The importunate widow Luke 18-1-8
Parable of the unjust judge
1 Jesus told them a parable, that men ought always to pray and not grow weary. 2 He said there was a city a judge who feared not God, neither regarded man. 3 There was also a widow in that town who came to say Avenge me of my opponent. 4 For a long time he refused. But then he said to himself: Although I do not fear God and I have no respect for anyone, 5 yet because this widow gives me trouble, I will avenge her, lest until was late, she did come to break my head. 6 the Lord said Hear what the unjust judge said. 7 And God would he not avenge His own elect who cry to him day and night, and before long he to them? 8 I tell you, he will avenge them speedily. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?
However, today we open the Bible on a passage that takes us into a world worse than ours. We meet a significant plaguing his contempt by a poor woman. It commits openly a crime which, if committed in our is expected to be more discreet under penalty of law. But discreet or not, such an attitude is abhorrent. is unfortunately common. The fact that this is a notable judge makes the situation even more unbearable. The judge's function is to render justice. In ancient society, more than in ours, justice is the prerogative of God. He is the last day will judge all men. So he will decide their fate. By its hateful attitude, the judge casts aspersions upon God.
In their own way of dispensing justice, human judges are trying to be like God and judge himself as God would. With justice and fairness. Probably each of us could cite plenty of examples where justice rendered by men is not the glory of divine justice. But in any human justice tries to approach as much as possible of God's justice.
Our history shows a rogue judge who does not do justice, and finally yielded to the entreaties of the complainant because it's annoying. Although Jesus denies it we feel that God sometimes does the same! Indeed we feel that it rarely responds to our prayers. All the hungry of the earth do not they cry to him day and night and he answered them not . Churches and associations take over and God cares yet. Inequities are increasing and it seems not to have treatment. This is the criticism that those who make him turn away from him thinking he disinterested in human affairs. "There is more justice say some," and others respond by echoing: "there is no God. "It is because of these latent issues that can arise as the study of this text is interesting.
it takes us back to the world we would like to escape: the place where people ignore the little ones who are so desperate to survive. This world is not improving too slowly to our will and God, despite the beautiful sermons that were made about him is often invisible. However, in commenting on this parable Jesus says that unlike the judge, God will prompt justice. Rhetoric it seems, unless Jesus expected that we hold our wisdom and enlightenment in which we use to understand this text other than what we just did.
In fact, it was only after some time as the judge responds to the request of the widow. There is much same time. However, the widow her by hitting her continually, the same refrain: "Give me justice! She kept not his rehashing his story, explaining how she was the victim of an opponent who, incidentally found his account in the court's inaction. She asked to do what God asks men to do, namely to be fair. God heard his voice in stories of the prophets as well as in the Gospel demand justice for the widow and orphan. We can say, for what we know about God, he certainly mingled its voice to that of the widow and he was doing with her chorus. God was not with the judge, He was on the side of women. He certainly joined his voice to hers. is what Jesus expressed when he says that God intended to justice promptly.
Whenever there is injustice on earth, when a distress swept the world, the voices of men suffering is taken by relays of God. It is therefore not possible to compare the action of the judge with that of God. God listens, he hears, what he says is right. God, do justice, it is to take the party oppressed against the oppressors and get into the camp of the victims against one of the executioners. But if, as the judge's function is to pronounce the sentence, it does not execute the sentence. It is not policeman nor executioner. He is the one who says the law. To execute the sentence, he has the hands, the brain and intelligence of all men capable of putting into practice what God has decided that it was just made. God is not one that will compel the offender to repair the damage he did to his victim. Do not confuse the genres.
course, even if one enters this logic, one can not help but be frustrated and say its bitterness. It was especially the impression of being a victim of a bum deal. We expected that God assumes all the roles: that of judge and judge. This is not the case. He said what is right, he denounces which is unfair. It is by our reference to the Gospel that we know what God thinks of situations of injustice that are made for men. While reading the Gospel we perceive what God has to say. Thus we perceive God's voice.
These are the people who hear the voice of God that are directed by him to do justice and enforce the award. By taking note of the Judgement of God that this feeling any relevance. It then experiences the need spread it around us, so we and amplifies it and those who hear us do the same. By dint of being amplified by each other it becomes deafening to the point that finally some people are concerned and to remedy the injustice denounced. By dint of repeating that it is unfair to oppress the weak and ill-treatment of small, that men have finally enact the Charter of Human Rights, without knowing that they thus became the arm acts of God.
As often in the Gospel we see a reversal of values. Men believe that by praying they will eventually be heard by God who will hear them. More likely they are to pray, the more they expect to be heard of God will eventually intervene on behalf of the cause for which we pray. Men are more likely to say the same thing to God, God hears more they believe. In fact, the opposite is happening. God has warned us long before the injustices that happen in our world. God knows us before the suffering of male victims of drought, earthquakes, diseases and it is God which in turn inspires our prayers.
with us is God who keeps shouting "justice," until we men we understand that it is up to us to put their hands in the dough to help those in need. Everything happens as if it was God who prayed for us to act when it is us who believe that through our prayers we succeed in causing the action of God.
Nevertheless, God in His great kindness goes sometimes at work and in turn begins to act so that he himself which implements the appropriate solution is one that relieves suffering. We call it a miracle, but it's not the usual mode of operation that God has chosen . Curiously we thought it this way that God chooses to grant the men, whereas it is the exception. Blessed is the man who understood that God made him the instrument by which his justice shall enter into force among men.
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