against their famous Berlin Wall.
Greed and greed to the liberal world are not Muslims. That is why they sing in concert revolutions Arab Islamic post. This is completely false ... I've never had such an impression to a return to the Ummah Islamiya ... khalifah.
Is Tunisia we want to have Sarkozy and Michele Alliot-Marie? Is that Algeria we want to have members of GUD as Gerard Longuet, Novell, or Madeline? Do we want Turkey to have the Hungarian Jew Sarkozy and fascist Marines Lepen? No, it's not serious. Do we want Iran DSK, Aubry and other puppets of Zionism?
Is Turkey is pleased to see the gum chewer Sarkozy?
is really the worst of French diplomacy.
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