The liberal bloc and its decay in disarray
We are hearing more and more the theory of the Berlin wall fell in 1989, applied to the Arab revolution. It's a total scam intellectual and ideological. Especially the theory of liberals who think Talmudists persuade Western populations that these revolutions against dictators and oppressors only. This is a serious mistake, at best a bad analysis.
This analysis is intended to deceive the Westerners to avoid each other, why not, anti-liberal revolutions that begin to give some ideas. As some say, alone in believing that these revolutions will be in favor of liberalism are as judéosionistes Cope, Sarkozy ....
Do they really think they are fooling people with their false liberal values? It worked against communism, against which liberalism was an example of consumerism freedom. Indeed, there was work for everyone, a significant savings: the future of Western did not fear ... It was rather a bright future spending without measure.
While the face of dictatorships that have suffered revolts current Muslim and Arab peoples, the example of liberal Western societies and to freedom, is actually an example of forfeiture, of pure selfishness and destruction of civilization. These people analyze our civilization as an example of decadence.
Dictatorships have not fallen due to Arab peoples will or Latin to copy Western democracy and liberalism. Quite the contrary, the Arab people refuse to submit to the West as the former Eastern bloc did. In reality, judéosionistes, currently in power in the West, as would be this image of an Arab bloc copying Western social success.
Except ... now the West is more social success a decoy. Unemployment is exploding with false statistics. The U.S. is catching up with the poverty of India. European politics and even Yankee no longer have any meaning: because of mass killings that has caused the West against Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Palestine ...
The image that the Jewish Hungarian believed to give France, is a hoax. This deceives the extremists and nationalists Judaist. Arab and Muslim peoples are not fooled. There is nothing to emulate the West: it remains in the West as the miniskirt (a picture whore Women's Western), usury, bribery, fraud, illegal taxation, such as PV (in relation to road safety nickname), junk food in the U.S. where food no longer have the power to heal naturally ... Western culture is the most polluting in the world.
Do not think that Muslims and Arab peoples are blind. They saw the occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan ... they see the occupation in Palestine ... judéosionistes they read our newspapers, our reports, statements and some of our policies against Islam, Arabs and blacks. They are not deaf.
The West crisis is supposedly economic model, moral model of crisis fostering hypocrisy of human rights applicable in their own interests. The West follows the preachers of the dogma of finance, while the Muslim nations and some Arab populations are more likely to follow Islamic law and finance.
the time of the Cold War, the West Liberal Democratic lead us to propaganda, to enlist us in the business party. Today, the liberal Western world is trying to enlist once more in their liberal secularist Talmudic doctrine without conviction. For today, the internet acts of propaganda against their famous Berlin Wall.
Greed and greed to the liberal world are not Muslims. That is why they sing in concert revolutions Arab Islamic post. This is completely false ... I've never had such an impression to a return to the Ummah Islamiya ... khalifah.
Is Tunisia we want to have Sarkozy and Michele Alliot-Marie? Is that Algeria we want to have members of GUD as Gerard Longuet, Novell, or Madeline? Do we want Turkey to have the Hungarian Jew Sarkozy and fascist Marines Lepen? No, it's not serious. Do we want Iran DSK, Aubry and other puppets of Zionism?
Is Turkey is pleased to see the gum chewer Sarkozy?
is really the worst of French diplomacy.
Observatory Of The Turkish Political Life (OVIPOT)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
How To Remove Black Ring Around Mouth

Matthew 17/1-12
1Six days later Jesus took with him Peter, Jacques and his brother John and led them away on a high mountain. 2 He was transfigured before them: His face shone like the sun and his garments became white as light. 3 Moses and Elijah appeared to them, they talked with him. 4 Peter answered and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good that we are here if you want, I make here three tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah. 5 As He was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them. And a voice came from the cloud saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Listen to him! 6 When they heard (that), the disciples fell on their faces against the ground, seized with a violent fear. 7 But Jesus came and touched them and said: Arise, fear not! 8 They looked up and saw only Jesus alone.
9 As they descended the mountain, Jesus commanded them: Do not talk to anyone about this vision until the Son of Man is risen from the dead. 10 The disciples asked him this question: Why do the scribes say Elijah must come first? 11 He replied: It is true that Elijah is to restore all things. 12 But I say unto you that Elijah is come already, and they have not recognized and they have treated it as they wanted. So the Son of Man will suffer from them.
Many of us have probably heard the speech by Martin Luther King in Washington August 28, 1963 during which he spoke of his dream of a free and united American people. He expressed it in describing his vision of a new America: "I have a dream: I vision "he had started saying from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial where he harangued a crowd of two hundred thousand black demonstrators. His remarks suggested he guessed already signs of new life that awaited the black people over there beyond the hills of Alabama.
Each of his audience, steeped in stories of the Bible, certainly recognized by hearing the vision of Moses on the mountain contemplating the Promised Land. With the hope that Jesus had placed in him, Martin Luther King was able to glimpse the promise of black people and white people reconciled to form a single nation.
Jesus teaches us to imitate. It teaches us to seek the company of men and women of the Bible to be taught by them. In light of the gospel message takes their timeless and speaks to each generation in a sustainable manner.
Although Jesus said that God loves men with immeasurable love, they perceive not really account. They are more claimants graces of God, as witnesses of his love. They behave as if God would help and assistance for the cost of their faith in him.
The only way we account for the action of God among men is to see how he acted toward those who preceded us in faith. It is by meeting them, we understand how women and men of the Bible we have realized the love of God. God loved them the same love that he loves us today. If he put them in his wisdom, however, did not intend that their tests are removed, but he never ceased to accompany them when they arose. With the faith that was in them, they knew how to overcome them and they were able, each with their sensitivity to testify how God took an interest in them.
This experience of life in God as I am trying to evoke is not reserved for intimate of Jesus, but it is offered to every Bible reader who finds companions whose experience enriches his understanding. The Holy Spirit was already living in them and through him they were in close contact with God. This same Spirit dwells in us. Thanks to him we can remove some knowledge of their testimony. Thus, our route may still be illuminated by the life experiences of those who lived in contact with God before us. The Holy Spirit which governs the exchange carries with it the mystery of God, that he wants to save all men.
It was through him that we still communicates the power of life that was already in Jesus and led him out of the tomb. This same power of life was already present in the lives of all witnesses of God before the coming of Christ. Thus they were able to witness to him before he comes on earth. Already living in them that hope that through them we mobilized following Jesus. This vision
Pierre, Jacques and Jean are on the mountain performs this function. By it they understand that Jesus took in his work and what Moses and Elijah aspired. Although it seems nothing is happening during this vision, the three apostles were led to understand that there was a strong link between Moses and Elijah Jesus. It is the Holy Spirit which has always made this link.
All these witnesses of God who preceded the coming of Jesus, like Moses and Elijah, had their weaknesses. God chose them not because they were better than others, but because they were like the others. They had the same constraints that we have the same ambitions, the same sins as well. They have known despair and their faith has sometimes lacked. They wore them as guilt acknowledged or ignored. They were like us in every way. But if Jesus refers to them as fellow travelers is that their stories can illuminate our own. The entrepreneurial spirit that animated them is the same as Jesus lived and gave meaning to his action.
But take heed, if we are permitted to cross Moses, Elijah and others, as it is told in this passage of Scripture, there is no question that we take refuge with them in their past to reproduce it today in our time. Their time is over and we must remain in our time and live in our time, enriched by their experience. We must now live our own history and become in turn a link in the long chain of witnesses who have preceded us and which we follow.
wealth of experience we inhabit this earth that God asks us to showcase for its greater glory. Since the beginning of time, his spirit of love has blown on it and has always voices were heard to say, forgiveness and hope. The same Spirit who raised their message, the same Spirit has revealed that God dwelt in Christ to reconcile it with the men, the same Spirit today sends us into this world, charged with a mission of reconciliation and love.
men today would they have the neck stiffer than once because they appear to lack hope? The modern world is rebellious to God it is said, because there is now no room for spirituality. Selfishness is gaining ground and are all too eager to consume rather than a place for God.
Yet, if we visit those before us, if we take the most illustrious companions witnessed the Bible, we will quickly than at any time, men have resisted God. Elijah in today's passage stands next to Jesus did he not been, alone against all, to oppose an entire people to paganism and won did not he doubted the way Follow? He had against him the king and queen who had put price on his head. As for Moses, did not he broke the tablets of the law because he was frustrated because of lack faith of its people?
If you are going to meet all these witnesses that the Bible gives you as fellow travelers, you discover that your job is not heavier than their own, God gave them hope and faith, and with them they had to walk. Think of Elijah who fled before the turns of Queen Jezebel when an angel appeared to him in turmoil. For the comfort he gave him a jug of water and a loaf of bread and that he had enough to survive for 40 days that it took steps to open desert to Mount Horeb.
Believers today must remember that they have a big advantage on the witnesses who preceded them is that they are confident that the answer to all their questions can be found in Jesus, while others hoped only that their response would be given by the Messiah they had hoped. They were hoping the arrival of a messenger of God who would do anything new for us this messenger came and we have recognized in Jesus. What the Holy Spirit gave them hope, he has made in Christ who is with us because he is living among us for eternity.
For more information:
Raphael is the author of this painting that serves as a support to this iconographic text followed the Gospel to the letter. In part that has not been used above figure following the Gospel with the healing of the epileptic child. We give you here against the reproduction of the entire table.
You should also know that Rubens has treated the same subject in the same way, but the treaty Raphael vertically while Rubens has treated horizontally.
9 As they descended the mountain, Jesus commanded them: Do not talk to anyone about this vision until the Son of Man is risen from the dead. 10 The disciples asked him this question: Why do the scribes say Elijah must come first? 11 He replied: It is true that Elijah is to restore all things. 12 But I say unto you that Elijah is come already, and they have not recognized and they have treated it as they wanted. So the Son of Man will suffer from them.

Many of us have probably heard the speech by Martin Luther King in Washington August 28, 1963 during which he spoke of his dream of a free and united American people. He expressed it in describing his vision of a new America: "I have a dream: I vision "he had started saying from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial where he harangued a crowd of two hundred thousand black demonstrators. His remarks suggested he guessed already signs of new life that awaited the black people over there beyond the hills of Alabama.
Each of his audience, steeped in stories of the Bible, certainly recognized by hearing the vision of Moses on the mountain contemplating the Promised Land. With the hope that Jesus had placed in him, Martin Luther King was able to glimpse the promise of black people and white people reconciled to form a single nation.

Jesus teaches us to imitate. It teaches us to seek the company of men and women of the Bible to be taught by them. In light of the gospel message takes their timeless and speaks to each generation in a sustainable manner.
Although Jesus said that God loves men with immeasurable love, they perceive not really account. They are more claimants graces of God, as witnesses of his love. They behave as if God would help and assistance for the cost of their faith in him.
The only way we account for the action of God among men is to see how he acted toward those who preceded us in faith. It is by meeting them, we understand how women and men of the Bible we have realized the love of God. God loved them the same love that he loves us today. If he put them in his wisdom, however, did not intend that their tests are removed, but he never ceased to accompany them when they arose. With the faith that was in them, they knew how to overcome them and they were able, each with their sensitivity to testify how God took an interest in them.
This experience of life in God as I am trying to evoke is not reserved for intimate of Jesus, but it is offered to every Bible reader who finds companions whose experience enriches his understanding. The Holy Spirit was already living in them and through him they were in close contact with God. This same Spirit dwells in us. Thanks to him we can remove some knowledge of their testimony. Thus, our route may still be illuminated by the life experiences of those who lived in contact with God before us. The Holy Spirit which governs the exchange carries with it the mystery of God, that he wants to save all men.

It was through him that we still communicates the power of life that was already in Jesus and led him out of the tomb. This same power of life was already present in the lives of all witnesses of God before the coming of Christ. Thus they were able to witness to him before he comes on earth. Already living in them that hope that through them we mobilized following Jesus. This vision
Pierre, Jacques and Jean are on the mountain performs this function. By it they understand that Jesus took in his work and what Moses and Elijah aspired. Although it seems nothing is happening during this vision, the three apostles were led to understand that there was a strong link between Moses and Elijah Jesus. It is the Holy Spirit which has always made this link.
All these witnesses of God who preceded the coming of Jesus, like Moses and Elijah, had their weaknesses. God chose them not because they were better than others, but because they were like the others. They had the same constraints that we have the same ambitions, the same sins as well. They have known despair and their faith has sometimes lacked. They wore them as guilt acknowledged or ignored. They were like us in every way. But if Jesus refers to them as fellow travelers is that their stories can illuminate our own. The entrepreneurial spirit that animated them is the same as Jesus lived and gave meaning to his action.
But take heed, if we are permitted to cross Moses, Elijah and others, as it is told in this passage of Scripture, there is no question that we take refuge with them in their past to reproduce it today in our time. Their time is over and we must remain in our time and live in our time, enriched by their experience. We must now live our own history and become in turn a link in the long chain of witnesses who have preceded us and which we follow.
wealth of experience we inhabit this earth that God asks us to showcase for its greater glory. Since the beginning of time, his spirit of love has blown on it and has always voices were heard to say, forgiveness and hope. The same Spirit who raised their message, the same Spirit has revealed that God dwelt in Christ to reconcile it with the men, the same Spirit today sends us into this world, charged with a mission of reconciliation and love.
men today would they have the neck stiffer than once because they appear to lack hope? The modern world is rebellious to God it is said, because there is now no room for spirituality. Selfishness is gaining ground and are all too eager to consume rather than a place for God.
Yet, if we visit those before us, if we take the most illustrious companions witnessed the Bible, we will quickly than at any time, men have resisted God. Elijah in today's passage stands next to Jesus did he not been, alone against all, to oppose an entire people to paganism and won did not he doubted the way Follow? He had against him the king and queen who had put price on his head. As for Moses, did not he broke the tablets of the law because he was frustrated because of lack faith of its people?
If you are going to meet all these witnesses that the Bible gives you as fellow travelers, you discover that your job is not heavier than their own, God gave them hope and faith, and with them they had to walk. Think of Elijah who fled before the turns of Queen Jezebel when an angel appeared to him in turmoil. For the comfort he gave him a jug of water and a loaf of bread and that he had enough to survive for 40 days that it took steps to open desert to Mount Horeb.

Believers today must remember that they have a big advantage on the witnesses who preceded them is that they are confident that the answer to all their questions can be found in Jesus, while others hoped only that their response would be given by the Messiah they had hoped. They were hoping the arrival of a messenger of God who would do anything new for us this messenger came and we have recognized in Jesus. What the Holy Spirit gave them hope, he has made in Christ who is with us because he is living among us for eternity.

For more information:
Raphael is the author of this painting that serves as a support to this iconographic text followed the Gospel to the letter. In part that has not been used above figure following the Gospel with the healing of the epileptic child. We give you here against the reproduction of the entire table.
You should also know that Rubens has treated the same subject in the same way, but the treaty Raphael vertically while Rubens has treated horizontally.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Very Faint Line On First Check Drug Test
The original article was published in RIA Novosti
The original article was published in RIA Novosti
When I decided to move to Russia, many French are my generation, tempted go to another country, usually thought of more traditional areas, such as French-speaking Canada, England and Ireland, in which the time was economic boom, or Australia, and especially the U.S., because we still think that in America everything is possible. Of course, in France the situation is not catastrophic, but we, who anticipates that in the coming years there will be no improvement, a lot. I belong to a generation of Frenchmen, many of which are went abroad. I'm not talking about pensioners, who first thought of a comfortable life in sunny and cheap, hot and cheap, like Morocco, and the young graduates, for whom emigration is expedient economically and professionally.
financial crisis of 2008 profoundly changed the situation. England and Ireland have lost their appeal, the U.S. is in economic and social crisis, and more and more French people dare to go in less than traditional regions, but with real economic opportunities, such as Brazil, China or Russia. It is a sign of faith in the future of the country, and French companies included in the consolidated stock index CAC 40, one behind the other open their representative offices in Russia. Nevertheless, even if the French presence in Russia is growing, it remains relatively weak compared with other European countries such as Germany. You can judge this by the number of companies represented in Russia: about 600 French and German 6.000. There is logic in this strong economic attraction which is expressed in numbers of immigration, and which demonstrates the growing influence of Russia, which is also the only European country BRIC in the Eurasian region. Russia really is the second country after the United States by the number of arrivals of foreigners. In 2010, Russia had 12 million foreigners in the population in 142 million. While migrant workers from Central Asia (cheap labor) represent the bulk of these migrants, but according to the AEB (Association of European Business), about 500.000 people from the EU are living or working in Russia, at least from time to time.
Now, less re-visiting of Western Europe to work in companies, but increasingly those who come to Russia for an individual for a short period, whether it be an internship or student exchange. Some people prefer to stay to find work, even start a new life. From a professional point of view, high rates of growth and dynamism of domestic Russian market is a goldmine for foreign firms, and this country's economic health can work more easily find ways to apply their abilities than in many Western European countries. Nevertheless, Russia is not yet a trend, dreamed of, it really is not the most simple country for exile, even for young professionals. The difficulties of the Russian language, harsh climate (if you think about the European part of Russia and, therefore, of economic centers, what are Moscow and St. Petersburg) and especially the many administrative difficulties (visas, various requests ...) does not easy task. In addition, a complete ignorance of the majority, for example, the French, this country and a dark image created by our media to her, interrupting any desire go back to work, not to mention the move.
Despite everything, I have met in Moscow, many of the French, who also chose Russia, some recent, others ten or even more years ago. In conversations about life in Russia, the harsh climate and the difficulties of the Russian language, I wondered often hear the same phrase: "I do not I want to come back. " It is true that my first impressions, personal, and has been very positive. In Russia there are no recurring strikes, which prevent normally live and travel. In the cities shops, bars and restaurants are often open 24/24, which gives an important sense of freedom. The country is really multicultural and multi-religious, but here, unlike in Western societies, ethnic, religious and social tensions felt very weak and does not poison everyday life, such as in France. In Moscow you can feel the energy that fills the city, and vitality of the people on the streets, subway, stores. There is in this city something bright, positive and attractive.
feeling of living in a country where the impression of decline (widespread in France) are not feels very nice, it must be acknowledged. I think this is one of the keys to understanding the attraction, which Russia calls from foreigners. In Russia sense of "possible" still exists, while it seems to have disappeared in many other countries. Russia, Far-Est XXI century will be whether it is the same El Dorado for Europeans, what was the United States over the last century? It is difficult to predict the future, but if two decades ago, Europeans migrated from east to west, but today it is possible that we are witnessing the beginning of the reverse movement from west to east, to the vast expanses of the Urals.
This movement should, in my opinion, is significantly faster in the next decade, given the strong economic outlook for Eurasia (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, the three countries of the new customs union) and relatively weak in Western Europe. According to the IMF, Russia on purchasing power parity GDP is ahead of France and Germany soon. As for me, as a Eurasian Frenchman, it decided a long time, I have to live in Russia!
financial crisis of 2008 profoundly changed the situation. England and Ireland have lost their appeal, the U.S. is in economic and social crisis, and more and more French people dare to go in less than traditional regions, but with real economic opportunities, such as Brazil, China or Russia. It is a sign of faith in the future of the country, and French companies included in the consolidated stock index CAC 40, one behind the other open their representative offices in Russia. Nevertheless, even if the French presence in Russia is growing, it remains relatively weak compared with other European countries such as Germany. You can judge this by the number of companies represented in Russia: about 600 French and German 6.000. There is logic in this strong economic attraction which is expressed in numbers of immigration, and which demonstrates the growing influence of Russia, which is also the only European country BRIC in the Eurasian region. Russia really is the second country after the United States by the number of arrivals of foreigners. In 2010, Russia had 12 million foreigners in the population in 142 million. While migrant workers from Central Asia (cheap labor) represent the bulk of these migrants, but according to the AEB (Association of European Business), about 500.000 people from the EU are living or working in Russia, at least from time to time.
Now, less re-visiting of Western Europe to work in companies, but increasingly those who come to Russia for an individual for a short period, whether it be an internship or student exchange. Some people prefer to stay to find work, even start a new life. From a professional point of view, high rates of growth and dynamism of domestic Russian market is a goldmine for foreign firms, and this country's economic health can work more easily find ways to apply their abilities than in many Western European countries. Nevertheless, Russia is not yet a trend, dreamed of, it really is not the most simple country for exile, even for young professionals. The difficulties of the Russian language, harsh climate (if you think about the European part of Russia and, therefore, of economic centers, what are Moscow and St. Petersburg) and especially the many administrative difficulties (visas, various requests ...) does not easy task. In addition, a complete ignorance of the majority, for example, the French, this country and a dark image created by our media to her, interrupting any desire go back to work, not to mention the move.
Despite everything, I have met in Moscow, many of the French, who also chose Russia, some recent, others ten or even more years ago. In conversations about life in Russia, the harsh climate and the difficulties of the Russian language, I wondered often hear the same phrase: "I do not I want to come back. " It is true that my first impressions, personal, and has been very positive. In Russia there are no recurring strikes, which prevent normally live and travel. In the cities shops, bars and restaurants are often open 24/24, which gives an important sense of freedom. The country is really multicultural and multi-religious, but here, unlike in Western societies, ethnic, religious and social tensions felt very weak and does not poison everyday life, such as in France. In Moscow you can feel the energy that fills the city, and vitality of the people on the streets, subway, stores. There is in this city something bright, positive and attractive.
feeling of living in a country where the impression of decline (widespread in France) are not feels very nice, it must be acknowledged. I think this is one of the keys to understanding the attraction, which Russia calls from foreigners. In Russia sense of "possible" still exists, while it seems to have disappeared in many other countries. Russia, Far-Est XXI century will be whether it is the same El Dorado for Europeans, what was the United States over the last century? It is difficult to predict the future, but if two decades ago, Europeans migrated from east to west, but today it is possible that we are witnessing the beginning of the reverse movement from west to east, to the vast expanses of the Urals.
This movement should, in my opinion, is significantly faster in the next decade, given the strong economic outlook for Eurasia (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, the three countries of the new customs union) and relatively weak in Western Europe. According to the IMF, Russia on purchasing power parity GDP is ahead of France and Germany soon. As for me, as a Eurasian Frenchman, it decided a long time, I have to live in Russia!
How To Build A Wood Hamper
Far Est
This article was originally published on Ria Novosti
When I decided to emigrate to Russia French many of my generation felt tempted by expatriation generally to more traditional destinations such as French Canada, England and Ireland, while booming economically, or Australia and especially the U.S., because we still think that America, while is possible. Of course, the situation is not catastrophic in France but we are many to anticipate that there will be no improvements in the years to come. I am part of a generation of French including a very large number is true is left to settle abroad. I do not speak the retirees who think first and foremost to their living and comfort from in sunny areas and cheap, hot and cheap, such as Morocco, but young graduates, emigration is Focus economic, professional. The
2008 financial crisis but changed things in depth. England and Ireland have lost their appeal, the U.S. is in full economic and social crisis, and the French are increasingly likely to venture into less traditional areas, but with real economic opportunities that example is Brazil, China or Russia. It is a sign of confidence in the country's future and the French CAC 40 companies settled one after the other in Russia. Yet even if the French presence in Russia is increasing, it remains relatively low compared to other European countries like Germany. Whether judged by the number of companies operating in Russia about 600 for France and 6,000 for Germany. There is logic to this strong economic incentive that is reflected in the immigration figures which clearly demonstrates the growing influence of Russia, also the only European country BRIC in the Eurasia region. Russia is indeed the second country in the world welcoming the largest number of foreigners just after the United States. In 2010 it was estimated that Russia had 12 million foreigners a population of 142 million. Although the gaustarbeiters Central Asia (low labor costs) represent the bulk of these migrants, but according to the AEB (Association of European Business) near 500,000 EU nationals living or working in Russia, at least occasionally.
Now newcomers Western Europe are less likely to get transferred within a company, but more likely to come to Russia for a short period individually, either an internship or exchange student. Some choose keep looking for work or start a new life. From a professional point of view, the strong growth and dynamism of the market within Russia are a goldmine for foreign firms and the economic health can find opportunities as an employee much more easily than in many countries in Western Europe. As far Russia is not yet the destination is a dream and it really is not the easiest country in which to emigrate, even for young professionals. The difficulties of the Russian language, the harsh climate (if one thinks European Russia and thus to economic centers such as Moscow and St. Petersburg also) and especially the many administrative difficulties (visas, various approaches ..) have indeed nothing to ease the task. In addition, the vast majority still ignorance What the French example of this country and the blackboard in our media are intersecting any desire to go to work, let alone move there.
Still in Moscow, I met many French people who also chose Russia, some recently, and others for 10 years or more. In discussions about life in Russia, the harsh climate, or the difficulties of the Russian language, I was often surprised to hear the same phrase: "I do not want to go back." It is true that my first impressions, personally, have also been quite positive rather quickly. In Russia, there is no such repeated strikes that prevent normal life and travel. In towns, shops, bars, restaurants are often open 24/24, which gives a feeling of freedom important. The country is truly multicultural and multifaith but unlike Western societies, ethnic tensions, religious and social experience is very weak, and do not poison the life of every day, for example in France. You can feel the energy in Moscow that emerges from the city and the vitality of people in the streets, subways, shops. There is something in this city of vibrant, positive and engaging.
The sensation of being in a country or the impression of decline (everywhere in France) do not feel is very pleasant, it must be confessed. I think that's a key to understand the attraction that Russia gives to foreigners. In Russia, this sense of "possible" still exists, then it seems to have disappeared in many other countries. Russia, Far East of the 21st century, will she be the Mecca of Europeans, like the United States have been during the previous century? It is difficult to predict the future, however it Two decades ago, when Europeans migrated from east to west, today it is not impossible that we were witnessing the beginning of a reverse movement from west to east towards the vast spaces beyond the Urals. This movement should
I think to rise significantly in the next decade, given the strong economic forecasts in Eurasia (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, the 3 countries of the new customs union) and relatively low in Western Europe. Already Russia is ranked ahead of France and just behind Germany as the IMF, the ranking of countries by GDP at purchasing power parity.
2008 financial crisis but changed things in depth. England and Ireland have lost their appeal, the U.S. is in full economic and social crisis, and the French are increasingly likely to venture into less traditional areas, but with real economic opportunities that example is Brazil, China or Russia. It is a sign of confidence in the country's future and the French CAC 40 companies settled one after the other in Russia. Yet even if the French presence in Russia is increasing, it remains relatively low compared to other European countries like Germany. Whether judged by the number of companies operating in Russia about 600 for France and 6,000 for Germany. There is logic to this strong economic incentive that is reflected in the immigration figures which clearly demonstrates the growing influence of Russia, also the only European country BRIC in the Eurasia region. Russia is indeed the second country in the world welcoming the largest number of foreigners just after the United States. In 2010 it was estimated that Russia had 12 million foreigners a population of 142 million. Although the gaustarbeiters Central Asia (low labor costs) represent the bulk of these migrants, but according to the AEB (Association of European Business) near 500,000 EU nationals living or working in Russia, at least occasionally.
Now newcomers Western Europe are less likely to get transferred within a company, but more likely to come to Russia for a short period individually, either an internship or exchange student. Some choose keep looking for work or start a new life. From a professional point of view, the strong growth and dynamism of the market within Russia are a goldmine for foreign firms and the economic health can find opportunities as an employee much more easily than in many countries in Western Europe. As far Russia is not yet the destination is a dream and it really is not the easiest country in which to emigrate, even for young professionals. The difficulties of the Russian language, the harsh climate (if one thinks European Russia and thus to economic centers such as Moscow and St. Petersburg also) and especially the many administrative difficulties (visas, various approaches ..) have indeed nothing to ease the task. In addition, the vast majority still ignorance What the French example of this country and the blackboard in our media are intersecting any desire to go to work, let alone move there.
Still in Moscow, I met many French people who also chose Russia, some recently, and others for 10 years or more. In discussions about life in Russia, the harsh climate, or the difficulties of the Russian language, I was often surprised to hear the same phrase: "I do not want to go back." It is true that my first impressions, personally, have also been quite positive rather quickly. In Russia, there is no such repeated strikes that prevent normal life and travel. In towns, shops, bars, restaurants are often open 24/24, which gives a feeling of freedom important. The country is truly multicultural and multifaith but unlike Western societies, ethnic tensions, religious and social experience is very weak, and do not poison the life of every day, for example in France. You can feel the energy in Moscow that emerges from the city and the vitality of people in the streets, subways, shops. There is something in this city of vibrant, positive and engaging.
The sensation of being in a country or the impression of decline (everywhere in France) do not feel is very pleasant, it must be confessed. I think that's a key to understand the attraction that Russia gives to foreigners. In Russia, this sense of "possible" still exists, then it seems to have disappeared in many other countries. Russia, Far East of the 21st century, will she be the Mecca of Europeans, like the United States have been during the previous century? It is difficult to predict the future, however it Two decades ago, when Europeans migrated from east to west, today it is not impossible that we were witnessing the beginning of a reverse movement from west to east towards the vast spaces beyond the Urals. This movement should
I think to rise significantly in the next decade, given the strong economic forecasts in Eurasia (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, the 3 countries of the new customs union) and relatively low in Western Europe. Already Russia is ranked ahead of France and just behind Germany as the IMF, the ranking of countries by GDP at purchasing power parity.
For my part, as a French citizen of Eurasian is decided long ago, I still live in Russia!
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